Archive for October, 2010

October 25, 2010

Came from American Gun Shows

Especially that 20mm and the plastic explosives.

Obviously, compensating for the size of her penis

She had to make do with common household items, like a handgun

Tactical Soap

The soap of mall ninjas. And doubles as a VFG.


Some good press coverage.

October 24, 2010

Gun rights and the 2010 house races

Dave Kopel has a look.


I’ve joked about the various electric vehicles being coal-powered cars before. Glad to see that meme picked up in the press.


They shop at Sears.

October 22, 2010


Unnamed Democrat call Haslam irresponsible for valuing constitutional rights. And Unnamed Democrat would like to remind you that Unnamed Democrat is a member of of the NRA and a hunter.


Re-reading some stuff, it occurs to me I suck at typing and utterly fail to proofread. As you were.

Felons and guns

How does a felon acquire three gun companies?

Everything is tactical

Tactical Christmas Stocking.

90 days for a handgun permit?

In CT. State mandated 90 days to get one of the best tools for home defense. Shotguns take two weeks.

Heard around the house

Me: Your son is writing his name on the steamed up shower door.

Wife: Aw, how cute

Me: With his wiener.

Facebook brings you out of the closet

Welcome to the fish bowl:

More privacy headaches for Facebook: gay users outed to advertisers

Moral Politics

Via Kevin, a quiz. Next time someone tells me I’m not conservative enough, I have proof:

System: Conservatism
Ideology: Ultra Capitalism
Party: No match.
Presidents: Ronald Reagan
04′ Election: George W. Bush
08′ Election: Ron Paul

1% are close to you.
1% are more conservative.
1% are more liberal.
77% are more socialist.
20% are more authoritarian.

I’m an authoritarian? Hardly.

By The Time I Get To Arizona

City of Phoenix tears down signs advertising a campaign for gun safety:

The city of Phoenix, in an apparently arbitrary move and without formal legal process, has forced CBS Outdoors to tear down 50 illuminated bus-shelter billboards under contract to promote gun safety training for children and their parents.

The posters were placed by, a commercial joint-educational effort of the firearms industry in Arizona, and had been up all over the Phoenix metro area for a little over one week before the city acted.

Juan at a time

Juan Williams was fired by NPR because, well, he sounds like most people you or I know. I heard Juan on the radio this morning saying that he always thought the right was the intolerant, attack dog sort. And that he was wrong. This touches on a point that Kevin brought up on last night’s BB&Guns: For a liberal to lose faith, they have to suffer an emotional tragedy or injustice that totally throws their world view. And Juan is going through that.

Meanwhile, NPR won’t fire you for wishing your political opponent’s grandkids get AIDS.

Guns = Page views

Newspapers know that:

What’s a sure way to get Tennessee’s metro dailies to set up and take notice of the state’s rather dull gubernatorial race?

Invoke guns and concealed carry. It gets ‘em every time.

And despite the local press and liberals (but I repeat myself) trying to get everyone stirred up and hysterical over guns, the pro-rights side keeps winning.

Carry Permit In MD

Grilled during hearing. And this guy’s a delegate.

Bison Armory Pics

Oleg has pics of some pretty awesome rifles.

And, yes, I’m a part owner.

Disposable income

Gun nuts tend to have it.

Unsafe roster

Jay looks at Chicago’s unsafe handgun roster: It makes our Approved Firearms Roster seem positively inclusive

Awesome Pic

You know how I know he’s hardcore?

Bacon Jihad

Where Great Britain Used To Be:

Cafe owner ordered to remove extractor fan because neighbour claimed ‘smell of frying bacon offends Muslims’

OC in FL

Robb looks at the issue. Also: Term “Gun Bigots” Used in Mainstream Paper. Awesome.

Gun Porn


Happy 10/22

Another 10/22

25 pages of AK pics


October 21, 2010

Poll Cat

Interesting and poorly worded poll.

Familiar Tale

I was anti-gun, until I got stalked.

BTW, anyone know why Jeff’s RSS feed hasn’t updated since September?

Things liberals taught me

Will be the topic of discussion tonight on BB&Guns.

Honestly, why do you need to talk about that?

Create dependency

I think that’s exactly the plan.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

Uncle Pays the Bills

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