Archive for March, 2010

March 26, 2010

We’re winning

A Pew poll says protecting gun owners’ rights growing in popularity.

There is no trust fund

You know, the one that doesn’t exist. We discussed this before.

Lawyers, guns and money

Only, without the lawyers.

Gun Porn

Ruger Mark III.

The suppressed Beretta from The Departed. When the Funky Bunch handles the weapon, he’s likely breaking the law. Being convicted of a crime where the sentence exceeds one year, and all. ETA: More pics here.

the narrative

I’ve come out against the knuckleheads tossing bricks and threatening people over the health care vote that get press coverage. But the threats and acts of violence against opponents of the bill have been getting little play. For instance, little coverage of the Republican whose office was shot at and death threats against Palin and her family. But no Washington Post spreads on that.

Speaking of the narrative, it is taken as fact that the GOP opposed civil rights when that is not the case.

ETA: Aunt B. informs me in comments that police are calling the shots fired at Cantor’s office random gunfire. More like someone didn’t shoot at so much as they shot and it kinda landed there.


TSA Airport employee accidentally goes through scanner. Feels violated when coworkers look at her nekkid.

Update: I can’t read, apparently.

My new favorite website for time-wasting

Things that are doing it.

Gun bubble

Did it burst?

March 25, 2010


79% say others carrying guns makes them feel safe. Consistent with other online polls except this one is at MSNBC.

Why are anti-gun activists so violent?

Seen at DU:

I’ve decided to buy a gun. Conservatives have lost their fucking minds

and I’m gong to protect me and mines.

Seriously DU, I was an avid gun hater mainly because I knew I’d really use it.

And that last sentence, I think, generally explains the anti-gun mentality.

That’s still around?

The real story here is that someone still reads Doonesbury.

Rights: real and imaginary

You have a right to be required to purchase goods and services.

Meanwhile, a proposal:

So the current administration has deemed a health-care a right and issued a mandate that each and every person must exercise that right under penalty of law.

Given that, I have a proposal. Everyone must go buy a gun. Each and every person must spend their own hard-earned money to exercise their right to keep and bear arms.

LawDog on a proposed amendment to stop such silliness.

Gun Safety

Should be taught in schools.

Speaking of unnecessary complexity

The Multi Purpose Selector Switch from Modern Arms. A fancy pistol grip with electronic controls for lights, lasers and optics. Interesting concept in that when you put the selector switch in the fire, all your electronics activate. Pretty cool.

Like a whole other country

Couple of Tennessee good ol’ boys are driving through New Jersey. They get stopped and one, forgetting he was in New Jersey, decides to tell the cops that he has a gun but he has a permit. A permit not honored there. And ammunition that NJ has banned. And he may have gotten away with that if he found a gun friendly cop willing to look the other way. Except for that whole part about having weed in the car too.

Guns in Arenas

NBA and packing.

now you’re under control

And now you do what they told ya.

Gun Porn

I dunno what that is. But definitely black and expensive.

pistol / carbine?

MSNBC on handgun carry

A surprisingly fair presentation of the issue, even noting that firearms deaths are down while permits are up. Up to six million, they say.

I like that game

Go to the gun shop or the gun show and play the game spot who’s packing. Here’s one guy’s tips to spotting a hidden handgun. I leaves out the obvious, such as shoot me first vests. But I guess those might be covered under clothes appropriate for weather. The trick to not getting made, generally, is to have more guns. Also, seems to presume folks are not using an adequate holster and stiff belt set up. I have different guns for the different styles of clothes that I wear.

That’s sexist

First, we learn the health bill is racist. Now, it’s sexist.

No thanks

Glock with an internal safety lock. Adding an unnecessary level of complexity isn’t helpful.

Guns on campus

KS house votes for it.

March 24, 2010

Simplifying Carry Laws

TFA’s John Harris in the Tennessean.

The Tennessean disagrees.


A gamer v. a soldier on the same course. Soldier looks to have a GSG and not a Mp5.

An angel gets its wings

TD has a new AR. Also, he discusses some of the intricacies of assembling a Cav Arms lower receiver. Never really occurred to me that the one piece design would be substantially different.

I see they’ve been to Texas

Weaponized chili.

And this is why we use holsters

And keep our booger-hooks off the bang-switch:

Mallin, 39, was shopping at a Best Buy store in Rivertree Court Shopping Center around 5:30 p.m. Monday when the .40-caliber gun tucked in his waistband went off, said Sgt. Kevin Grampo of the Vernon Hills Police Department.

The weapon discharged when either his finger or clothing got “hooked” in the trigger, Grampo said.

2010 Gun Blogger Rendezvous

Mr. C. says registration is underway.

Time and the Brady Bill

Time has a bit on the Brady Bill. And it gets it wrong.

Democracy in action:

In the end, the Brady Bill was only able to pass during Thanksgiving break, when a mere three Senators were present to vote on it. All three supported the bill, prompting Vice President Al Gore, then presiding over the Senate, to declare the bill’s “unanimous” passing.

And that’s why there wasn’t a president Gore.

Update: In comments, Sebastian says the whole three senators thing is likely not true as well. Layers of editorial oversight, and all.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

Uncle Pays the Bills

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