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Number 51 is that Americans don’t care what you like

50 disliked Americanisms. If Americans cared what they thought, we’d be metric.

13 Responses to “Number 51 is that Americans don’t care what you like”

  1. Dave_H Says:

    +1000 on number 51.

    As for the other, if America is the new Rome, then by that analogy Britain is Greece. Which means we take the stuff of theirs we like and change it around to suit ourselves.

  2. Laughingdog Says:

    Actually, they’re dead on about the few that are examples of horrible grammar. “where’s it at” and “where you going to?” feel like they almost cause me actual physical pain when I hear them.

    On the flip side, the way the Brits say “herb” (with a hard ‘H’) is just sad and uncouth. The word stems from the French “herbe”. Maybe if the Brits were cultured enough to know the roots of the words they use to speak, they would be able to say them properly.

  3. DirtCrashr Says:

    Maths plural? I’m afraid “fortnightly” has fallen below the linguistic radar into a pool of archaic terms no longer in use.

  4. ATL Says:


  5. ATLien Says:

    I will point the aggrieved to another americanism: “You can suck it”

  6. Bubblehead Les Says:

    To paraphrase Ashe: “American. Non-American. Who cares? We’re the one’s with the guns.” The Brits can bitch to me when they get their 2A in a Written Constitution, not before.

  7. Peter Says:

    I liked the one about “gotten”. The stupid git doesn’t know that ‘gotten’ was perfectly OK for “Americans” such as Shakespeare.

  8. IllTemperedCur Says:

    If we cared about what the Limeys thought about us, we’d be singing “God Save The Queen” instead of “My Country ‘Tis of Thee”.

    Besides, I’ve seen enough Cockney crime movies to know that the Brits mangle the English language a hell of a lot worse than us Americans ever did.

  9. Tai Says:

    If you click through to the original; I though it was a pretty interesting piece about how American culture (and language) is affecting the rest of the world.

  10. Druid Says:

    Limey rattlers, the lot of them.

  11. workinwifdakids Says:

    Oh, piss. They’re lamenting that English can be mastered with as few as 1,500 words? I’m sorry, and what is it you speak in England? And give me a language you can’t fake your way through in 1,500 words. Go ask the Defense Language Institute.

    Though there is a Brit word we ought to import: chav.

  12. Phillip Says:

    I am not going to lie, the use of “It is what it is” drives me nuts. It is what it is what it is what it is…well, wtf is it? I understand that the phrase is a method of saying, “The situation is ate up and I can’t do anything to change it”, but can’t we find something better to communicate that message in lieu of “it is what it is”, or, hell, actually work to resolve the soup-sandwich situation.

  13. Geodkyt Says:

    I love the complaining about the use of the word “Scotch” to refer to people of Scottish decent (particularly the Scots-Irish of the American Southeast).

    The Scots were generally using “Scotch” instead of “Scots” (see Bobby Burns) until the 19th Century. The English were still teaching it into the 20th Century.

    Yup, those danged British, with their new-fangled term “Scots”, dilluting the traditional “Scotch” adjective used from the 16th Century into the 20th.

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