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The media hates us?

Paul looks at the media’s hatred of gun owners. I concur and have written before that it’s mostly ignorance (though some is willful). After all, do you think your average AP reporter even knows a gun owner?

5 Responses to “The media hates us?”

  1. Gregory Morris Says:

    Your average AP reporter knows gun owners, they just may not know it. There are too many gun owners in the US for that not to be the case.

    Of course, the only AP reporter I know personally happens to be married to a guy who has more guns than me. But she writes quality, objective articles that don’t cause the hype and hysteria that some reporters prefer.

  2. JoeMerchant24 Says:

    Well… I know several, but that’s only because they are former colleagues of mine. The bad part is, due to our personal friendships (and my former career as a journalist) they never use me as a reference or a source.

  3. Paul B Says:

    He has a good point. I think the reason for dislike is they do not understand control, self and for them the idea of having a personal side arm revolves around who they would shoot first regardless of threat.

  4. Wolfwood Says:

    It can be worth getting to know these types, though. I’m friends with the editor of our (very) local paper and she asked me to write an opinion piece for her paper on gun rights, including giving me double the word limit she normally imposes. She and I disagree on many issues, but she definitely gets credit for trying to provide a variety of views.

    I’ve taken a lot of my friends shooting for their first time (the number’s at nearly twenty right now), and you’d be surprised (or maybe not) how many go from “it’s going to bite me and we hates it forever!” to “Hey, that was actually pretty cool!” (The trick here, of course, is to let them use a zeroed .22 rifle at a short distance so they can shred the targets.) That’s not to say that they’re about to join the Cult of the 1911, but several of them have mentioned that it might be nice to shoot again or even own a .22 rifle.

  5. Michael Silence Says:

    I love gun owners, but I hate you. Does that count?

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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