Archive for March, 2011

March 25, 2011

Gun Porn

New Leather

S&W 22A-1

Rossi Ranch Hand

Nighthawk Custom

Misc. Pics

March 24, 2011

Reader homeuser wins

In this post about a letter asking FFLs to send police a list of AR-15s they have sold to locate a stolen gun, he said the police probably lost one. Well, he was right:

The state patrol opened a criminal investigation before sending the letter, just in case the missing gun ended up in the wrong hands. The state patrol won’t say how the gun disappeared — only that it was missing from the state patrol’s inventory in Tacoma last summer.

They lost a gun.

A tax on toilet paper

Well, that’s shitty.

Big Green Egg Bleg

Site here. It’s a grill, smoker, oven, etc. Anyone have one? Awful spendy to be so small. But I hear good things about it.

The Mrs. has friends who dig it.


Do the Waive

Supporters of Obamacare want waivers. I’m sorry, but it is the law, right?* The law is an ass and all of that.

I’d like a waiver from gun laws and speed limits please.

* not real sure since it’s been struck down but not really kinda sorta.

Hope and change

Obama administration changes the rules: New rules allow investigators to hold domestic-terror suspects longer than others without giving them a Miranda warning, significantly expanding exceptions to the instructions that have governed the handling of criminal suspects for more than four decades.

Gura goes to Maryland

JT tells us some of the anti-rights briefs in the case have been released. The case is a challenge to may issue (which is mostly will not issue). A case to watch.

Dragon Leatherworks

They have a shiny new website. I also have one of their Talons still to write a review about. Been wearing it off and on for a couple of months now. Will write that up soon.

NRA on ATF sending guns to Mexico

LaPierre interviewed by CBS:

“They wanted to prove that there were guns flowing to Mexico, so they set up an illegal pipeline to send guns to Mexico,” speculates LaPierre. “When does it stop being law enforcement and start being a criminal enterprise? To prove there’s islamic terrorists are they going to start manufacturing and selling explosives? It just makes no sense.”

Yeah, create the network so you can get funding to stop it.

Eat the rich

What they pay in taxes. Seems like we’re already eating them. Also, kinda surprised they pay more as a percentage in the US than in other more enlightened countries since I’m told what evil capitalists we Americans are.

German gun laws

The Truth About Guns has a look.

He was for it before he was against it

Biden says we should impeach Obama.

Constitutional Carry

On the move in Montana.

Having solved all of LA’s problems

They ban new fast food restaurants in South LA. That’s racist.

Chicks and guns

Lessons for the ladies

Don’t you have a country to run?

I mean, other than into the ground.

Some senators want various app stores to take down apps that alert people to where DUI checkpoints are. Because, you know, that will help.

More Seagal

When he’s not driving tanks to arrest a single man suspected of having cockfighting chickens, he’s busy resigning his job so he doesn’t have to face investigation for sexual assault of one of his employees. But America’s toughest sheriff thinks it’s ok for this guy to ride along in a tank and help arrest someone.

Gun Porn

F3 Super Trap combo (via justin)

9mm AR

Climbing in the cold with suppressed rifles.

March 23, 2011

Due process

We don’t need any: New gun-control legislation would prohibit those arrested but not convicted of drug crimes from possessing firearms

Odd. Two references to Schumer in a day.

Chuck Schumer a fan of assault weapons?

I guess, when it comes to jobs:

“Thanks to Remington’s continued confidence in this capable work force, we’re going to see even more good-paying jobs at the plant, creating positive ripple effects throughout the region,” Schumer said. “The addition of these jobs strengthens the ability of the Remington plant in Ilion to compete for the many Department of Defense small arms M-4 and M-16 style firearms.”

This is about transferring the Bushmaster jobs to NY. Interesting, since Schumer has never seen a gun he doesn’t want to ban.

Obviously compensating for the size of your penis

A worldwide map of penis size. Ok, then.


What we’re up against:

Dee Edwards, co-founder of the charity Mothers Against Murder and Aggression said: ‘I am utterly disgusted by this.

‘It is not fashion, it is not style, it is … glorifying guns and making them seem acceptable.

Is she talking about murder, violence? No, a gun with Hello Kitty painted on it.

And, here in the free world, guns are acceptable. Good for defense and, you know, keeping the king of England out of your backyard. Not sure why your organization is needed since guns are basically banned there.

Accidental Discharge

Caused by a soft leather holster. Interesting. A good case for kydex or hard leather holsters, I suppose.

Hunting people

That’s what high-capacity, death clips (or whatever the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Ownership is calling them this week) only use. But why exempt police?


It’s one of my favorite words. In MT, bill to repeal the language: Use of silencers or mufflers on firearms forbidden

From reader Steve, who notes:

It goes something to the effect that if you are on public land with a silencer, they can charge you with poaching. Just assuming you’re going to I guess. Messed up thing is, even in the once maybe twice someone has been poaching with a silencer, they don’t even get charged with breaking this law. They go right for the poaching laws directly.

There is no restriction on private land, and no one is going to give you a hard time about poaching unless you have you camo, sled, knives, truck, tarp, etc etc. I’ve been on public land with a suppressed MP5 and not been given any grief about poaching

Obama on ATF letting guns into Mexico

He states he didn’t approve of the operation. But will he actually do anything about it? Will these, well, criminal activities have any consequences for those responsible? Probably not.

Gun safety

Real gun safety. Not the fake codeword for gun control.

Media bias

A gauge. Kinda weird that FoxNews isn’t on there but MSNBC is. I mean, certain Fox shows are on there but not the entire network. And to get right wing bias, you have to include a lot of individuals and personal websites.

Guns and bankruptcy

A bill to allow a person in bankruptcy to keep up to $3K in guns. I know a few states have a similar law. I guess bankruptcy shouldn’t leave you defenseless.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

Uncle Pays the Bills

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