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From that video

Belt-fed, nerf machine gun

Soon to be banned in England.

7 Responses to “From that video”

  1. deadcenter Says:

    not bad, but I like this one better:

  2. Lyle Says:

    They’re not banned already?

    deadcenter; That is cool. I can see the UK headline; “Homemade Gatling Gun (Rubber) Banned”

  3. Larry Patty Says:

    There will now be an escalation in office wars. God, I can’t wait!

  4. emdfl Says:

    I saw a video somewhere yesterday titled “Office War” that essentually was an all-out Nurf-war between Sales and IT. One of those Nurf machine guns was used by the IT forces.

  5. memomachine Says:


    I want a backpack gatling version like in Predator.

  6. Jeff Says:

    Cool, I will have to get one.

  7. thirdpower Says:

    I’m buying two for my kids for x-mas. W/ the nerf shotguns they’re getting for their b-days, they could get a whole WWI thing going w/ their friends.

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