Archive for March, 2013

March 25, 2013


Gun control advocates live in a world of constant fear and paranoia.

Enforce the laws on the books

No, we don’t want to enforce laws and prosecute criminals, we just want to oppress the otherwise law-abiding.

Libertarians and licensing

A strange affinity


I cannot fault the homeowner here but the end is tragic nonetheless.

Green lasers from Crimson Trace

The release of their LaserGuard


Like a lot of things, it sounds good in theory. But this is truth.

What makes a 1911 jam?

Surprisingly, not the fact they’re 1911s.

March 24, 2013

@JimCarrey: Which has killed more children? Anti-vaccine hysteria or my guns?

Vaccines are a corporate conspiracy!!!!111eleven. So, let’s take him seriously on guns.

Or, Hell, anti-vaccine hysteria or Adam Lanza.

Belief v. achievement

Interesting. Hadn’t thought of that before.

Serbu will not sell .50s to the NYPD

An email exchange. Good for them.

More guns

Less crime

The social issue game of fetch

Voters trust the GOP with their tax dollars but on social issues, not so much.

Can they (and libertarians) win the economic culture war?

Thoughts on guns and abortion. My personal feeling on abortion aside, it’s a political minefield for the right.

Where has all the ammo gone?

Other people are buying it.

In Colorado

Gun control passed there.

Infringing gun rights is a “minor inconvenience”

As a result, no more filming in Colorado.

Gun litigation

Good news, bad news. Fourth circuit says no right to carry outside the home, but says it doesn’t say that. And a judge in Louisiana strikes down a felon in possession law.

Why would anyone need more than some arbitrary number of rounds?

Well, here’s why.


Polls Show Plunging Public Support for New Gun Laws, Some Anti-Gun Politicians Can’t Backpedal Quickly Enough

Federally Licensed Firearms Retailers in New Survey Overwhelmingly Oppose ‘Universal Background Checks’

Quote of the day


Individuals Can Only Steal, Murder and Oppress at a Retail Level

To do it wholesale requires a GOVERNMENT.


And how to not use it.

The assault weapons ban: What now?

Did the Assault-Weapons Ban Kill Gun Control? Probably. You cannot ban the most popular selling rifle in the country and not expect significant backlash.

Indeed, shame on you. Trotting out dead children and dancing in their blood to try to pass a law that would not have prevented their deaths.

It doesn’t have the votes and will not be on the senate’s gun control bill. Obama is still pushing it though. Seems the AWB is also a lose/lose scenario for vulnerable senators, which is further evidence that the bill won’t see the light of day.

So, what does that leave? I think we’ll see a push for the universal background check law and the accompanying registration, which was likely the goal anyway. Gun controllers are throwing everything out there to see what sticks. I give this bill roughly a 50/50 shot of passing. The reason is that it has overwhelming popular support, likely from people who aren’t really knowledgeable of the subject. Safe to say a vote for that will not cost someone votes from non-gun people.

So, what to do? Possibly attach the AWB to the registration bill as a poison pill. But, then, what if it passes?

Noted Gun Expert Joe Biden

He says magazine limits are arbitrary: Sure they are arbitrary. Why age 18 to vote?

And the mask slips as he notes that handguns are real problem and these proposed bills will accomplish nothing but we should pass them anyway because, well, we must do something.

He also says the Newtown shooter would have been killed sooner if he had to reload more. Uhm, the dude killed himself.

Biden: Gabby Giffords ‘Was Shot and Mortally Wounded’

In NY news

The NRA gets its lawsuit on

NYSRPA has a suit too. Update: These are the same suit by NYSRPA with NRA providing assistance.

Reversing the magazine ban:

There is no such thing as a seven-bullet magazine. That doesn’t exist, so you really have no practical option

Depends on the gun. But, yeah.

Tell big brother on your neighbor, get $500.

The stupidest gun law ever made

Gun Porn

Desk guns. Those are a thing?

MAS Mle.1873 revolver


Knife, gun and brass knuckles all in one

March 21, 2013

So, I got internet gun nutted on the bookface

I posted a picture on facebook of a friend of mine having just laid to waste all manner of multi-legged critters with my bug a salt. So, here’s the pic in question:


So, yes, she has her finger on the trigger. And her other fingers are her showing off a bug she just blasted with salt. And the internet did what it does. On a toy that shoots salt 3 feet. And I got “keep your booger hook off the bang switch” comments. To a woman who has never shot a real gun (but we’re working on that) Really? Way to welcome her to guns!

The real crime here is that I posted the pic of her with her eyes closed.

Update: Though, I did notice the other day I was indexing a hammer drill. And, just so you know, the four rules of gun safety apply to pressure washers. Ouchie.

Radio Song

So, if you can’t tell, I’ve been busy. I’ve been busier than a blogger trying to come up with new “busier than” metaphors. So, hence the decrease in free blog ice cream. And if I haven’t responded to you, sorry about that but I’ll get to it. One thing about being busy is that my particular busy involves a lot of time driving to different job sites and doing stuff and, mostly, telling other people to do stuff.

Until recently, I’d not listened to the radio regularly in a long, long time. Probably going on 10 years or so. But, spending so much time in the truck, even an iPod loaded up with over 8,000 songs becomes repetitive. So, I broke down and started listening to some different morning and afternoon talk shows. In this area, there’s nothing good on news radio from 10am to 12pm. At all. Your choices are Geraldo Rivera (who sucks), Herman Cain (also sucks) or NPR (who sucks but with a bit more Zzzzzzzzzzz). So, I’ve been listening to the “new rock” station in that slot, and by “new rock”, they mean the same shit they are playing when I stopped listening ten years ago with the occasional newish song tossed in.

But this ain’t a post about that, it’s a post about this: radio edits. You see, some songs say curse words and the radio must edit those out or, I guess, pay a fine or some such. But now they do it without a beep or just skipping the word. Now, they transpose the first couple of sounds in the cuss word. So, for instance, “shit” sounds “i sh t” and “fuck” sounds like “u f ck”. Now, this sounds like shit, figuratively. I sounds like shit both figuratively and literally if the edited word is actually “shit”. Because now they are saying “i sh t” and the “sh” *pause* “t” sounds just like shit.


Gun Porn

A sort of special addition. You see, this is Gun Porn post number 1,000. So, I asked people to send me some gun porn to make it a fairly nice one. Kind of like a gun porn-a-palooza. Mostly, it’s the same thing but there’s more of it. And I felt obliged to mention it. Or something.

Words that are fun to say: Feinwerkbrau

Counting by twos: Nobody panic buys a 30-06. Or two scatterguns. Or Winchesters

Dallas Blogshoot.

Colt CCG 1911: what gun writers wanted to see in a 1911. I guess ‘that it works’ made the list.

Dead Sexy: 1917-vintage Colt 1911

Czechpoint 22WMR revolver and a nice lady in a dress.

Miniature Arms, not for miniature shooters.

Maybe some people shouldn’t have guns? At least ones without instruction manuals.

Webley Mark IV

York Arms rifle, lower and shirt.

H&K MP7 replica in 22LR. Because you suck and someone else might have to like you since HK won’t.

Transformer: Mossberg Flex

March 20, 2013

The old AR parts gag

I (and many others) have always joked that we could probably build an AR-15 from the parts we have laying around the house. I just did exactly that except that I was missing a bolt carrier group and a charging handle. Unfortunately, I realized about the BCG right as the post Newtown gun boom hit and just got the BCG the other day.

March 19, 2013

Why are anti-gun activists so violent?

And another illegal mayor.

Mayor James Schiliro of Marcus Hook, Pennsylvania, a member of Michael Bloomberg’s MAIG coalition, held a minor hostage at gun point. He also gave the minor alcohol.

Oreo Separation Pump Gun

Yeah, you heard me.


Die in a fire.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

Uncle Pays the Bills

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