Archive for November, 2008

November 13, 2008

Race Wars

Via Jay, it looks like the lefty blogs are saying we’re buying guns because we’re racists. Shocking. They note our fears of a race war, which is odd because all the blathering about race and civil wars came didn’t come from us. That came from gun nuts like Fatimah Ali and washed up feminists. You see, we must be a certain way or else their world view doesn’t jive. That and the fact they really don’t seem to believe in markets.

In another bit of funny, all-around rube Oliver Willis puts his DoubleStuf stained fingers to work to refer to an entire geographical region as rubes. Which is funny because he’s the first to cry bigotry over, well, anything.

Tell everyone!

So, if everybody knows it, is it really a codename?

The media hates us?

Paul looks at the media’s hatred of gun owners. I concur and have written before that it’s mostly ignorance (though some is willful). After all, do you think your average AP reporter even knows a gun owner?

The plan for universal service

Fuck that. I got shit to do.


Steyr AUG for civilians coming soon.

I guess they realized they could sell them after Microtech already started selling them.

’cause we’re all racists, obviously

Why are white people buying assault weapons?

Because Obama has made it a platform issue to ban them. And they will, therefore, go up in value?

Anyway, it’s anecdotal but the other day I was at Coal Creek Armory and it was packed. More interesting was there were, in lily white west Knoxville, three black men in there buying handguns and assault rifles. And they were not together.

Still more on gun sales

US Citizen says business is booming.

For a good cause

Win a sig! Proceeds benefit Project Valour IT.

CCW in the OC

The new sheriff there is not a fan of CCW, mostly because the prior sheriff doled out permits as political favors under the may issue system. That’s why I support shall issue.

Want to do something about CCW there? ExistingThing has a plan.

Holy Crap

You may have heard that Peter Eastgate won the 2008 World Series Of Poker. Actually, it looks like the real winner was Denmark:

Denmark’s tax agency is called SKAT. Denmark, like the United States, does tax gambling winnings. For casino gambling (which is where I believe this will be classified) the tax rate is 45% on the first 4 million Danish Kroners; it’s 75% on income above that. Today $1 is worth 5.88907 DKK; Mr. Eastgate won 53,899,250.70 DKK before taxes. Mr. Eastgate will owe about 39,224,438 DKK in tax ($6,660,545). Put another way Mr. Eastgate will keep 14,674,813 DKK ($2,491,871) of his winnings—just 27.23% of his prize. Yes, he faces an effective tax rate of 72.77%. Ouch.


Meanwhile, former commies have a flat tax:

Russia has a 13% flat tax rate, so Mr. Demidov will owe about $755,247 to the State Taxation Service of Russia.

From reader BWM.

I know that guy

Ben Cunningham has a Op/Ed in The Tennessean on the bailout.

How is that even possible?

Say you make shoes out of cheap plastic. And they’re popular. I honestly can’t see them costing more than $10 to make (probably less with cheap Chinese labor). And they sell for $40. How do you lose $148M in one quarter?

Note: I love my Crocs Mammoth, and the kids like them too.

Mr. C. update

He’s back home!

November 12, 2008

Humane Society Lies

They’re calling for a ban on lead ammo after the North Dakota Department of Health and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention released the results of a lead study last week.

The issue, however, is that the CDC actually concluded just the opposite.

Quote of the day

From the Daily Show on California’s gay marriage ban getting passed because a lot of black people showed up at the polls (paraphrased):

The oppressed have become the oppressors.

Still more on gun sales

Denise celebrates more guns in American hands.

Ya know, it’s like gun owners are sending a message to Obama and the Democrats or something.

Happy Dance Continuing

All the GOPers who won Tennessee’s house have vowed to oppose Naifeh. Good.

Now that that’s concluded, I have a request to the TNGOP and its new found majorities: Don’t fuck it up.

If you guys get in there and start passing every socially conservative wish list item that causes turgid little nubbins among the god squad (who shouldn’t be getting turgid little nubbins anyway because that’s a sin, I hear), it’s going to be a short two years. Seriously. You won because of a few things. The Democrat party abandoned democrat principles and, frankly, the Kurita situation was bad for them. And the excess epitomized by the underground bunker. So, stick with the fiscally conservative part and leave the abortion and gay cooties stuff on the back burner.

Speaking of those gun sale increases

BioDefense Corporation thinks the increase in gun sales could cause terrorism. Somehow, people buying guns will lead to an increase in potential for biochemical attacks. No, really.

More on gun sales

Don’t tell Bryan Miller but:

According to FBI figures for the week of November 3 to 9, the bureau received more than 374,000 requests for background checks on gun purchasers — a nearly 49 percent increase over the same period in 2007. Conatser said his store, Virginia Arms Company, has run out of some models — such as the AR-15 rifle, the civilian version of the military’s M-16 — and is running low on others.

OMIGOSH. The evil gun lobby got to the FBI too!

Meanwhile, FoxNews has a bit on gun sales. Here’s video.

Gun sales & me.

I should probably buy something, I suppose. So far, all I got was a case of ammo.

Taser tag

JR reports a Texas legislator wants a license for Tasers.


A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization is for insects.

Oh, wait.

Mr. C. Update

Kewee has the details. Send happy thoughts their way.

True Colors

After all the pre-election talk about Obama and various democrats supporting gun rights, the left says now is the time to spring their trap.

Gun Porn

Colt’s new firearms.

JARD 50 Cal.

Smoking stupid

Johns Hopkins piece on treating illegal guns as pollution. Will Al Gore sell me carbon gun credits?

November 11, 2008

the wrath of Kwan

David reports a victory for Kwan:

We therefore conclude that the district court did not abuse its discretion in ordering a new trial to instruct the jury that the Government had to prove that Kwan had no other apparent legal purpose for the shoulder stock than to convert his unregistered pistol into an illegal short-barreled rifle.


The burden of proof on the .gov? Novel concept.

Past coverage of the Kwan case here. Short version: ATF has a real hard-on for Kwan on petty gun law violations since another of their investigations of him turned up nothing.

How to create a blog buzz

In the past, people would ask me advice on how to become a reasonably popular blog and I’d tell them to 1) travel back in time to 2001; and 2) be a chick.

There’s another way: Negligently discharge a firearm and blog about it. Some good discussion and comments:








Still more on Gun Sales

In Tennessee:

During the week beginning last Monday, Nov. 3, 2008, and ending yesterday, Nov. 9, 2008, 8,525 firearm transactions were handled by TICS. Saturday, Nov. 8th was a peak day, with 2,524 transactions. This was unprecedented for November. Only one other day since TICS opened on Nov. 1, 1998 has surpassed last Saturday in the number of transactions – December 21, 2006 saw 2,600 transactions. TICS statistics seem to support all other reports that this will be a peak year for gun sales.

Thank a Vet today

Yes, I mean you. Right now.

I’d like to thank my dad for his service to the country.

So much for backing gun rights

In this bit on rising gun sales, Obama’s respect for the second amendment includes a desire to ban the most popular sporting rifles in the country and concealed carry:

Gun rights advocates interpret that as meaning he’ll at least enact curbs on ownership of assault and concealed weapons.

If by interpret you mean actually know, then sure. He’s said it himself.

Meanwhile, David Hardy notes a prediction:

Supporting it is an insider DC tip that his people are seriously considering a federal ban or restriction on “right to carry” laws. Exactly where the constitutional power to enact such a measure is to be found is less than clear to me.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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