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Speaking of Chicago


Gun violence that swept through swaths of Chicago over the weekend pressed into midweek Wednesday when five people were found slain in a South Side home.

2 Responses to “Speaking of Chicago”

  1. Ron W Says:

    How could that be? Unless there be some that disobey the strict gun control laws therein. Oh, they’re called criminals and they prey on unarmed victims–except maybe when they’re gettin’ in each other’s way.

    I’m sure officialdom’s solution will be more of the same gun control against the citizens that isn’t working now.

  2. Lyle Says:

    That this proves the failure of gun control, the WAD, and the welfare state all at the same time, will not be taken into consideration by those in charge locally.

    “If it fails, do it harder” has been and will continue to be their motto.

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