Archive for February, 2008

February 23, 2008

More fun with the Violence Policy Center

They can’t even come up with their own anti-gun ideas, they get them from Brady.


Rustmeister got a new one.


Over at Countertop’s, he’s got pics.

Quote of the day

Joe Huffman:

To respect all opinions is to have no respect for the truth.

February 22, 2008

Not just coat hooks

Keep everything off the bangswitch.

Park Carry


At the request of the Bush Administration and 51 members of the United States Senate led by Senator Mike Crapo (R-ID), the National Park Service and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service prohibition of firearms on agency land will be revised in the following weeks. The National Rifle Association (NRA) is leading the effort to amend the existing policy regarding the carrying and transportation of firearms in National Parks and wildlife refuges.

“Law-abiding citizens should not be prohibited from protecting themselves and their families while enjoying America’s National Parks and wildlife refuges,” said Chris W. Cox, NRA chief lobbyist. “Under this proposal, federal parks and wildlife refuges will mirror the state firearm laws for state parks. This is an important step in the right direction.”

These new regulations, when finalized, will provide uniformity across our nation’s federal lands and put an end to the patchwork of regulations that governed different lands managed by different federal agencies. In the past, only Bureau of Land Management (BLM) and Forest Service lands allowed the carrying of firearms, while National Park lands did not.

The current regulations on possession, carry or transportation of loaded or uncased firearms in national parks were proposed in 1982 and finalized in 1983. Similar restrictions apply in national wildlife refuges. The NRA believes it is time to amend those regulations to reflect the changed legal situation with respect to state laws on carrying firearms.

The move for regulatory change by the Administration will restore the rights of law-abiding gun owners who wish to transport and carry firearms for lawful purposes in most National Park lands and will make the laws consistent with state law where these lands are located. Fifty-one U.S. Senators from both parties sent a letter to the Department of Interior late last year supporting the move to render state firearms laws applicable to National Park lands.

We’re winning.

We need effective rock control

For the children.

Gun Porn

H&R Sportsman.

10/22 suppressed SBR

In which I defend Obama

And Hillary. But only this one time. Probably.

It was amazing. I’ve had two conversations recently in the real world that left me dumbfounded and uncomfortable. One was a guy that I know at a social setting. An educated man who is successful. And he said to me roughly I’m not voting for the nigger and I’m not voting for a woman. My response was that I’d vote for a black person and a woman, if it were Condoleezza Rice. We had a laugh at that and I moseyed away to find other conversation because that was awkward. As much as we like to pretend racism is a thing of the past, it’s not.

The other was in a more professional setting where someone (an educated and successful person) told me they couldn’t support Obama because they thought he was a closeted Muslim. Sweet Jebus! First, I find that claim laughable and second, so what?

I mean, if they both had said they won’t vote for a socialist, we’d have been cool. But, come on, the color of skin, who has a penis, and whose invisible man in the sky is better are the primary reasons?

Update: And for the record, one was a Democrat and one was a Republican.

Quote of the day


It seems some wogs got out of hand and torched buildings on our sovereign soil the other day. Once upon a time this would have been considered casus belli and occasioned parking a dreadnought in the nearest harbor, shelling some buildings, and offloading some marines with Maxim guns to sort the natives out. Instead we’ll wring our hands and ask why they don’t like us.

Repelling invaders – 2

You may recall that Tennessee and Georgia are having a bit of a border dispute. You see, Georgia thinks some surveyor screwed up about 190 years ago. So, they passed some legislation to lay claim to parts of Tennessee. In typical political stupidity fashion, Tennessee’s legislature is actually wasting the time to draft a response that consists of more than the words fuck off. I’m honestly amazed. Such stupidity doesn’t even deserve a response.

Update: Chuck says not to take Georgia lightly. Well, we’d share water with them but they’re not getting our property.

No boogerhook was involved

Keep your, uh, coat hook off the trigger until you’re ready to fire:

Authorities said he had hung the gun by its trigger guard, and the gun caught on the hook and discharged into the ceiling when he went to retrieve it.

Note: It’s like all Robb all the time around here.

Well, they tried to warn you

Look at the signs!

Seriously though, the dogs had a history of attacking people and it’s owners like that who give the owners of other politically incorrect dogs a bad name.


Irony can be a bitch

Seems McCain is having a bit of a time with the Campaign Finance Reform that is named after, uh, McCain:

The nation’s top federal election official told Sen. John McCain yesterday that he cannot immediately withdraw from the presidential public financing system as he had requested, a decision that threatens to dramatically restrict his spending until the general election campaign begins in the fall.

The prospect of being financially hamstrung by the very fundraising system he helped create is the latest in a series of bitter challenges for the presumed GOP nominee, who still faces a fractured conservative coalition as he assumes the mantle of party leadership.

Pardon me, while I laugh hysterically at you.

Brady Lists Pipe Dreams

So, Paul, why do these shootings keep happening in areas that score well on your gun control rankings?

Gun control: what you do instead of something.

Chicks and guns

Via Robb, seems the benefits of gun ownership has dawned on someone:

In light of the problems in our neighborhood, my husband brought up the subject of gun ownership. Guns make me nervous petrified, when I think about them being in our residence. When it comes to owning, operating and storage protocol, I will readily admit that I’m in the dark. I’ve never had to ponder the idea of having a gun in our house. We’ve never felt threatened enough to make it an issue.

Sign up for a local beginners class on self-defense. If not, find one of your gun owning friends and head to the range with them. Educate yourself.

Head on over and offer your own words of encouragement.

SKS Trigger Job

Talk to Sailorcurt.

Institutionalized PSH

A university goes under lockdown* when a student is seen carrying his ROTC parade rifle.

* We really do treat schools like prisons.

A new anti-gun blog

Another one to knock down.

Via Robb, comes a this blog. It asserts that the NIU Massacre could have been prevented:

Shouldn’t taking anti-depressants like Prozac be enough to send a red flag in the system? If the state keeps track of everyone who owns a gun, don’t they also keep a database which keeps track of what medications someone is taking?

Yowza. He’s a journalism student, which is good since he has the anti-gun hysteria and lack of privacy thing down.

I weep for the future.

We don’t call it hiding we call it concealing


Utah students hide guns, head to class

The senior at the University of Utah gets dressed and then decides which gun is easiest to conceal under his clothes.

If he’s wearing a T-shirt, he’ll take a smaller, low-profile gun to class. If he’s wearing a coat, he may carry a different weapon, he said.

He started carrying a gun to class after the massacre at Virginia Tech, but the student says he’s not part of the problem of campus shootings and could instead be part of a solution.

Nick, who asked not to be fully identified so his fellow students wouldn’t know he carried a gun, says he has had a concealed weapons permit for more than three years. But it was Seung-Hui Cho’s murderous campus rampage that made him take a gun to class.

“Last year, after Virginia Tech, I thought ‘I’m not going to be a victim,’ ” Nick said.

It’s a decent piece, for CNN.

Glock’s been busy

Making a revolver.

And making a 1911.

It has to be true

Like I said yesterday, we must be shills else their worldview collapses. They, a bought and paid for group of people, cannot fathom that someone advocating against them does so gratis. The latest:

But Peter Hamm, communication director for the Brady Campaign to Stop Gun Violence, is concerned that the group is the latest tool of the powerful gun lobby.

“We know very clearly that they were organised and they are funded by the gun industry, by the companies that are selling the guns,” he said.

“This is not some spontaneous, grassroots organisation.

“There are more members than there were before Virginia Tech because the gun industry is spending more money to enlist more young people to help them spread the word, that if only we had more guns in America, we’d have less of a gun violence problem.”

Any evidence of that? I doubt it.

So, Petey, how many members you got?

A parallel I’ve noted before

Dog control and gun control. Note, they’re going after assault dogs first!

You should have just let him kill you

A would-be robber busts a car window and starts stabbing a shop owner. Shop-owner gets the robbers knife and kills the robber. So far, so good. Except this is England so the shop owner may be charged with murder.

take them out with a punch

People (ahem, Manish) ask why folks refer to Obama supporters as a cult. And I have referred to Obama as the Messiah (apparently, others have too). Well, it started out small. The groups getting ecstatic and holding up signs or chanting things about hope and change and other warm-fuzzies that sound less like policy and more like religion. At first, it was just fan stuff rather like the videos showing when The Beatles got to the US. Then you got some bozos saying things like:

“He walks into a room and you want to follow him somewhere, anywhere,” George Clooney told talk show host Charlie Rose.

“I’ll do whatever he says to do,” actress Halle Berry said to the Philadelphia Daily News. “I’ll collect paper cups off the ground to make his pathway clear.”

People fainting.

Not healthy. Ok, beyond not healthy. It’s frightening. And now people cheer at his mucous.

And I thought Ron Paul (say, he’s out I can spell it out now, right) supporters were a bit kooky.


I asked once before how one joins the Brady Campaign. No one could answer the question. So, I was a bit surprised to learn that they reported almost $2M in membership dues in 2005.

More Obama on Guns

Via Dr. Helen, comes more. A lot more. Read it all.


The primaries are all but over before I got to use the word Phuckabee.

February 21, 2008

Amber Alert


A statewide Amber Alert has been issued for a missing preschooler who is believed to have been taken by a man wanted on child molestation charges.

Four-year-old Madison Kerr was last seen Thursday morning in Franklin, TN. Suspected in her disappearance is 51-year-old Jerry John Jones, who is wanted on four counts of child molestation.

Jones is driving a white 1996 Ford Taurus with stolen TN Registration 599PFJ. He may be headed to Georgia.

Madison has light brown, shoulder length hair.

Jones has gray hair and brown eyes. He is 5’8″ and weighs approximately 155 pounds.

Pictures at link. Via KAG.

Update: The guy was found and taken into custody after a high speed chase. Someone spotted him trying to paint his white car black…at a carwash. The little girl is okay.



Poor man’s arsenal.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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