Archive for June, 2007

June 25, 2007

Good Samaritaning is hard

Seems the property management company that fired the guy who had a gun when he saved someone’s life is feeling the sting and is going on the attack. Says bitter:

This is a low, low attack. Releasing financial information is a BIG FREAKIN’ NO-NO. Just like credit card companies don’t go around posting the names of people they denied and banks don’t run ads noting everyone who has ever had a check bounce, these are things that a well run business simply does not do. Deal with it privately, don’t trash someone’s name and financial status in the press.

David notes:

you couldn’t buy this much bad publicity. I just ran a Google on the manager’s name, and it turned up 27,000 hits.

I’m disappointed

Online Dating

Mingle2Online Dating

In other news, gun is a dirty word? Well, fuckity, fuck, fuck.

Via Ninth Stage.

Update: The difference a day makes:

Online Dating

Mingle2Online Dating

Gun Porn

Kimber Pro Carry.

Play that funky music, white hoplophobe

Barry is in a band. Rich caught the band on video here and here. Barry has pipes, who knew?

June 23, 2007


David notes that Hollis Wayne Fincher was sentenced to six and a half years. Finscher was in possession of machine guns and a short barreled rifle without paying taxes on them. He fought the case on second amendment grounds and lost. See prior posts here.

Update: In comments, Wesley clarifies:

I would probably have said, He tried to fight the case on second amendment grounds but wasn’t allowed to and lost.


Robot Revenooers Revisited

So, I’m not happy about Knoxville’s red light cameras for a couple of reasons. Sure, people will say if you don’t break the law, then you have nothing to fear. But, if that’s the case, why stop there? Put them in my house, I might be breaking the law now. So, I got to thinking (dangerous, I know) about how to get rid of these things. I don’t mean like they do in England where they throw a gasoline soaked tire around them and set them on fire. I mean, a way to get the city to realize the error of their ways without the violence and destruction. About the only thing I can come up with is simply not patronizing the businesses around intersections where the cameras are. Now, I just need to convince 400,000 Knoxvillians to do the same.

Robot Revenooers

They snagged me or the Mrs. this past week. $50 for running a red light we didn’t know we ran. I looked it over and, unlike other cases, it actually was our vehicle. I read the bottom and it basically said something to the effect of:

Under penalty of perjury, I have reviewed . . .

And the officer signed it affirming a violation had occurred. I guess that explains their quick response to Tam since, through carelessness, said officer had perjured him or her self in that case.

Bodyslammed for lawful activity

In an update to ColtCCO getting slammed for lawfully carrying a gun, Insty notes:

it suggests a serious training deficit with the Knoxville Police, as well as an attitude problem on the part of the officer in question.

Well, the tone at the top from Knoxville Mayor Bill Haslam is anti-gun. Why wouldn’t the cops be?

ATF’s Random Enforcement

If I understand this correctly, the ATF asserts that:

1 – Owing a semi-automatic firearm and having access to a machine shop constitutes possession of a readily convertible machine gun. By that rationale, of course, just access to a machine shop does as well. So, machinists, I suppose, cannot own firearms.

2 – If you have one weapon that is a short barreled rifle and one that isn’t but can accept the after market accessories designed for the short barreled rifle, then the ATF shows up and takes the short barreled rifle but not the other one, your possession of said after market accessories constitutes unlawful possession of a short barreled rifle.

It’s like they make it up as they go along.

Further, the guy involved is actually a special occupational taxpayer. And he was merely a person of interest in a murder. Seems two guns he at one point owned were later used in a murder. And the ATF traced the weapons to him, which is odd since the anti-gunners say cops don’t have access to trace data.


Ex-marine kills bear with a log.

Remember this rule

Warning shots are almost always illegal.

June 22, 2007

Backyard Ballistics

Insty links to a pretty neat book called Backyard Ballistics. It looks like hours of fun. The Amazon page says:

Backyard Ballistics: Build Potato Cannons, Paper Match Rockets, Cincinnati Fire Kites, Tennis Ball Mortars, and More Dynamite Devices

Now, the ATF got a wild hair once to regulate model rockets. Thankfully, they were put in their place. They have also issued opinions on potato guns and flaming tennis balls that may qualify the items as destructive devices depending on which particular projectile they are loaded with. Additionally, a few states regulate such items. So, careful out there. You don’t want to get your kids a book that may get them a visit from the authorities.

ETA: And I’m not saying said activities aren’t fun, educational and entertaining. I am saying that activities I engaged in as a youth now can lead to an interest by the powers that be. And that’s just sad.

Thanks, County


In a year when Senator Kyle says taxpayers should demand lower property taxes AND in a year that Blount County will receive almost $1 million more in State funds, Blount County Commissioners are going to require Blount County taxpayers to take EVEN More money from their family budgets.

I wonder what blogging Blount County Commissioner Wendy will say. She did vote No and hats off to her.


So, the pope issued ten commandments for drivers. Allow me to suggest my own:

Pay attention. I know you’re busy and all but your focus should be on driving, not returning calls.

The left lane is for passing. Not for teaching me a lesson. So, get out of the way. The only lesson you’re teaching me is that you’re an asshole.

At a four way stop, the shittiest car does not actually have the right of way.

Yield is not a suggestion. Conversely, it also doesn’t mean give up.

If you’re doing 20MPH in a 45MPH on a rural road just taking in the scenery, remember that some of us (namely the 15 people behind you who want to pummel you to death) may have places to be or may have spent a long day at the office and want to get home. So, at first opportunity, pull over and let us pass since you’re obviously not in a hurry.

Be courteous. But not stupid. If traffic is backed up, I’ll let people trying to get on the road out. However, I probably won’t let all 20 of them out.

If you’re going to be making, say, a right turn in the next little bit, maybe you should go ahead and get in the right hand lane. As opposed to what you usually do, which is wait until the last minute, cut three people off, and almost cause a traffic fatality through your own stupidity.

Signal your intentions when appropriate. But not 1.25 miles ahead of time.

When you see emergency vehicles, get out of their way. They might be going to your house.

Keep it together. Some idiot out there is not enough reason to jeopardize your life. And it’s generally not a good idea to act out of anger when you’re in a several thousand pound, metal box on wheels that’s going fast.

Riding my rear is a pointless exercise if I’m trapped behind someone else and have no where to go.

If you ride a motorcycle, it’s probably not smart to hug the center line so you can pass. All it takes is one guy not paying attention to change lanes and you’re road paste.

When the light turns green, make sure it’s the road is clear and then go. Expeditiously. Don’t finish curling your hair, drink a cup of coffee, and fiddle with the radio. We only got so much time to get through.

If you see a sign that says merge left, go ahead and do that as soon as you can. As opposed to sticking it out in the right lane for as long as you can. See, 15 other idiots decided to do the same thing and when they run out of road and have to merge at the last second, that’s what causes most of the traffic congestion.

I’m not sure what kind of sadistic prick gets their jollies from the misfortune of others, but coming to an almost complete stop to check out the aftermath of a car accident is not only unsafe, it makes you a dickhead.

Learn the rules for pedestrians. They generally have right of way.

A Stop sign does not actually say Stop unless oncoming traffic is a bicyclist (note: I just bought a bike and take my kids for rides. Drivers really are dangerous when you’re on a bike).

Do not pass people, pull over in front of them and then make a turn. Seriously, who are you people?

Gun Porn

M1 Carbines from CMP.

Must be all that blood in the streets from those assault weapons

Violent crime is on the rise. Readers here knew that. And we knew why:

. . . release of large numbers of prisoners were in part responsible for the rising crime.

But The Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Ownership blames those evil guns.

NICS improvement bill

Analysis from the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Ownership:

The NICS Improvement Act, which passed the House by voice vote as H.R. 2640 on June 13, 2007, will strengthen the Brady background check system, and thereby make it harder for criminals and other dangerous people to buy firearms.

It will make it harder for them to buy them from lawful dealers. But that’s not where criminals get their guns.

The Brady Law, which mandated that federally licensed firearms dealers (FFLs) check the backgrounds of prospective gun purchasers, has been an overwhelming success.

It has?

Since 1994, Brady background checks have prevented more than 1.3 million persons from illegally buying guns.

But has it affected crime rates? On the rest of it, it again confirms what I’ve said all along. The bill merely funds things that are already law.

Tiahrt: Trust FOP and ATF

Here he sets an editorial board straight on what his bill actually does.

June 21, 2007

Notes from the floor

MBA Weasel: blah blah blah paradigms blah blah blah

Bubba from the floor: What’re paradigms?

Joe Bob from the floor: About twenty cents?

Even more gun porn

It’s kids and guns day.

More gun porn

SKS as scout rifle.

Another one gone

Another mayor has left Bloomberg’s anti-gun group, Mayors Against Guns:

Carmel, Indiana Mayor Jim Brainard is the most recent addition to a list of the nation’s mayors to resign from New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s anti-gun coalition.

“These mayors, one-by-one, have come to realize the misinformation Bloomberg has given them regarding the true intent of his coalition,” said Chris W. Cox, NRA’s chief lobbyist. “The real agenda is not taking firearms out of the hands of criminals, but gaining access to confidential law enforcement information for the purposes of bringing predatory lawsuits against firearms manufacturers and retailers.”

I think that’s now five that have left. Someone alert Knoxville Mayor Bill Haslam that he can be lucky number 6.

Gun Porn

Carnaby shooting a Ko-tonics 6.8SPC.

And a boy’s first rifle.

Knowing the law

Seems ColtCCO had a run in with the police for obeying the law:

I would tell you all about getting my face mushed up against a wall for not fully concealing my legally carried firearm in public, but right now, I’m just too sad.

In Tennessee, we have handgun carry permits. There is no requirement that they be concealed. And I love when the cops tell you not to tell them what the law is. Well, sparky, if you knew it, we wouldn’t have to tell you.

Update: I think Tam says it best:

Apparently the new fashion among crooks is to go grocery shopping with their girlfriends and make sure that someone gets a glimpse of their kilobuck-plus custom gun in its expensive leather holster


I feel your pain.

Update: Funny in the comments from Jon:

Keep in mind, he’ll be returning the favor someday….

2nd amendment news round up


Really, that’s what you’re looking for?

I’ve covered Red’s Trading Post before. They are being investigated by the ATF and have a blog documenting that. But this from a local news story seems, err, trite:

Monday the agents did find a possible infraction where a date was left off of a transfer slip.

Oh Noes!!!! In other news, he may not have dotted an I. But this is interesting:

Things got heated on Monday when the Times News tried to take a picture of the agents at work. Tuesday on Top Story listeners were invited to go by Red’s and see the agents in action. Horsley says he thinks that may have prompted the agents to leave early.

Well, the watchmen don’t like to be watched.

June 20, 2007

résumés – 3

More advice but for those of us that read them. And he tells me to get over myself.

Project Vote Smart

Now has a blog:

This blog is operated by Project Vote Smart. We are a non-profit and non-partisan library of factual information on over 40,000 elected officials and candidates for office. We cover these candidates in 6 basic areas: (1) biographical background, (2) issue positions, (3) voting records, (4) campaign finances, (5) speeches and public statements and (6) performance evaluations made on them by over 100 special interest groups. Please visit our main web-site at to find that information.



Earliest gun shot victim in the new world found in Peru.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

Uncle Pays the Bills

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