Archive for June, 2007

June 20, 2007

The difference a generation makes

And TiVo too.

So, me, the Mrs. and Junior were watching live TeeVee the other day. A commercial comes on. Junior, obviously concerned, says Where’d the show go? It occurred to us that she was three years old and had never seen a commercial before.

résumés – 2

Apparently, I should be clear what I meant about résumés. I find it is acceptable to have a multi-page résumé depending on the position you’re applying for and your level of experience. However, entry level folks, not so much.

Couldn’t have made it with a D after his name

Apparently, it is only shocking to Michael Bloomberg that he was never a real Republican.

Anti-gun politician sends police after critics

Armed School Teacher:

Danny Boy [San Kotowski] managed to tick off a whole lot of Illinois voters by pushing for lots and lots of onerous gun control . . . so lots of people sent him faxes and letters asking him to knock it off. He apparently is alleging that some of those people were threatening his august person, and going so far as to send detectives of the Illinois State Police to interview people at their homes.

The Illinois State Rifle Association seems to think that this means Kotowski is probably more interested in intimidating the voters into shutting up than anything else. Now, maybe Kotowski has some evidence to show that what he’s done here is reasonable, but the ISRA has interviewed at least one person who was questioned by ISP detectives, and they seem convinced that he didn’t do anything to warrant that scrutiny.

Kotowski is the idiot I mentioned here. Maybe there were some threats

Via tam.


Seems a man had a gun while saving a neighbors life. He was then fired because, err, his employers are retarded.


Email is subject to the same protections as phone calls:

The government must have a search warrant before it can secretly seize and search emails stored by email service providers, according to a landmark ruling Monday in the 6th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals. The court found that email users have the same reasonable expectation of privacy in their stored email as they do in their telephone calls — the first circuit court ever to make that finding.

Via Ben.

That’s unpossible

Seems outlaw gangs in Australia are using guns. How can that be what with the sweeping gun laws and all of that?


Or irony, I’m not sure.

The Second Amendment and Mental Disorders

Eventually, we’ll all be crazy.

Via reader Tommy.

June 19, 2007

Gun Porn

Evil black err white rifle.


Light blogging. Crap to do. Like go through 35 résumés. Keep running folks off. A few of my peeves about résumés:

It’s spelled résumé (that é can be created by either hitting alt+0233 or using the character map). It’s not spelled resume or resume’.

Leave off the funky fonts and graphics (ETA: Bold, italics don’t fax legibly)

Learn the difference between ensure and insure.

Unless you’re applying for a management job, UN Ambassador, or professorship, your résumé should be one page and one cover letter.

I’m not a fan of putting personal stuff on résumés (like which church you attend, number of kids, married, etc.). I personally hold none of that stuff against folks but some people do. Don’t risk it.

Use an email address that indicates your name, such as Not hobbies or sexual innuendo, like,, or

Use action verbs. Don’t say Responsible for . . ., say Managed . . . or Administered . . . or something indicating action.

Speaking of verbs, past jobs should be in past tense. Current job, present tense. And be consistent in verb usage.

Less is more: Don’t say due to the fact when because will do. Don’t say in order to when to will do. This is helpful in getting it down to one page.

Focus on accomplishments, not duties.

I know you may have downloaded a template for your letter or résumé and that’s fine. But change the titles. Don’t address me as Dear Hiring Executive or Dear [click here]. Just sayin’.

I will google your name, after the first interview.

Spell check is your friend. In fact, get another friend to read it. S/he may find something you missed.

If you were unemployed, just explain the gap in the interview. If you were unemployed to stay home with children, explain that in the interview too. Don’t say you ran private daycare. It’s not that funny.

I’m not sure how I’d word web-savviness either, but the phrase Proficient in the Internet just doesn’t sound right.

And, really, are you qualified for the job you’re applying for? Just asking.

Update: There is some disagreement over spelling résumé. I blame the French. It’s also a problem for web browsers and email readers, as I noted here.

What did five fingers say to the face?

Slap. Ya know, likening the law abiding to criminals is insulting. And stupid.

Product Review

Sebastian looks at Gunzilla, a gun cleaner with no odor that is safe for the environment. He’s sold. May have to check it out.

Welcome back, Kotter

Only, his name isn’t Kotter.

Strangest thing I’ve seen in at least a day

Noodling. Here’s video of it.

NICS improvement bill

Buckeye Firearms has a fact sheet about the bill. Like I said before, the bill largely serves as a means to pay for things that are already law.

I guess it’s a compliment

When people are stealing your work and emailing it around?

Via Tam.

AR-15 Porn

Chris and crew take a scoped AR to the range.

Soldiers Disarmed

School officials snipped the weapons off of toy soldiers.

This just in: maybe just using existing law is good enough

So rare these days. There was a push in Rutherford County to ban shooting in subdivisions. The bill failed. As to why:

Commissioner Adam Coggin said he opposed the ban because there are already state laws against reckless endangerment. Anyone firing a gun in a way that could be a danger to another person could be prosecuted under those laws.

Common sense: here’s hoping it breaks out all over.

Video killed the . . .

I concur. Videotaping the police should not be punished.

June 18, 2007

at the whim of local officials

CCW at Wikipedia.

Quote of the day


Handguns “known as Saturday night specials?” When you repeat a meaningless political pejorative as if it’s a correct label your tabloid is practicing a type of reporting known as “yellow journalism.”

A major award

Yesterday, I was awarded the coveted Dad of the Year Award, for the third year in a row. It must be tough on you other dads out there to know that every year, I win it. I mean, there really is no competition. I rule. It’s not even close. I get 100% of the votes every year. This daddin’ stuff has its rewards.

In other news, today Junior is three. I really have a hard time wrapping my head around the fact she’s three now. Happy birthday, sweetie.

Webb says it was his gun

Jim Webb’s staffer was arrested and detained for illegally having a gun in DC. There was question about whose gun it was:

A senate staffer working for James Webb was busted trying to get a pistol into the senate building. It was the senator’s gun. I guess the senator was taking advantage of the recent Parker v. DC decision? Nah, he’s one of the privileged who gets to disregard laws for little people.

Then, there was uncertainty about whose gun it was.

Webb now says it was his:

Sen. Jim Webb said he owns the gun that an aide was arrested for carrying into the U.S. Capitol complex in March.

“It’s my gun,” Webb told the Richmond Times-Dispatch in an interview last week.

Webb previously had refused to say whether the gun was his, although his senior aide – Phillip Thompson – had told police the weapon belonged to the Democratic senator.

As to why he wasn’t clear before:

Webb said little about the incident in March, saying he did not want to prejudice the outcome of Thompson’s case.

“It was a matter under legal consideration, and I was precluded from saying anything,” Webb told the Richmond newspaper. “And I hope you’ll understand that in matters of self-defense up here, it doesn’t do anybody’s safety a lot of good by talking about this stuff. We’re pretty vulnerable up here.”

Although Webb now acknowledges ownership of the gun, how and why it was in Thompson’s possession remains unclear.

“I did not give it to Phillip, nor did I ask him to do anything with it,” Webb said in the interview, reiterating what he told reporters in March.

Update: Insty says: How about sponsoring a national concealed-carry bill, Senator Webb? Boy, that would open up a can of worms. I kinda wonder how it’d work, exactly. For example, my two carry guns are banned in one state (maybe two). How, precisely, could that be reconciled?

Still falling for it

A puff piece on The American Hunters & Shooters Association. The AHSA is a false pro-gun organization. You can read about their exploits at:

Gun law news – follows the money.


The most telling thing about AHSA is its leadership. A quick look at the website shows that Bob Ricker is listed as AHSA Executive Director. Hunters will remember that Ricker is a former NRA employee who switched sides and has actively worked for gun control groups for many years now. Most recently Ricker was paid by a Virginia based anti-gun group, where he lobbied to shut down gun shows and put further restrictions on gun owners.

John Rosenthal is listed as President of the AHSA Foundation. Rosenthal is one of the founders of the Massachusetts based group Stop Handgun Violence, a group that has been a major force in passing some of the most draconian state gun laws in the nation.

Petzal has background on their leadership.

Cam has more on that.

And I do to: here, here, here and here.

Update: Jeff has more: 5,000 v. 4,000,000

Fed tax revenue at all time high

I blame tax cuts for the wealthy.

Wrong house


Law-enforcement officers raided the wrong house and forced a 77-year-old La Plata County woman on oxygen to the ground last week in search of methamphetamine.

The raid occurred about 11 a.m. June 8, as Virginia Herrick was settling in to watch “The Price is Right.” She heard a rustling outside her mobile home in Durango West I and looked out to see several men with gas masks and bulletproof vests, she said.

Herrick went to the back door to have a look.

“I thought there was a gas leak or something,” she said.

But before reaching the door, La Plata County Sheriff’s deputies shouted “search warrant, search warrant” and barged in with guns drawn, she said. They ordered Herrick to the ground and began searching the home.

“They didn’t give me a chance to ask for a search warrant or see a search warrant or anything,” she said in a phone interview Thursday. “I’m not about to argue with those big old guys, especially when they’ve got guns and those big old sledgehammers.”

The police didn’t get the numbers right: “There is a big difference between 74 and 82,” he said, referring to the house numbers.

Redneck week

Over here. Heh.

June 16, 2007


Unless disbarred is a synonym for taken outside and beaten about the head and neck area with a hose, I’m not impressed.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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