Archive for April, 2008

April 24, 2008

Google searches that land people here

You’re doing it wrong.

Welcome to 2002!

After doing an article on Blogs, I noticed just now that our local newspaper now has an RSS feed. And this time, it works! From that RSS feed, we learn that:

The Daily Times has a space for community conversation. puts you in the editor’s chair; you write about what’s important in your world and participate in discussions about topics of all shapes and sizes.

Daily Times reporters and editors are blogging at along with many from around the community.

We’ve also begun relationships with several local bloggers to syndicate their content on our site. We include snippets from their blogs and provide a link to their sites from ours to help provide the bloggers in our community with additional exposure.

Excellent! Welcome to it. The still need to figure out this whole hyper linking thing, though.

Anti-gun finances

I like to keep tabs on them so:

Tio Hardiman, director of mediation services for CeaseFire, said the group, which is operating on a skeleton staff after it lost more than $6 million in state funding, will attempt to train residents to peacefully resolve potentially violent conflicts, and will ask adult men in high-risk neighborhoods to agree to mentor one child on their block.

State-funded gun control groups?

Range Wars

There’s a shotgun club at the base of the Smoky Mountains for trap shooters. Seems the local busy-body contingent thinks that the lead from the range is bad for the local watershed and, of course, the noise is a problem. Another reason to remove the onerous regulations regarding sound suppressors and ammunition. After all, suppressors and some more environmentally friendly ammo would make everyone happy.

You can suppress shotguns, right?

Always think forfeiture

Seems politicos always want to appear to be tough on crime. And the first thing they actually get tough on are your rights. If you’re caught with a prostitute, the local authorities want to seize your car.

Nerd fights and the future of journalism

Thoughts from Bob Benz.

New Shooter

AC takes a newbie to the range.

Speaking of Chicago


Gun violence that swept through swaths of Chicago over the weekend pressed into midweek Wednesday when five people were found slain in a South Side home.


Via Insty, comes this:

When a rash of gun murders takes place, it makes sense for the police to do one of two things: renew tactics that have been effective in the past at curbing homicides, or embrace ideas that have not been tried before. But those options don’t appeal to Chicago Police Supt. Jody Weis. What he proposes instead is a crackdown on assault weapons.

Most likely, Chicago’s murders are committed with handguns (which are banned there). And not weapons that look like assault weapons. A rather pointless gesture and as I like to say:

gun control: what politicians do instead of something.

More gun porn

And range pics.

Well, then allow me to retort


I have a news flash for anyone who’s ever uttered the words “Guns have no place in a civil society,”

I don’t have a newsflash so much as the standard response that: without guns, there’d be no civil society.

Chicks and Guns

14 ladies who love guns.

I have to say that it was Erin Gray as Wilma on Buck Rogers who first caused me to notice women. In other news, there’s a Chickipedia?

Gun Porn

Kahr with Clipdraw.

April 23, 2008


Pizza Hut waited for the controversy to die down then fired A pizza delivery driver, who police said defended himself by shooting a robber who attacked him

No more Pizza Hut for me.

Update: Tom says don’t eat their pizza because it’s crappy pizza.

Torn on Zorn

I’m told by a few that I may be misreading Zorn’s piece that I criticize here. Seems that he has been fairly critical of gun control in the past.

I can see that. So noted.

Browser Bleg

As far as I’m concerned, the most annoying thing on Al Gore’s Internets since pop-up ads is Snap. And, increasingly, for some reason that I cannot fathom, it’s use is on the rise. I hate it. It’s clutter. I accidentally mouse over some bit of text and now I can’t read a 1.5×1.5 area of a website. It sucks.

I want to never see it again. I use Firefox. Is there a way to make sure I never see it again?

Update: See here. I think I did that once and it came back. But it is working now. Cool. Thanks to Aubrey Turner in comments.

Kids Today

A few kids in my neighborhood have a case of teh st00pid. It’s true. Case one is that I and about three other cars are pulling into the neighborhood. Standing in the middle of the street are two boys who I’d put at between the ages of 11 and 13. Upon seeing the cars backing up, the two geniuses continued to stand in the middle of the street. For a good 20 seconds before I honked, shot them a stern look, and mouthed the word idiots. Not a good place to stand since the grass at the entrance to the subdivision is a bit tall and someone who was going too fast could fail to see you in time and it’s off to the ER with your dumb ass.

The second instance and I am not making this up. Again, driving home in my subdivision. There’s a kid on a bike in the middle of the street. I’m going slow enough to not be a threat. He’s not paying attention. He finally sees me and gets over. So far so good. I look over and see that he has a bow strung over his shoulder. And, I shit you not, in his left hand he’s carrying two arrows. That’s right. A kid on a bike is carrying arrows. Holy crap.

Early intervention is key at preventing teh st00pid. I don’t know how far gone these two are but someone (like say, the parents) should step up.

Update: Note that I am neither anti-bow nor anti-arrow. I just think if you’re carrying around arrows, they should be properly sheathed. Particularly, if you’re on a bike and run the risk of impaling yourself at slightly higher speeds than, say, walking.

ABC News lies about guns – again

ABC was busted before lying about the impact of the assault weapons ban. ABC news even moderating blog comments that corrected the errors. Well, they’re lying again and the video is here.

Confederate Yankee has a lot more:

Today, Ross and accomplice Richard Esposito continue that fine ABC News tradition of making up the news, in a story claiming that the U.S. Second Amendment is to blame for Mexico’s drug cartel problems.

The deception starts with the picture at the beginning of the article.

Yes, according to ABC news you can walk into a gun show and buy all kinds of weapons that are heavily regulated (i.e., no one will sell them to you without the extensive NFA process) and walk those machine guns and short barreled rifles right across the border.

Update: And a suggestion for Mexico: Maybe seal your northern border? Like you did your southern one. That’d keep your drugs out and our guns in.

In other news, Les started using unpossible before I did.

Update: Still more at Stop the ACLU.


First, Linoge tagged me with a book meme. But the only book in my office is The Miller GAAP Guide and I am simply not typing up an income statement for some made up company.

Then Breda hits me up with the coffee mug meme:

I’d ask Unc to do it too but I’m not even sure if he drinks coffee or ever takes photos.

I drink too much coffee. I have about four of the mug below every day. I’m not big on taking pictures and am probably the only blogger who doesn’t carry around a camera. My wife is big on pictures. I am not. However, my phone will do in a pinch:

It’s a plain blue, insulated coffee mug. It used to have a logo on it but it has since worn off. And I have two of them (and I used to have three – lost one). And if you put them side by side, I couldn’t tell them apart. I’m a functional person more than a style person. These mugs were free, they hold coffee, they keep a cup hot for an hour or more, they’re indestructible and if I lose one then I won’t care. I think some salesman gave them to my wife or something. Maybe I should get a mug that’s a conversation starter, though.

More on Obama and Joyce

David notes that the Joyce Foundation had been buying up law reviews for Heller.

This in addition to all the other Joyce Foundation shenanigans.


Over at some rag in Kansas City, they’re intimating that the bill recently passed to allow NFA transfers somehow relates to the made up term assault weapons.

Seems they bought the Violence Policy Center and Brady Campaign’s years of misrepresentation.

In other news, check out the gun in the pic accompanying the article.

Epic fail

If you’re a burglar and a blind man whips your ass then holds you until the police arrive, you should consider a career change.

Don’t make me come over there

The local press could only find one Empty Holster Protester at UT?


To Tam. I dunno what that means exactly as it’s written in some foreign language called Mac that nobody I know speaks. But it sounds like she’s got a paid writing gig.

Gun Control: what you do instead of something

A Sydney University study concludes Australia’s recent gun controls had no effect on anything.

So, how’d that endorsement from a shill group work out for you?

So, the fake pro-gun rights group set up by the Democrat Leadership Council to make Democrats look pro-gun (when they could just be pro-gun) The American Hunters and Shooters Association didn’t deliver. Poor Bob Ricker. They spent $500K and all they got was a website. Oh, and McCaskill, who they’ll quickly remind you of and who you probably don’t care about.

Here’s a conversation between Bob Ricker and Barack biggity biggity bop Obama.

Related: I hereby announce the formation of the advocacy group “Thoughtful Liberals For Reasonable Gun Control,” and further announce that we are endorsing John McCain for President


Gun Porn

Taurus porn.

And some EBR stuff here.

Countertop has some here and here.

Blogs make my city paper

Over at The Daily Times, they do a piece on blogs.

I think this is the second time they’ve used the word blog. But someone should tell them how to use hyperlinks in their stories. I mean, I had to google up Red Necks and White Socks — It’s Murville. It’s a local blog mentioned in the piece that I’d never heard of. And it’s also, apparently, not even local.

And they mention Blountviews, R. Neal’s other joint.

Update: Say, two of the more popular blogs originate in Blount County and we weren’t contacted?

April 22, 2008

Hillsy sees her shadow!

She won PA. And you know what this means? Six more weeks of pandering!

PA to Hillsy

The gambling industry* is giving PA to Hillary by between 7-10 points. Probably more accurate than any poll you’ll read today.

Turns out, the people between Philly and Pittsburgh are not so fond of being called cousin-humping, bible-thumping, gun-toting, angry hangers on. Who knew?

And by the gambling industry I mean my bookie. And by my bookie, I don’t mean my bookie but rather a guy I know who is a bookie.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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