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Bad litigation

Alan Gura says it’s the biggest threat to gun rights. I’ve met Alan a few times and this is one of the points he likes to make to us gun guys.

8 Responses to “Bad litigation”

  1. wizardpc Says:

    You mean like being an idiot carrying around an AK pistol intentionally looking menancing, and then suing when the local sheriff basically tells the ATF you’re a nutjob? And losing?

  2. Captain Holly Says:

    So, in effect Gura is saying that filing lawsuits before the courts are ready to accept and uphold your arguements is a bad strategy?

    Where have I heard that before? 😉

  3. kwikrnu Says:

    In other words Gura doesn’t think I should file suit for violation of my civil rights. If he wants to defend my rights pro se then fine, but he hasn’t offered. If I lose too bad for me.

  4. SPQR Says:

    You know what you look like sneering at Gura like that, don’t you? Gura was the guy who got us Heller and MacDonald when the NRA thought it was not a good idea.

    Maybe Gura actually … you know … knows what he’s talking about.

  5. kwikrnu Says:

    Gura can spout off as he likes. My right were violated and I will sue as I think appropriate. Too bad if he doesn’t like it.

  6. wizardpc Says:

    Well, Leonard, thanks to you now Sheriffs across the state have a loophole to deny NFA purchases.

  7. kwikrnu Says:

    Thanks to the sheriff and judge who said the law doesn’t apply, sheriffs no longer have to execute the NFA documents. I was the one suing to force the sheriff to execute. They were the ones who refused to obey the law. If there had been more publicity it may have went the other way, but several gun forums banned the discussion of the topic including tngunowners, subguns, and nfatalk.

  8. wizardpc Says:

    You do realize that if you hadn’t run all around Nashville acting like an idiot who wants to get shot by the police, the sherriff wouldn’t have marked out that portion, right?

    You do know this is all of your own doing?

    And you do know now, that because of your idiotic actions, you have imperiled NFA purchases across the state?

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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