Archive for October, 2010

October 26, 2010

More Haslam And Guns

Haslam has clarified his position on guns in parking lots. Unnamed Democrat says what you’d expect unnamed Democrats to say.

Campfield says this may mean that Haslam supports allowing permit holders to carry on campuses.

Haslam has come a long way since his days in Mayors Against Guns. Good for him.

Zombie Shoot

This week at Range USA. I love the rules: NO EDGED WEAPONS ALLOWED! I know that swords, axes, machetes, etc. make great zombie killing tools, but for this event, leave them at home.

And he would know

Otis McDonald: Every day people can make a difference:

Hats off to you, sir. Not bad for an Obama voter.

Gun Talk Radio GT10

A custom 10MM 1911 from Kimber and Gun Talk Radio.

Assault Weapon

Bottle of salad dressing used as robbery weapon. Story ends well when shop owner pulls a gun.

Bushmaster ACR Recall

I thought I blogged this but I guess not. Bushmaster says pulling the trigger may result in multiple rounds being discharged.

Chicks and gun (laws)

Paul Helmke would like you to know that that most women don’t like OC and that means that Democrats should support gun control. And we all know how well gun control worked for the Democrats in the past.

And I thought AR fan boys were bad



A fuzzy pink SKS?

Common Sense Gun Laws

In MA, you’d need a license to own this pen. Or you commit a felony. Live free or there.

Never too young

To start training for USPSA.

Mall Ninja Round Up

I don’t know whether to laugh or cry.

A victory in Cali

Says the SAF:

The Second Amendment Foundation (SAF) and the Calguns Foundation have dismissed their case against Sacramento County, California and its Sheriff, John McGinness, after the Sheriff modified his handgun carry permitting policy. Law-abiding Sacramento County residents may now successfully apply for permits to carry handguns by asserting self-defense as a basis for carry permit issuance. A one-year residency requirement has been eliminated, as has policy language that tied self-defense to arbitrary geographic factors.

Gun Porn

Entry level 1911s.

SVI Infinity at 5,000 rounds

Modulowy System Broni Strzeleckiej kalibru 5,56 mm. That’s a mouthful.


.32 Safety Hammerless 1st Model, 1891

AR/AK Pistols

Michael Bane has a look.

Bad litigation

Alan Gura says it’s the biggest threat to gun rights. I’ve met Alan a few times and this is one of the points he likes to make to us gun guys.

October 25, 2010

That doesn’t fit the narrative

I guess those American gun shows are now in Guatemala.

In Jersey

Police to be cut by 30% due to property tax cap. Speculation that NJ will relax its onerous gun laws.

ETA: Link seems to work now.

.375 Caliber Bullet Space Pen

Yeah, that’s right.

10 seconds

Awesome pic.

A good stiffy

I really hate to see someone with a decent gun but a crappy holster. Never skimp on a holster, most gunnies will tell you that. But one other thing a you shouldn’t skimp on is a good, stiff belt. And, specifically, you should buy one that is made to carry a gun. Trust me, this will save you some headache. That Old Navy belt your wife got you may look nice but it’s not really made to haul a Glock and a couple of magazines around all day. And it will sag.

I like the Hellweg dress belt and the Galco belts. But those are spendy. Blackhawk CQC belts are on closeout at LAPG.

Do not try to catch a dropped gun


Via link.

Build your own ammo can rack

Pic here. Instructions here.

Goober Race & Guns

It’s funny to watch the race unfold. Unnamed Democrat doesn’t really seem to have his heart in the game. Or his head. Before, he was bashing Haslam for being a member of the gun control group Mayors Against Guns. Now, he says that Haslam is an extremist stooge of the NRA. Well, which is it?

Up next, our current governor tells our future governor take it easy on guns. Besides, governors can campaign one way just to get votes and then act another way in office. Right, Phil?


Those intolerant gun owners.

Have a plan

Breda talks about dark parking lots.

Chicks and guns


According to two witnesses, Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia took fellow Justice Elena Kagan out for a lesson in skeet shooting at his shooting club in Virginia last week.

Kids and guns

And another case of hoplophobia is averted.

Pics like this always bring a smile to my face.

Teach them well

Gun Porn

Collectors grade

Custom 10mm 1911

Crusader Weaponry 5.56

Bought, used, and discarded

I’m laughing: Health insurers flirted with Democrats, supported them with money and got what they wanted: a federal mandate that most Americans carry health care coverage. Now they’re backing Republicans, hoping a GOP Congress will mean friendlier regulations.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

Uncle Pays the Bills

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