Archive for July, 2008

July 25, 2008

Grab popcorn and an ice cold Coca Cola

KDT: AR15’s suck.

Tam: Bite me, fan boy!

I’m reminded of this blast from the past:

1. The AR is a temperamental, finicky tool that will only cycle through a full magazine when blessed personally by the pope, plus it shoots a round that won’t even stop a well-fed hamster. The AK can be filled with concrete and it will still fire 10,000 rounds without a stoppage. Plus, it shoots a man’s round.

2. The AK is so inaccurate that you couldn’t hit a barn from the inside with a full magazine. It was made by communist slaves who used rocks to assemble the receivers, in the dark. The round has such a curved trajectory that you have to aim at a target’s hat to hit his feet at 150 yards. On the other hand, the AR is a precision weapon that can hit a match-head at 600 yards consistently, and should have night vision, IR, a red-dot scope, a tactical sling, and a tactical flashlight, making you a single-man ninja army.

Adjudicated mentally defective

Barbara Barrett:

Since a severely mentally ill man rampaged through Virginia Tech last year, killing 32 people before turning a gun on himself, Congress and several states have been working to tighten rules on who can legally purchase a firearm.

But a push in the U.S. Senate would remove from the national background check the names of 115,000 veterans who have been declared “mentally defective” — and would prevent the Department of Veterans Affairs from adding any more names unless the agency goes through a judicial system.

The problem, says the senator behind the efforts, is that the veterans were added not because they were a danger to themselves or to others, but because they were assigned fiduciary guardians by the Department of Veterans Affairs.

“This is a constitutional issue,” said Sen. Richard Burr of North Carolina, the top Republican on the Senate Veterans’ Affairs Committee. “The (national database) is for criminals, not for folks who have troubles handling their own financial affairs.”

His bill would allow the agency to submit only the names of those who have been declared dangerous by a judge, magistrate or other judicial authority.

Abandonment of property

Odd case where a man leaves his guns with police for safekeeping. Now, the police won’t return them.

More SF stupidity

So, a guy who is an illegal alien; member of a violent street gang; violent felon; firearms violations; and frequent member of the catch and release program kills some one. And it’s the gun’s fault.

Range Report


Guns in parks

Poll here. Poll seems pretty close.

July 24, 2008

Will Seattle gun ban stand up to legal review?

By Michael Reitz.

Something ain’t sitting right

In Roane County a couple years back, a police officer and his ride-along were killed by two brothers in a gun fight. Most folks (including me) thought it was just a couple of dumb rednecks being stupid. Anyway, now that the trial is underway, something ain’t right.

You have witnesses testifying that the police officer’s ride-along (who was not a police officer) fired the first shot. Now even if that didn’t happen, I’ve been on ride-alongs before. They don’t let you carry a gun nor do they give you a badge.

You have other witnesses saying the police officer made threats against the two brothers hours before while caressing his service weapon.

Now, you got evidence indicating that one of the two brothers was shot in the back with a police service weapon.

Something ain’t adding up. I’m not making any accusations but I’ll be damned if I speed through Roane County anytime soon.

Office War!

For some reason, I can’t get the embed to work here, so I’ll send you over here.

Good capitalists

So, there’s a bit of a kerfuffle because the Tennessee GOP’s annual fundraiser will be closed to the press. It’s an event that requires a ticket. So, be a good capitalist and buy a ticket if you want to go. Assuming they’ll sell you one.

Digital Brownshirts

Or cybernauts?

Sword safety

Are there rules for it?

Grrl power

Might be a feminist? No, unlike feminists, you actually seek to empower women.

Meet me at . . .

In Knoxville we laugh at cities where the Waffle Houses are more than 30 feet apart.

Americans With Disabilities

If you have a physical disability, DC doesn’t want you armed.

More on bill boards

Bitter has more on the Clear Channel billboard thing.

A couple of local political notes

There’s a pretty ugly local election for judge in my county. Apparently, the local papers have been pretty incompetent on the issue. Incompetent is one word. Partisan hacks would be another. But I digress.

Also, we have the battle of the douchebags. See, we got us a state senate race going on. The incumbent is Ramond Finney. Despite his tendency to be a bit embarrassing, he’s mostly harmless. And Finney does have the NRA endorsement.

His opponent is Doug Overbey, whose cheesy mug you see all over the city, my the city. Overbey is running on a conservative leadership platform and pointing out that he’s a lifelong Republican, 100% pro-life, and all second amendment rights.

Unfortunately, Doug Overbey lost all credibility on two of those claims when he crossed party lines to vote for Jimmy Naifeh as speaker of the house. Jimmy Naifeh, you’ll recall, is our lying speaker of the house who keeps abusing his power to kill pro-gun bills.

I’ll be voting Finney.

From this glass house

Consider the source.


Xrlq on the Nobel Peace Prize.

The Right of Newspapers To Keep And Bear Machine Guns

The New York Times once used Gatling Guns to defend itself.


Way to go

This guy is an asshat.

Tin Can

Stops a 50.

Money where your mouth is

Looks like the NRA is pushing the Second Amendment Enforcement Act. Good. The Hill notes that NRA is pressuring conservative Democrats to put up or shut up:

The National Rifle Association is putting the election-year squeeze on conservative Democrats, demanding that they buck their leadership to support a bill to erase more of the District of Columbia’s gun laws.

Democratic gun rights supporters will risk losing their A-plus rating if they don’t sign a discharge petition to be filed Wednesday bringing the gun-rights bill directly to the floor.

It will be the first time in more than 20 years that the NRA has “scored” a discharge petition in determining the grades it gives lawmakers before the November election, said spokesman Andrew Arulanandam.

Hats off to NRA for that one. Put the pressure on. Typically, gun bills are avoided like the plague in election years.

And the banned played on

Wilmette votes down handgun ban.


Like IPSC and E-Postal matches but for Airsoft.

Gun Buy Backs Ineffective

Who knew:

The buy-back program was challenged last week by Dr. Carl Bell, a psychiatrist and president and CEO of Chicago’s Community Mental Health Council, who said at a City Council hearing that the guns being turned in “don’t work in the first damn place.”


Drugs, my anti-WOW:

July 23, 2008

In your face!

We’re here, we’re . . . well, you get the idea.

But that’s how it goes

Japanese kid playing Crazy Train on a guitar that is way too big for him.

Who’s a sad clown?

Or, rather, sad panda. Josh Sugarmann is taking it pretty hard. After all, he founded his group to ban handguns and was told No, bad kitty!

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

Uncle Pays the Bills

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