Archive for March, 2013

March 19, 2013

Background Checks

A good infographic on how useless they are.

And, you know, that 40 year old pot conviction will remove your civil rights.

Assault Weapons Ban Mostly Dead

Diane Feinstein, not as smart as a sixth grader: DiFi’s bill banning the most popular rifle in America won’t be attached to the senate’s big gun control bill.

The New York Times Gun Report

So, they have this bit on gun violence. Noticeably absent are any defensive gun uses.


Post a pic of your kid holding a gun, the cops show up and threaten you. If I was in Hell err New Jersey, I’d be on death row by now.

We must ban Excel

We should limit the number of columns and rows!

MagPul to Colorado: We’re out

They’re pulling up shop and sending $80M in economic activity elsewhere. Mag production to be moved in 30 days. We’ll take you in Tennessee. And my offer is still good.


This could not have happened. Guns are banned there. At least it ended with only the crazy dead. He drew a gun on someone who fled and called the cops, who showed up pretty fast. Also, this: The assault rifle had a magazine capable of holding 28 bullets

I wonder what that would be? Most are designed to hold a number of rounds that ends in zero. A 6.8 or some such maybe? Also, funny, but when I google up the name of the rifle he had, I see people I know. He had a 22 mag no one has heard of?

Man, the press sucks at gun stuff.


Well, the talk is there and we’ll see. Computerizing 4473s, which is illegal, I think.

Meanwhile, words mean things: criminalizing private transfers v. focused on background checks. The way the law would work, same thing.


Anti-gun people don’t have it and bus it in. We do have it.

Gun Porn

Tactical flintlock. Yeah, that’s right.

Colt CCG with VCD Grips

Detailed review of the M&P9. I have the 9 and the 9c myself, I recommend them.

Old and new

March 18, 2013

At NRA News

Colion Noir, episode 1:

I particularly liked the discussion of inner city shootings v. people who do school shootings. Never thought of that.

The SPLC: A bunch of beta males

Pick up artists = hate group.


The first arrest for breaking the SAFE act happened

Science and gun violence: why is the research so weak?

Boing Boing has a look. There’s also the fact that all of the anti-gun research is bullshit, scientifically.


Unless you have a means of actually fighting crime, like say a gun, you’re just an idiot in stretchy underwear: A man who dressed as a superhero to fight petty crime has hung up his outfit after he was beaten up.

Very Cool

Defense Distributed, of print your own gun parts fame, gets their FFL.

Or did they just print one?

Noted gun expert Joe Biden

CO man follows his advice of firing off two shots in a random direction, gets charged.

The press: it really sucks

Layers of editorial oversight: limits on bullets in gun cartridges. I’m guessing, barring some new technology I don’t know about, physics limits that to exactly, uhm, one.

Maff is hard.

When it comes to tracing guns, the ATF really sucks at it

Information Week on that gun registry the feds are not allowed, by law, to have:

A key piece of the White House’s gun control plan — the process by which the feds use serial numbers and descriptions to trace the original source of a gun sale — is at risk of failure. The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives is using 1960s era technology to manage a 21st century problem. And nothing is being done to fix it.

It’s not often

That an internet picture makes me, as the kids say, LOL. But this one did.


Governor signs guns in parking lot bill into law. Despite the OMG and libertarian angle, the bill just no longer makes it illegal to store in a parking lot. It doesn’t mean you can’t get fired or asked to leave.

Google Reader going away

Mentioned this on my sooper seekrit real life facebook-a-ma-hoochie the other day and it seems to have become a thing. I use google reader, I mean how else can one be expected to read the entire internet every day? Anyway, google is going to put an end it, which may motivate me to try a windows phone and ditch google completely. Some folks are pretty upset. Others are offering alternatives. I used bloglines for a long time, prior to reader. But found reader’s fast interaction easier and more seamless. Plus, it syncs all my stuff.

Feedly has also been recommended. What say you?

What a Moran

Ok, then

But I saw it on CSI!!!

Crime Lab Scandal Leaves Mass. Legal System In Turmoil. Pretty significant that:

A scandal in a Massachusetts crime lab continues to reverberate throughout the state’s legal system. Several months ago, Annie Dookhan, a former chemist in a state crime lab, told police that she messed up big time. Dookhan now stands accused of falsifying test results in as many as 34,000 cases.

As a result, lawyers, prosecutors and judges used to operating in a world of “beyond a reasonable doubt” now have nothing but doubt.

It’s in MA. But in TX:

The Department of Public Safety has discovered errors with the analysis of drug evidence conducted by one forensic scientist in our Houston Regional Laboratory. He has been suspended from casework pending an internal investigation. In reanalyzing evidence in one hundred of his most recent cases, we identified errors in two other cases. Because of this discovery, we believe it prudent to review his entire body of work since he began examining evidence in early 2006 – specifically on any cases pending prosecution or which resulted in a conviction or deferred adjudication. Attached is a list of cases from your jurisdiction.

Rand Paul Stuff

Novel Idea: Let’s read the bills we vote on. Oddly, no coverage of that in the news.

The new GOP will need to embrace liberty in both the economic and personal sphere

Dammit, Rand. I just mentioned this. While I know exactly where you’re coming from, the people who brought you the made up “war on women” are chomping at the bit.

Gun Porn

Rhino 200D


Testing stuff!

Custom Winchester 1895 Rifle from famed Editor of Field & Stream

Oh, hey, blog

I guess I should pay some attention to you.

March 14, 2013

And these people hold office

Which means even more people are stupid enough to vote for them: I just intro’d bill to prevent kids under 12 from going to gun shows.

Gabby Giffords AR-15

So, her hubby went and bought an AR. Got caught. Says it was his plan all along to turn it in, which is BS.

Now, here’s a photo of Gabby holding an AR-15 at a range. You can tell it’s real because she’s smiling.

They’re not anti-gun. They just don’t want you to have one.

that racist NRA

Many of us probably wouldn’t be here today, if it wasn’t for the NRA.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

Uncle Pays the Bills

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