Archive for July, 2008

July 28, 2008


Greg McKendry took a shotgun blast to protect those behind him. He died a hero.

Guns in parks

Why would you ever need one?

via David.

Pin shoot

Ahab has video.

Something ain’t right – updated

Remember that case in Roane County? Well, it ended in mistrial.

More on the church shooting

This morning’s local talk radio interviewed a lady who was at the church during the shooting. She stated that the shooter got off the first shot, then the second, and the third shot was into the air because people were already taking the shooter down. She said the whole shooting part took less than five seconds.

Also, reports are coming out about the shooter, Jim D. Adkisson. Apparently, he didn’t like churches or Christianity. And one of his neighbors called in local talk radio this morning to say that the guy had, in the past, expressed anger at the fact that the Bible was confusing and contradictory. Maybe. But I think the Bible is pretty clear on that whole shall not kill thing.

Michael Silence has a round up of news, including that police found a letter from the shooter that may detail exactly why this crazy fuck is a crazy fuck.

Unitarian Universalist Association of Congregations on guns.

Quote of the Day

Stirring it up a bit:

In all that faggoty advertisementese is no objective explanation why I would choose this gun over, oh, say, a Glock 17, which happens to cost half as much, hold twice as many rounds, weigh half as much, shoot just as accurately, run more reliably out of the box, and is assembled from armorer friendly parts that do not require skilled fitting. The last point bears repeating: There are no parts on a Glock that cannot be changed in about 30 minutes by a user who has a hammer, screwdriver, and a punch.

Guess what this gun is?

Open Carry Update

Nicky has more on Mark Edward Marchiafava.

Getting a handgun in DC

A report detailing the steps.

Hunting report

We must stop the senseless slaughter of Teletubbies.

More senseless Teletubby violence.


They can’t be turning in guns because in Chicago guns are illegal. And I love this:

A big effort was under way Saturday to get guns used in deadly violence off Chicago’s streets.

I would lay 10:1 the no gun turned in can be traced back to a crime. Though I do agree with this:

Collecting guns is a start

It is, indeed.


Rich and Lissa are getting hitched.

None of us are as dumb as all of us

Meeting math.


Madman has returned to blogging. Though, I have to confess, I wish he’d take up drugs instead of World of Warcraft.

July 27, 2008


In addition to being violently angry, this person cannot read. Of course, if I looked like this, I’d probably be angry too.

Update: I wonder how this gal(?) will react when tomorrow the Brady Campaign releases a presser that dances in the blood of the dead? Think we’ll see the same righteous indignation (and fabulous hair color!) then?

Update: Blood dancing already under way.

And don’t bother commenting at the first link. I’ve been told Reasoned Discoursetm has already broken out. Personality and looks! Someone snatch this filly up!

Update: Being told it’s a dude. And here’s the comments he (srsly?) doesn’t want you to see.

Church shooting

In Knoxville. One dead. Five injured.

The Mrs. often asks why I carry to church. It’s because shootings keep happening at churches.

July 26, 2008

Kids and guns

Here, kids are learning gun safety.


Shot in gun free Britain?

Good thing

That they don’t allow guns on college campuses.

July 25, 2008

Road Rage

This story was relayed to me by my wife. It was relayed to her by my mother in law, who apparently could not stop laughing while telling the story.

The grandparents (Mommo and Daddo) and kids pull up to a red light. The light turns green. The car in front of them does not go. Daddo waits a bit then honks the horn to let the guy in front know he should pay attention. After Daddo honks the horn, The Second says Beep beep. Junior says When that happens in Daddy’s car, he says fuck and damn.

Careful what you say and when you say it.

From that video

Belt-fed, nerf machine gun

Soon to be banned in England.


I’ve said before that, post-Heller, I’m glad Fenty is an idiot. I am also thankful that Daley is an idiot too:

“Chicago’s gun ordinance was not invalidated by the . . . decision. Three prior Supreme Court decisions have found that the Second Amendment does not apply to states and municipalities,” Georges said. “The decision did not change that case law.”

Really? Name them.

Mayor Daley: If we didn’t do gun buybacks, you’d be dead

No, really. Good thing they have these gun buy backs or people in Chicago might be getting shot..

Monkeying with stuff

JT Bolt:

Why do gun manufacturers monkey around with the trigger style? Do they sit around a big boardroom table smoking cigars lit with $100 bills saying, “how can we ruin the trigger on the NEXT product we release, gentlemen?” No. They have some reason. That reason may be dubious, as Jeff Cooper would say, “an answer to a question nobody asked,” but there is still a method to the madness.

Nah. It’s ’cause their dudes and dudes like to monkey with stuff. Just because.

Regarding double actions (real double actions, not those made up safe actions and such), they do have a couple of advantages. Such as if your round doesn’t fire, you just pull the trigger again. And the heavier or longer trigger pulls tend to be harder to accidentally tug on.

I ate him with some navy beans and a glass of sweet tea

First habanero of the year. I diced this one up and put it in the wife’s white chicken chili:


Gun Porn

You’ll put your eye out.

Speaking of fan boys


What media bias?

So, John Edwards’ alleged love-child can’t be talked about.

And media donations favor Democrats 100 to 1.

Watching the watchmen

Careful, they watch back.

Crushing dissent

So, in NH, it looks like there was a law passed and someone has been convicted of not threatening a public official. You see, threatening them was upgraded to a felony. And talking sternly to them is now a misdemeanor:

It was always illegal to threaten a public official, but what was in the past generally considered a misdemeanor in most cases was also upgraded under the new law to a Class B felony. The change makes jail time more likely for those convicted of threatening the current and former governors, legislators, judges and a variety of other public officials and their families — even if the public official has no reasonable fear for his or her safety.

That leaves open an awful lot of room for abuse.

Mostly white men?

In your face!

Open carry in Michigan. Wonder why they point out the mostly white men thing.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

Uncle Pays the Bills

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