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Came from American Gun Shows

Especially that 20mm and the plastic explosives.

12 Responses to “Came from American Gun Shows”

  1. Tam Says:

    I’m not seeing the 20mm?

  2. Ed Says:

    I’m really pissed. How come no one ever invites me to these gun shows? The ones in my area don’t have any of this cool stuff.

  3. SayUncle Says:

    second pic. there’s ammo there.

  4. Hartley Says:

    The second pic has the benjamins and a couple Rugers + a 1911. The third pic seems to have a ma deuce and some 40mm ammo. Didn’t see any 20mm, but there’s a LOT of stuffe there.

  5. Tam Says:

    second pic. there’s ammo there.


    See, that’s even better than 20mm. Those are 40mm grenades.

    SOG was selling an M79 “blooper” at this past weekend’s Indy 1500. Several thousand dollars, plus tax stamp and fingerprinting fees, of course…

  6. Jeff the Baptist Says:

    Even the Mexican authorities admit these are coming up from Central and South America by way of the black market.

  7. Nylarthotep Says:

    MG-34? What a crying shame.

  8. Mr Evilwrench Says:

    Man, you could have a heck of a gun show just with that stuff there. Don’t reckon they’re gonna sell it, eh? Hey, I was at the 1500 Friday; don’t recall the M79, but I was pretty focused.

  9. Kristopher Says:

    Yup. No 20 mike mike in that thread.

    Some pics of 40mm grenade launchers of varied flavors.

    There were a few firearms that had to come from the US … a few rifles with old assault rifle ban butthole stocks.

  10. Sigivald Says:

    I see a thumbhole-stock AK there, as Kristopher points out.

    I’d bet that did come from the US, since I can’t think of any other market those were ever sold/required.

    I’d also bet it’s semi-auto (or converted post-smuggling).

  11. John Smith. Says:

    That pile of cash… Wow.

  12. Kristopher Says:

    If you make anything into contraband, it becomes profitable.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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