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The plan for universal service

Fuck that. I got shit to do.

6 Responses to “The plan for universal service”

  1. Sean Braisted Says:

    Are you 18-25? Regardless, this was Rahm’s plan based on his experience with the Israeli IDF, Obama has never discussed anything close to this in scope, he’s talked about promoting community service among High Schoolers and offering College grants and scholarships to those who serve the community in some capacity…but compulsory military training is not on the agenda.

  2. Nate Says:

    I don’t see how a 1 million man civilian security force that is as well funded as the military is the same as encouraging some highschool kids to plant some trees, and pick up trash for college grants and scholarships.
    Unless the community service you are talking about is marching around in brownshirts and tattling on those who speak poorly about the lightbriger, then I agree that kind of community service is probably on the menu.

  3. DirtCrashr Says:

    You’re a poker player, what do you see in the video at about 1:52… a “tell” … what does that tell you?

    18-to-25 – yeh right, propelled by all that emotional “the enormous challenges that face us” rhetoric – is that enough to cover the spread? Let’s just note that during WWII the draft-age was 18-45.
    3 months of free work each year for the next 9 years (assume he’s not lying about that), is 27 months work.
    More than two years. Suppose they put that right up-front – and then you work-off the other 4-months later… They can do anything, and it’s CHANGE some people (51%) voted-for. And then there’s the “volunteer” work that Seniors are going to be asked to do because with this in place and no objections what’s stopign ’em? Get those Seniors out there as crossing guards, as hall-monitors, as Park Rangers, as…

  4. JKB Says:

    By its very nature the work done by the “volunteers” will be non-productive. If it is productive, it is a job someone could be employed to do with a longterm outcome of self sufficiency.

    If only there were an organization that promoted service to the community, assistance to other, self confidence? Oh that’s right we called them the boy and girl scouts of America.

  5. Laurel Says:

    Ironic: Mandatory volunteerism.

    More Ironic: The first black president (re)instituting slavery and calling it mandatory volunteerism. Oh, wait, apparently it’s only slavery when your coerced, unpaid, nonconsensual work is done for the benefit of a private master, instead of for The Greater Good under the thumb of the .gov.


  6. Bobby Says:

    Mr. Braisted please see:

    sounds like they are talking about the same thing eh?

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