Archive for December, 2012

December 20, 2012

Just in case the world does end tomorrow

I’ll miss you guys.

Jewelry made by shooting gold bars

These are kind of cool:


Keep calm and carry on(e)

The gunosphere is ablaze with a lot of ZOMG IT’S THE END OF THE WORLD with respect to gun rights and gun control. It’s not. As Sebastian says: This is not our last stand, it is theirs. And this is true. NRA membership has risen drastically recently. Anywhere you go to buy guns or magazines, they are largely out of stock.

I spoke with a marketing guy at one of the largest gun distributors out there. He told me that on Monday, they sold more magazines than they ordinarily sell in 73 days. Estimates are that sales are up 7,000%. Those are big numbers. They also indicate gun owners can get active and vote with their dollars.

If everyone who bought an AR-15 magazine since 2004 wrote their congresscritter and told them to not support any restrictions on gun rights, no bill would see the light of day. So, get on it. Act. Let your reps know that you will not support them if they try to pass onerous gun bills. You voted with your dollars, now vote with your phone, email and postal service. And here are some other specific things you can do.

Make this their last stand.

Point out this is a distraction from the current economic crisis.

And look at the math.

Everything that is wrong with the tax code

In one picture

CNN pranked

Remember when I told you CNN wanted you to upload pics of your guns and asked if they were ever banned? Well, someone is having some fun with them:

My ak 47, 5th generation model. This one uses the 9.88x33mm round. I believe the only nation that uses it is Canada. They need this kind of firepower actually. I got mine in yellow because nothing says, “I’m big, bad and scary like yellow”…banana yellow.

Heh. The pic is priceless.

Hey, I know that guy

Someone you know is on TV

In Fast and Furious News

Pistol purchased by ATF agent found at alleged cartel crime scene in Mexico. Also, seems the agent provided false information on his 4473 which is a crime that the ATF would arrest you for.

I have a better idea

Instead, you come and take them.

Pics from a gun buyback

Some UK paper thinks that what is mostly a pile of trash is an astonishing arsenal of guns. From Camden, where most of those guns are unlawful to own.

The government has a file on you

And congressmen want to know why:

In a letter released yesterday, Representative Jason Chaffetz (R-Utah) and Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-South Carolina) take Attorney General Eric Holder to task. They ask whether the Justice Department believes that the government has the legal authority to a) keep data on citizens who are not suspected of any crime; b) analyze aggregated government databases; and c) change fundamental rules governing surveillance without approval from Congress.

Well, that’s one of the things about the hope and change administration, it’s above the law. And has displayed outright contempt for it numerous times.

It’s time for a conversation

About the first amendment. Wait, what?

Cheaper Than Dirt recants

They had a hiccup with demand being so and suspended sales, likely because the were taking payments for guns that might not ship for a long time. They’ve now resumed gun sales. Good for them.

Also, they’ve dropped their magazine prices back down to reasonable levels, which, of course, means they are out of stock.

NRA membership

Adding 8,000 members per day since the Newtown shooting.

Gun bans and polling

Lots of other stuff polls higher up than banning guns. And, shockingly, Democrats see gun bans as effective and unicorns.

Can armed security guards, or armed teachers, help protect our students?


A look at arming them in NC.

Gun Porn

A Mysterious Brazilian ArmaLite AR-18

Deal of the Day.

December 19, 2012

CNN wants pictures of your guns

Wants to know if it was banned. No thanks.

Obama Press Conference On Restricting Gun Rights

Live blogged. Didn’t watch it myself but I’m guessing I know how it went.

Keeping It Classy

Man ejected from Murfreesboro mall had shirt asking ‘Has your gun killed a kindergartner today?’

Update: Turns out, this guy is a criminal. Shocking that he doesn’t want you armed.

Officer R2D2

Speed camera gives speeding ticket to stationary car.

Everybody calm down

Take a deep breath. It’s not quite 1994.

Having the conversation

Joe on driving the debate. Another perspective here.

I think prerequisite in having a conversations is that our opponents know what they’re talking about. Using terms like “high-magazine clips” and the now infamous “shoulder thing that goes up” should embarrass these people. But it doesn’t. They have agendas.

I’m guessing that since there is now a gun control task force headed up by Biden, the conversation from the other side will consist of them taking advantage of and exploiting a tragedy then wonder why our side says no.

As part of that conversation, here’s Diane Feinstein’s press release announcing the new ban on the country’s most popular rifles. Her bill, which is stupid, also would not have stopped the CT shooting.

Some sense from Samuel Jackson, though it needs more F bombs.

A lie repeated often enough

NO: Would Adam Lanza’s Rifle Have Been Covered by the Federal ‘Assault Weapon’ Ban?

But that bit will be diligently parroted.

God, I hope not

A 9/11 for schools. How long before the TSA sets up at the local middle school?

Mass Murderers V. Armed Citizens

An interesting read:

The average number of people killed in mass shootings when stopped by police is 14.29

The average number of people killed in a mass shooting when stopped by a civilian is 2.33

Timely, since there was a mass shooting stopped by an armed man recently.

Blame Game

Things being blamed that aren’t guns or the nutjob Video games and entertainment.

I think it’s equally ludicrous.

Even more caving

Boehner want GOP to discuss gun laws. Given his fiscal cliff nonsense, I’m not surprised. When are they getting rid of this guy?

Speaking of caving, here’s Cerberus Capital’s statement on why they’re folding like a lawn chair.

CBS to remove all firearms from programming!


Yup, pulling shows that show responsible use of firearms and not the ones that show irresponsible and criminal use!

Quote of the day

This: Grieve first, then make decisions — not the other way around.

Or, at least, calm down. The anti-gun folks went right to dancing in the blood of dead children in record time. Most gun rights folks instinctively went on defense but some went on the offense. The NRA may have had it right by keeping its mouth shut for a little bit and thinking it over.

Hysteric economics

Gun and ammo prices soar. Stock of gun companies drops.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

Uncle Pays the Bills

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