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Quote of the day


The recidivism rate of a room temperature violent criminal with a sucking chest wound is 0%.

4 Responses to “Quote of the day”

  1. junyo Says:

    Unless they’re a zombie.

  2. Steve in TN Says:

    And it isn’t zero until the wound stops sucking.

  3. Lyle Says:

    Steve beat me to it. Yes; long after.

  4. jefferson101 Says:

    If you missed the 10-ring by far enough to leave them with just a sucking chest wound, you haven’t been practicing enough.

    Mozambique, please.

    If you don’t miss the third time, the sucking chest wound is not going to matter much, now is it?

    If they are DRT, they don’t cost nearly as much, either.

    And so it goes.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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