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Why are anti-gun activists so violent?

Seen at DU:

I’ve decided to buy a gun. Conservatives have lost their fucking minds

and I’m gong to protect me and mines.

Seriously DU, I was an avid gun hater mainly because I knew I’d really use it.

And that last sentence, I think, generally explains the anti-gun mentality.

16 Responses to “Why are anti-gun activists so violent?”

  1. ZerCool Says:

    I knew I’d really use it.

    Projection is such a bitch.

    Me, I carry a gun and hope like hell I never have to use it… but I really know how to use it if I need to.

  2. Sebastian Says:

    Bad timing when folks on our side are throwing bricks into people’s windows 🙂

  3. John Says:

    The comments on the DU thread are more positive than negative. Mainly being supportive about the OP protecting herself and cautioning about getting training and not doing something stupid.

    My, how times have changed.

  4. GunMonkey Says:

    LOl, someone like that will always do something stupid. I’d bet money that he will either have a ND or be arrested on firearms related charges (i.e. threatening someone with deadly force, discharge of a firearm “warning” shot, or some other stupid activity) withing 6 months. People that talk like that haven’t the mental, or emotional maturity to not do something stupid.

  5. Jeff the Baptist Says:

    “My, how times have changed.”

    Untrue. It is always good for Party Members to be armed.

    “Bad timing when folks on our side are throwing bricks into people’s windows”

    Yes this sort of thing was completely unnecessary and a total overreaction when they were the ones throwing things through windows, slashing tires, shooting storefronts, and threatening government officials.

  6. Wolfwood Says:

    I offered to take a very liberal acquaintance of mine shooting last week. He declined, saying that he thought he’d be overwhelmed by the temptation to just start shooting everyone he sees.

    Fortunately, most people aren’t like that, but there are enough that I’ve backed off my old position that everyone ought to have a gun.

  7. TDC Says:

    Actually, when the Dem rank and file start to look at owning and carrying the RKBA is advanced. As long as they carry responsibly they are going to realize what we have been telling them is the truth and it will not help the Brady folk or the Gov’s Agenda one bit.

    Volunteer to rehabilitate an anti.
    Teach them responsibility and self reliance.
    Teach them the meaning of responsibility.
    Take them to the range for a day.

  8. workinwifdakids Says:

    Dear Liberal:

    A GUN IS NOT A TALISMAN. It will not leap from your holster and defend you.

    If you are the Liberal in question, please make sure that you buy a hammerless revolver – it’ll hurt less when your attacker crams it up your bunghole.

    And to all liberals, PLEASE buy more guns. It keeps the prices down, and gives me a bigger pool from which to ‘liberate’ during large-scale unrest.

  9. JP Says:

    Why so violent? because “a sistahs gotta do what a sistahs gotta do”

    Read through the replies on the DU thread. The stupidity is amazing. I’ll give credit where its due though, there are some replies from folks who have the right idea.

    We were having a helluva good laugh with this thread last night on FB.

  10. Gunstar1 Says:

    The comedian John Caparulo has a good bit about carrying weapons.

    The clip will automatically start playing. The weapon stuff starts about 20 seconds in.

  11. Beaumont Says:

    We should certainly continue to educate libs and encourage them to exercise their 2A rights. We should also keep a close eye on those who buy guns but don’t see the light. Share their addresses, what sort of gats they have, and how much ammo. Unrest is virtually certain at some point in the future. Additional sources of supply are always welcome.

  12. RosieRac Says:

    If you look at someone like Amy Bishop who could have easily posted on DU, some of the liberals are probably right. If they get guns, they may feel compelled to use them.

  13. Skipelec Says:

    Sistah most likely won’t pass the background check.

  14. anon Says:

    “Bad timing when folks on our side are throwing bricks into people’s windows”

    What has you convinced it’s it’s folks on OUR side? The libtard/anarchist types love the false flag / agent provocateur type ops. In fact, they’re a leftist staple. Not to mention that the ‘news’ is little more than propaganda these days…

    Check out Yesterdays Instapundit:

    He notes a Seattle Times article where “A rock was thrown through the window of Driehaus’ Cincinnati office Sunday.”

    Just one little problem: Justin Binik-Thomas emails from Cincinnati that Rep. Driehaus’ office “is on the 30th floor of a skyscraper downtown.” He also says that he spoke to Driehaus’ office today and they said this never happened.

  15. RC Says:


    I’d still stick with everyone should have a gun. If this person is really enough of a psycho that he’d do that then maybe he should have the chance. Once he gets gunned down by a cop or well armed, rational citizen the gene pool will be just a little cleaner. Call it, “Evolution in Action”

  16. DrStrangegun Says:

    “is on the 30th floor of a skyscraper downtown.”

    OMG, we have to pass a law RIGHT NOW implanting tracking chips in all the major league pitchers!

    It’s fer the chilluns!

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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