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Obviously, she’s a gun expert

Lisa Longo:

But as far as I have found, only one of them is specifically designed to kill, and that one thing is guns.

Guns aren’t also used for transportation. So do not tell me how cars kill as well. Knives, rope, even baseball bats. All have other primary purposes. Except guns. They have one goal. To kill. Or pretend to kill. And yes, I know many people have guns and they don’t want to kill anyone. They have a gun for sport, or a hobby, or protection.

Yeah, they serve no other purpose, such as recreation. Or keeping you safe. Or deterring crime. Or any of that. I mean, right now, I’m killing all kinds of things with my guns. Somebody stop them. Anyway, the only thing a gun does is put a hole in a thing at a distance.

The rest of her, I guess article, is so disjointed and full of crazy and stupid, I had to stop.

9 Responses to “Obviously, she’s a gun expert”

  1. Robb Allen Says:

    The ONLY reason!!!!

    Although, in a country with nearly 288,000,000 guns in civilian hands, they apparently aren’t any good at what they do since there’s more than 10% of us left.

  2. Antagon Says:

    Guns are remote acting power drills. A smaller selection of bit diameters than the ones at your big box home improvement center tho.

  3. phssthpok Says:

    I have insisted for years that the gun is simply the (current) pinnacle of rock-throwing technology. Had gunpowder never been invented there would be some other form of technological pinnacle for throwing rocks that these anti-rights cultists would have their knickers in a twist over.

  4. divemedic Says:

    Anyone who really thinks that would be foolish indeed to declare war on 100 million gun owners. This leaves only two possibilities:
    1 She is lying, and knows that most gun owners and their guns are not dangerous, or;
    2 she is a fool

  5. Huck Says:

    “Anyone who really thinks that would be foolish indeed to declare war on 100 million gun owners. This leaves only two possibilities:
    1 She is lying, and knows that most gun owners and their guns are not dangerous, or;
    2 she is a fool”

    How about…

    3 A liar AND a fool.

    3 gets my vote.

  6. Cargosquid Says:

    I had a nice go-round at the Huffpo site. I will say this about her, though….unlike almost ALL of the other Huffpo authors, she engaged with the commenters and argued for her position. She may be wrong, but she sticks around to fight for her position.

  7. snoopycomputer Says:

    Since she is smarter than me [not a stretch] can she explain to me why people die from tazers/stun guns? A device designed explicitly NOT to kill?

    Also detail for me how such a device could never be used in a nefarious way against the innocent.

  8. Doriath Says:

    To be fair to Ms Jackass, the reasons guns can deter crime and keep you safe is that they are designed (in conjunction with their ammunition) to kill, and the designers have done a pretty good job in that respect (at least in the hands of someone who knows what they’re doing). Tazers, stun guns, (rubber,baton/bean bag) rounds, tear gas, etc are designed to incapacitate/injure without killing, but currently don’t do as good a job – it’s a much trickier design problem. However with modern emergency medicine far more tazer victims survive than gunshot victims die, so perhaps they deserve more credit. Tazers and stun guns can and are used against the innocent (just like guns, chemical agents, fists, sticks, stones etc) – for example it’s pretty pointless to kidnap someone for ransom if the only tool in your arsenal is poking them full of holes.

  9. Ed Says:

    The only tool I’ ve identified intended solely for killing and maiming fellow humans is not a gun. Guns can hunt, compete in sports, and all that other fun stuff.

    Swords, on the other hand…You can’t hunt with them in any real way. The sport and training blades are about as much a sword as a nerf dart is a bullet. They’re designed to leave large bleeding wounds leading to death and even pierce armor, some of them designed for no other purpose than getting through armor protecting the other guy.

    Yet…nobody complains about these tools designed solely to kill people. Because they’re not actually arguing about the design purpose, but we knew that.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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