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10 seconds

Awesome pic.

5 Responses to “10 seconds”

  1. jigsaw Says:

    🙁 i get “access forbidden” when i try the link

  2. BobG Says:

    Nice warning to would-be criminals.

  3. Stranger Says:

    Looks like a shot up ’26 Chevy 420 phaeton. The sedan version sold for $420. Natch.


  4. Smince Says:

    For some reason, the car looks like it is floating a couple inches off the ground. The shadow under the car don’t match the angle of shadows cast by other objects in the picture. Cool pic, though. I think if our paramilitary police forces were to use similar propaganda today, it wouldn’t be very well received. Although I would *love* to have something like this parked at the front of my property warning trespassers. Not sure the Misses would be as appreciative…

  5. Gunner M. Says:

    Look carefully and you will see two chains hooked to the front bumper and they go up to a lift of some sort. I would say it IS floating. Also look in the shadow underneath and you will see old fashion left to right scrub marks that look like erasure marks.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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