Archive for December, 2013

December 19, 2013

More tactical derp

A tactical string! Da fuck?

Also, from that link, 8 Ways to Spot a Bad Self-Defense Product Before It Kills You

Live in .gov housing, you can’t own guns

Delaware court to weigh in on the issue.

Fictional character

A new show about the a fictional head of the NRA. Well, anti-gunners do like fiction as it comprises most of their beliefs. And all four people who watch that channel will agree.

Pay up

Colorado Springs has to pay $23.5K for the wrongful arrest of a man carrying a gun at a gay pride event:

The four sergeants and three officers involved were unaware that it’s legal to open carry in city parks and has been since gun laws changed statewide in 2003.

Ignorance of the law . . .

Concealed Carry Polling

Size matters

Gun Porn

The cutest gun pics you’ll this week.

Salient MK25 is teh sexxy.

X-ray prints of firearms for sale. For your man cave.

Like a glock and a walther made sweet, sweet love: Montenegro TARA TM 9 Pistol

December 18, 2013

Mayors Against Guns Merges With Moms Demand Action

Meh, they’re all bankrolled by the same few anyway:

Moms will soon join mayors in a push to limit access to illegal firearms, as two high-profile groups reveal plans to merge.

Outgoing New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s Mayors Against Illegal Guns on Thursday will announce that it is joining with Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America, a year-old grassroots campaign launched the day after the Dec. 14, 2012, shootings at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Conn.

The combined group will align Bloomberg’s deep pockets with the strong social network and media savvy the mothers’ group brings. The billionaire founder of Bloomberg News said last week that he’ll “devote extensive resources of my own” to the effort.

Except that there is no grassroots and there is no high profile.

Registration leads to . . .

90 more days of paperwork.

Seems DC is going to turn lawful gun owners into criminals:

Big changes for gun owners in the nation’s capital will impact tens of thousands of law-abiding citizens, many of whom have no idea the change is coming.

The new requirement for gun owners in the District goes into effect next year and failure to comply could mean jail time.
Starting Jan. 1 all registered gun owners in D.C. must re-register their firearms within 90 days. D.C. Police Chief Cathy Lanier says notices will start going out to gun owners soon.

“Every three years you’ll have to confirm you still live in the District and you still have your firearm.” Lanier tells WNEW.
The re-registration requirement will impact anyone who registered a firearm in the District from 1976 to 2010.

“There are probably between 40,000 and 50,000 people who registered a gun during that time.” Lanier says.

Not everybody is happy with the new requirement. Ilya Shapiro, a Senior Fellow at the Cato Institute, worries the requirement could make criminals out of law-abiding gun owners.

“Of the 50,000 or however many people there are, at least one person won’t comply,” Shapiro says. “Not willfully, but because they haven’t heard about the new law and all of a sudden they’ll be in technical violation of the law which has serious penalties.”

So, you registered? No, do it again only it’s double secret registration that we can’t tell you about.

The good news is that many people in DC own guns.

Quote of the Day

Because you suck and . . .:

I am pretty sure if it weren’t for video games and bad Hollywood movies that H&K wouldn’t have a commercial firearms market, at all.

ITAR regs going digital

Tom Bowers says email and electronic communication to be required by State.

From Brownells

Just got a Tactical Solutions SBX for the Ruger 10/22. I’ve not installed it yet because I don’t have a .920 compatible stock. But I’m impressed. Just grabbed a stock online and will give it a run soon. Speaking of Brownells, free shipping today.

Why are anti-gun activists so violent?

U mad, bro:

But I am a pragmatist who believes that repeal of the Second Amendment or the perpetration of a similarly unspeakable act at a meeting of the NRA Board of Directors are not yet realistic goals and might, in one instance at least, be illegal.

Rather, we should treat gun violence for what it really is, and with that new perspective, persuade the influential and powerful of the stark threat this cancer poses to their — our — vital interests. Only by coolly and methodically mobilizing these forces will we be able to CONSIGN THE NRA FUCKERS AND THEIR FUCKING BULLY-BOY LACKEYS TO ETERNAL FUCKING PERDITION.

Then cowboy up, Sparky. Meanwhile, a late night broadcaster for ABC thinks that the military should target NRA like they do terrorists.

Quick, look conservative. An election is coming up

Been talking about Lamar Alexander and the fact that he’s not a conservative and not small government. Well, he and Corker have decided to oppose the budget bill. You know, one that doesn’t matter so they can tout their conservative voting records.

Obviously, she’s a gun expert

Lisa Longo:

But as far as I have found, only one of them is specifically designed to kill, and that one thing is guns.

Guns aren’t also used for transportation. So do not tell me how cars kill as well. Knives, rope, even baseball bats. All have other primary purposes. Except guns. They have one goal. To kill. Or pretend to kill. And yes, I know many people have guns and they don’t want to kill anyone. They have a gun for sport, or a hobby, or protection.

Yeah, they serve no other purpose, such as recreation. Or keeping you safe. Or deterring crime. Or any of that. I mean, right now, I’m killing all kinds of things with my guns. Somebody stop them. Anyway, the only thing a gun does is put a hole in a thing at a distance.

The rest of her, I guess article, is so disjointed and full of crazy and stupid, I had to stop.

The difference a date makes

The tale of two magazines

Challenging Cali’s Handgun Roster

The latest from Gene Hoffman

My word, there’s a gay gun nut

Apparently, some shooter I’ve not heard of who won a show I don’t watch has come out as gay. I’m betting it was harder to come out to the google folks you used to work for and Californians as a gun guy than coming out gay to gun folks.

Good for you. Be who you are. But it’s not like gay gun owners are anything that new.

We’re not trying to ban guns

Except for these guns we’re trying to ban.

In NSA news

The number of terror plots foiled by NSA snooping on everyone is roughly zero.

Meanwhile, sources say Snowden accidentally the whole thing.

Where Snowden is dangerous is in revealing who officials directed NSA to spy on. Mark it.

Layers of editorial oversight

Or cops don’t know guns?

This never happens

A city police instructor was sentenced Tuesday to two months in jail for shooting a trainee during exercises, an incident that left a man critically wounded and, in the words of a prosecutor, “brought dishonor onto the Baltimore Police Department.”

William S. Kern was convicted of reckless endangerment in the Feb. 12 shooting at the Rosewood Center in Owings Mills, a shuttered state facility for people with developmental disabilities. The 19-year veteran testified that he accidentally grabbed a live weapon instead of a training gun.

I mean the part about him going to jail or otherwise facing a consequence. Police training instructors shoot police rather a lot.

Noted Gun Expert Biden Gets It Right

Says the NSSF, touting his $100M plan to do something or another to the mental health system. Given that, like our healthcare system, it’s not actually a system at all, I’m skeptical.

Gun Porn

Ruger 10/22 LASER

Beretta Pico sounds like the only pricey dish at a Mexican restaurant.

Goblin Cleaver

The littlest Browning

December 17, 2013

Wildcat 50BMG/17

Oh sure, anyone can neck down a .50 to 5.56.

But necking one down to .17 cal, that’s something.

The law means nothing in Chicago

Cook County will deny concealed carry permits. Another lawless Chicago politician, I am shocked.

3D printed guns and ammo

A good point by Joe about pressure and 3D printed firearms. It would open up more design options for 3D guns.

But the internet is controlled by the firearms industry

And other lies they tell.

Warning Shot Bill

I’m going to say this is not a good idea. A bill that makes it lawful to threaten, brandish or fire warning shots. Seems like a not good idea to me. Well, the warning shot part. There are plenty of situations where presenting a firearm ends it. But the warning shot thing I can see being a problem. You’ll have the warning shot defense of “I didn’t mean to hit him”. Thoughts?

Pay up

City of Seattle to pay $38K to settle a suit brought by the Second Amendment Foundation for the city’s failure to reply to a public records request.

Australian kid finds 250 year old gun

Cool. I was unaware of swivel guns.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

Uncle Pays the Bills

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