Archive for July, 2011

July 21, 2011

Number 51 is that Americans don’t care what you like

50 disliked Americanisms. If Americans cared what they thought, we’d be metric.

Bacon Fest

Set your calendars for bacon and bourbon!

Back from the dead (gun control movement)

Bryan Miller returns. Still ineffective.


Woolrich Tactical is sponsoring the Gun Blogger Rendezvous. I’m wearing their Chino right now.

Quote of the day


The recidivism rate of a room temperature violent criminal with a sucking chest wound is 0%.

Avoiding political discussions

Laura says that’s her thing. In the real world, I avoid it too as my views tend to annoy and anger my friends who have little Ds and Rs after their names.

Why notification laws are nonsense

Yup. On camera, he tried to tell the cops. Who interrupted him then said he didn’t.

A look at handgun stopping power

Flamewar and trolling inbound

Number crunching. A few things leap out at me, such as a 32 actually has a higher one shot incapacitation rate than a 45. So does a .380. Do I really think that’s a case for one over the other? No. Also, average number of rounds to incapacitation is interesting. My theory is people carrying 25s, 32s and 380s can actually, you know, shoot accurately. Until you look at the failure to incapacitate chart.

The charts are really fascinating. If you’re gonna have to shoot someone, do it with a rifle. And if you’re gonna have to shoot someone, plan on doing it 2.1 times with your 45, 2.3 times with your 40, and 2.4 times with your 9mm. No substantive difference, so carrying 18 rounds compared to 10 looks preferable. Michael notes: I carry a 9mm precisely because I subscribe to the multiple hits theory, and the faster I can deliver those shots the better. As someone who mostly carries 45s, I can’t disagree with that sentimment. Once you get above, say, 380 most arguments over stopping power are academic. I used to carry nines. Then a combination of magazine availability during the AWB and reading people who don’t know what they’re talking about discuss stopping power meant most of my new gun purchases were 45s. Because, hey, I was limited to 10 rounds for new guns so, why not? In case they were right. Now, I find I’m perfectly content with 9mms due to capacity, faster follow up shots, and they’re more comfortable to shoot. I’ll just have a few of each, to be sure.

Chicken Fried Steak with White Pepper Gravy


I’m told it’s not at all like a schnitzel.

The post in which I time travel

Article on magazine fed rifles from 1889.

Army handgun film from 1944

16th century explosives and fireworks.

And, with this post, I’ll probably lose you for the rest of the day.

Gun Porn

Bayard 1908

Blade Tech Phantom, a review

Pics from Camp Perry

July 20, 2011


Radio show broadcast from the shooting range.

A note to the Tennessee Republican “Task Force” on guns

From MJM: “guns” are not just some political, irritating sideshow.

Can I get an amen?

For the range bag

I got a J. Dewey MFG field kit for my 6.8 caliber AR-15. I have this one, actually. I’m impressed. Very compact, high quality. It’s about the size of a wallet and fits easily in a range bag or go bag.

I recommend it. And will be getting one in 5.56.

More to come after more use.

Felony charges dropped

For the lady who responded to being groped by TSA by groping back.

Deserve’s got nothing to do with it

Jeffrey Scott Shapiro: Tabloids don’t deserve the 1st Amendment

Seems dangerous freedoms may create an environment for illegal conduct.

Make someone’s head explode

Heh: The biggest all-time recipient of contributions from News Corp is President Obama.

Democrats and guns

NRA A-rated Iowa congressman’s son uses shotgun to ward off home invasion.

When I was a kid, no one wore a helmet or a seatbelt

Are ultra-safe playgrounds making kids neurotic?

Children who are not exposed to risks can’t learn to cope with them. The world is not coated in Nerf and bubblewrap. And kids should know that.

ATF and guns in Mexico

Justice Department trying to shield officials, refused to release internal report. And, right now, this is what it’s all about since Melson has made clear he will not be the patsy.

Latest letter from Issa and Grassley.

How about a knock?

Excessive: FBI raided my house with a search warrant today (20 agents, guns drawn) because they seem to believe my 13 year old son was an integral part of the ANON ddos attack on Paypal

My new favorite recipe blog

Smoky Mountain Cafe. The Lost Cajun of East Tennessee brings you Salmon Patties with Spicy Caper Remoulade Sauce


Guns and gays


And the fact that she’s openly bisexual?

“Arizona doesn’t really care,” the 35-year-old lawyer says, dismissing the issue as irrelevant. “They just want to have low property taxes and no gun control.”

Doesn’t hurt that she’s kind of a babe, either. Via SIH who notes:

If we have bisexual Arizona State Senators running on a guns and money platform, gays aren’t the only political constituency becoming mainstream. This is a victory for our issue too.


Police Interaction


Just for the record, by the way, it’s perfectly legal to call police names, give their patrol cars the finger as they pass, etc. It may be rude or, as the story suggests, “stupid,” but police officers have no more authority to assault you for calling them names than anyone else, and they are acting criminally when they do so.

Glock safety issue?

Never heard of this one. And I can’t wrap my head around how that could happen. Color me skeptical.


Otis Rolley wants to tax ammo at $1 per bullet. And doesn’t understand economics.

Kicked in the pocketbook


U.S. Congressman Jason Altmire (PA 04) was the lead Democrat on a measure that passed the U.S. House of Representatives today to restrict funding for the Army Corps of Engineers (the Corps) to enforce a gun ban on land they own and operate.

Gun Porn

Glock revolver!

MSR MK22. And when did gun names start becoming just numbers?

Sparky Summer Special

Bare bones 10/22

July 19, 2011

They’re serious about this debt ceiling now

They have a “gang of some random number”.

Quick, to the lockbox!

I hear Al Gore hides it under his internet.

On this little song and dance regarding the debt ceiling, taxing, and spending, a few things:

It’s a show. The debt ceiling will be raised. I’d bet money on it. Republicans, who presided over one of the largest expansions of the US government and spending, are suddenly acting like they’re fiscally responsible again. They have to raise it or their voters don’t get their free ice cream. 40% of income in this country comes from transfer payments from the government. The spigot cannot be shut off or there will be consequences. For lawmakers.

And it’s an admission to the lie that social security actually set money aside and is funded. They didn’t. It’s not there. Just unfunded liabilities, which I’ve been saying for years and folks didn’t believe me.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

Uncle Pays the Bills

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