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Always think forfeiture

Seems politicos always want to appear to be tough on crime. And the first thing they actually get tough on are your rights. If you’re caught with a prostitute, the local authorities want to seize your car.

6 Responses to “Always think forfeiture”

  1. Kevin Baker Says:

    El Cajon California has been doing this since 2004.

    Two questions: How much have they made by selling seized vehicles? And how much prostitution is still going on in El Cajon? (I mean, you can’t make it stop – that would cut off the city’s revenue stream!)

  2. Tom Stone Says:

    Rights? What rights? I suggest you read the “Military Commissions Act” and the good old USA Patriot Act.Maybe the Kelo decision too…Oh and some of that ultra liberal law perfesser John Yoo’s memo’s might help clear things up,he teaches at UC Berkeley’s Boalt Hall.And maybe you know why folks with dark skins have Rights and folks with $ and light skins have Liberties? the folks at the ACLU couldn’t help me with that question.

  3. HerrBGone Says:

    The winds of tyranny are blowing a gale. I am not looking forward to where the .gov wants to take this great nation. How do we stop this runaway train before it derails us all?

  4. ATLien Says:

    When people want to keep their cars and start shooting cops to keep their cars, I will have no pity at all.

  5. deadcenter Says:

    So, would Eliot Spitzer have to give up his car or the governor’s limosine?


  6. Hemlock Says:

    I foresee a run on $1000 or less junk heaps in Memphis.
    What happens if the offender is in a rental or a borrowed auto?

    Step on a crack, lose your momma’s Buick?

    This is the .govs favorite new flavor Tyranny Lite ™

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