Archive for December, 2006

December 20, 2006

But they already are

Jeffy Weffy says that a MA mayor wants AR-15s banned, because someone used one in commission of a crime. Well, they already did that in 1998 with the passage of their assault weapons ban. Says some nanny state prick:

“There’s no rhyme or reason to have civilians with this type of firepower,” Lang said. “It’s not something that you could ever possibly justify. It’s insanity and it doesn’t fit in society in any way.”

The beauty of being a free man is I don’t have to justify a fucking thing to you. Never mind the fact that the AR is essentially the same as any other .223 caliber rifle. Or the fact the military is looking at scrapping the M-16 because it’s not powerful enough.

Ooh, AR-15:


Isn’t she? I mean the suppressor. Kids not bad either.

December 19, 2006

Use the Internet to save the Internet

History lesson?


Taking a metal firearm into a giant magnet is not a good idea. ND results.

Gun facts

South Dakota has the Highest Per Capita Rate of Licensed Concealed Carry.

Speaking of South Dakota, Jeff Martin is a dick.

Win a machine gun

Pascagoula Shooting Club:

This is a fully functional machine gun, legal for most American citizens to own. All NFA laws apply to this raffle. Please check your state and local laws concerning ownership of NFA firearms. Winner must be at least 21 years of age. The firearm pictured is the actual firearm being offered.

Ticket price: $50

Only 300 tickets will be sold. The drawing for the firearm will be held as soon as all 300 tickets have been sold. This offer void where prohibited by law.

For more information, contact Jerry Frayser at (228) 875-0708

The death of the Thorn Grove Community

Monday was a sad day in Knox County Commission. In one of the most confused meetings, that often resembled the Keystone Cops more than a Commission meeting, the Midway Industrial Park received 7.5 million dollars of funding from the Knox County Commission. This happened even though there is a lawsuit seeking an injunction against any breaking ground on this project. It was a tortured, confused, and often comical 45 minutes that made those who watched in person or on Cable Television wonder about the old joke of “Who is on first”?

The Midway Industrial Park is covered in great detail at the website There have been many web posts on KnoxViews and at Say Uncle. It has received much coverage also at the News Sentinel blog No Silence. So with all of the known information that questions the risk and return on investment of taxpayer dollars the Knox County Commission chose to ignore the demands of those in the Thorn Grove community and the voice of taxpayers who see this as the biggest gamble since the Farmers Market.

The MPC hypocritically and perhaps illegally ignored their own sector plan to choose the Midway Industrial Park site. The Development Corporation chose to ignore its main requirement that the slope of the site no exceed six percent. Both of these entities and the Knox Area Chamber of Commerce ignored that this site had much greater financial return as a tourist area or subdivisions and that those ideas would not require over 57 million dollars of taxpayer investment.

Most importantly all parties ignored that the Thorn Grove community is one giant karst sinkhole waiting to happen. This will literally be a black hole that money is poured into never to be seen again. The Ragsdale administration is its most irresponsible move yet has bragged that the Midway Industrial Park will create 4,600 jobs and bring over 12 million dollars a year of tax proceeds to Knox County government. That is an abject falsehood.

Lets review who will be around when this goes bad. Mayor Ragsdale is in his final term. So are Commissioners Griess, Leuthold, Hammond, Guthe, Schmid, Ivan Harmon, Cawood, Moore, Tindell, Strickland, Jordan, and Pinkston. The vote was 15-4 with only John Mills, Phil Ballard, Larry Clark, and Mark Harmon voting against funding the 7.5 million dollars for the Midway Industrial Park.

So you may see your government in action I have posted the entire Midway Industrial Park discussion on YouTube. I have done so to create a record of how this happened so in the future when this blows up in the face of the taxpayers you will know who was responsible. It is said that people deserve the government they get.

No one deserved this disaster.

YouTube coverage of the Knox County Commission meeting on the Midway Industrial Park:

Part1, Part2, Part3, Part4, Part5, Part6, and Part7

A plan

Bitter has one:

Now, I’ve seen several of you blogging about Wayne LaPierre’s official call to call the ATF out on why Mike Bloomberg is getting a pass on illegal staw purchases. He wants people to call 1-800-ATF-GUNS and ask them to investigate. Now, aside from being a nice little personal “up yours” to Bloomberg, with enough phone calls and follow up from citizen media, they will have to start giving us answers. They will eventually have to either admit that there’s a need for evidence because a crime may have been committed or that no crimes were committed and Bloomberg has been targeting innocent businessmen without evidence.

However, this needs to be a campaign. I don’t know what the NRA’s plans are with this move, and I won’t pretend to speculate. However, I do know some things that we can do which may get things stirring just a little. All we need is a little stir to get our answer. Remember, ATF guys are government workers. Eventually, they will get us an answer. If anything, they’ll do it so we’ll leave them alone and let them nap in peace.

So that said, I want to cut a deal with you. I want you to forward the information about this effort on to your local paper or television news stations.

She even has a way to make it easy for you and a sample letter. It’s a good idea. So, get over there and get to work.

That’s unpossible

Another shooting in a gun control utopia. How does it keep happening in Chicago? Don’t people know guns are essentially banned there?

Simple solution

Clearly, we should ban cities.

NRA seems to have developed some balls

First, asking people to contact the ATF to report gun crimes being committed by Michael Bloomberg was genius. Now, it seems LaPierre is all Bloomberg all the time:

Bloomberg and Menino have been trying to blame violent crime in their own vicious cities on the gun laws of Vermont.

And they want Vermont to pass New York City-style gun bans ’cause they claim it’ll cut crime in their own cities.

But who are they to tell other people what their laws ought to be? Their cities are both disasters compared to the state of Vermont. And yet they want Vermont to adopt their lame laws?

Massachusetts requires a permit to purchase handguns, a special ID to purchase a long gun, and every gun owner has to be licensed by the state. Yet their murder rate is double Vermont’s and their violent crime rate is triple Vermont’s.

Look at New York City. In New York City, you need a permit to purchase any firearm, and every firearm has to be registered. Yet New York State’s murder and violent crime rates are almost four times as high as Vermont’s.

New York State and Massachusetts are two of the only states in the country that routinely deny the Right to Carry to honest citizens.

Vermont is one of just two states that requires no permit whatsover to carry a concealed firearm.

Yet more people are killed in one week in New York City than in the entire state of Vermont all year.

If the NRA keeps up the pressure and has a decent result, hats off to them. Keep it up.

I’m reaching for my checkbook.

PS3 Shooting Questioned

The AP:

Two experts on SWAT team missions question the use of a battering ram by New Hanover County deputies to knock down a door in a raid that led to the shooting death of a college student suspected of stealing Playstation 3 sets.

Such a “dynamic entry” tactic is commonly employed during life-threatening hostage situations or drug raids as a way to seize narcotics before they can easily be dumped down a toilet or drain.

They can’t flush a PlayStation,” said David Klinger, associate professor of criminology and criminal justice at the University of Missouri-St. Louis. “Why not just surround the place and give ’em a shout? They come out, you cuff them and you go in and find the evidence.”

Err, because that doesn’t let them use all that cool ninja gear and battering rams and subguns that Uncle Sam gave them as part of the expanded homeland security bill? Give men toys and they use them.

Nonconformists of the world

Unite. Or something. Trouble is, people who share the same views unite behind each other. Diverse groups with varying points of view tend not to. For example, I’d just as soon kick an anti-gunner in the balls as look at them. You know, little differences. Smarminess aside, moderates and libertarians don’t jive. Because moderate tends to mean popular with a hint of nanny thrown in (or if you’re John McCain – who people say is a moderate – a whole bunch of nanny is thrown in). And libertarians don’t like that.

A new low

Even for spammers. I’ve had a few spam comments hit the site with titles such as Help find missing children and the link goes to Viagra spam. I realize people are trying to make a buck but that’s a new low and a pox on them all.

There’s a test for that?

Translation: She’s got a wee wee.

Random crap below the fold. Those of you who may be offended by, err, pornographic language, look away.

Read the rest of this entry »

December 18, 2006

Ko-tonics Review

Carnaby made it to the range with the Ko-tonics 6.8SPC upper that we bloggers will be reviewing. Here’s the upper.

The Airing of Grievances: Weasel Speak

You know, the language of business. That secret code that MBAs come up with so it looks like they know what they’re talking about and have marketable skills? Still not getting it? Ok, some samples with Uncle’s translation:

Core competency – Shit to do
Leveraging resources – Borrow money
Value-added – Management likes this idea
Catalysist for change – Someone’s getting fired
Shifting paradigms – Either management likes this idea or someone important is getting fired

Those. I hate them. Yet, every office has someone who always uses them. I wish they’d knock that shit off. Every time I hear those phrases, I want to leverage someone’s jaw.

Excellent Idea

Wayne LaPierre:

There’s someone out there telling folks to buy guns illegally, and I think it’s time we put a stop to it. He’s directing contract employees to walk into gun stores, lie on the paperwork about who’s buying the gun, and walk out after making a straw purchase.

Even worse, he’s bragging about what he’s doing. He’s holding press conferences to tell the world about what he’s done, but so far law enforcement doesn’t seem to be listening.

Well, I think it’s time we help out the ATF agents that enforce our nation’s gun laws. We need to call their Illegal Gun Hotline at 1-800-ATF-GUNS (that’s 1-800-283-4867) and alert them to this illegal firearms activity. Tell them that New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg is hiring private investigators to initiate straw purchases in several states, and you want them to enforce the law.

Capital idea. I’m going to call today. You should do the same thing.

It’s good to see the NRA finally pushing the Bloomberg-broke-the-law angle since the blogs have been saying it for a while.

Quote of the day


Remember, an armed society is a polite society and polite people say thank you.

Chicks and guns

The Changing Face of the Shooting Sports.

1911 Time

So yes, a personal endorsement, amateur science hour, and gun porn, all in one post.

More handy things to know

9 things you can do before severe weather hits.

Why Cell Phone Outage Reports Are Secret

If you guessed terrorism, you’d be wrong.

The Airing of Grievances: Others Airing Grievances

Xrlq has a long list, start here and scroll:

On computer programmers:

And you know what else you’re not? As important as you think you are. And neither is your application. So please, stop writing applications that yank themselves into the foreground while I’m trying to work on something else.

He also wants to ban bumper stickers. I just want to ban the ones with small print. Someday, I’ll have to explain to a cop that I rear-ended somebody while trying to read their bumper sticker. Worse, I’ll have to explain it wasn’t worth it because the bumper sticker wasn’t funny.


Comedy Central: There’s a reason Greg Giraldo and Patton Oswalt are available whenever you want them.

Fodder has a list too:

The next door neighbor that likes to stand in his backyard (ten feet east and one story down from my bedroom window) at oh dark hundred in the morning and yell into his stoopid cell phone. You’ve been quite for awhile, keep it that way. Major pain has been prepared and is waiting.

The Airing of Grievances: Grievances Past

Last year’s grievances:

It’s the end of the year, holiday time. A time for reflection. A time for a look back. A time to be thankful that the baby Jesus was born, died and resurrected as a fat guy, who delivers presents, chants Kujichagulia through a menorah during his month long fasting because he’s trying to lose all that weight. Or something, I tend to get my holidays confused. I think it may also involve fireworks. It’s also Festivus, which completely unlike the aforementioned holiday montage, is actually made up. As part of Festivus, we are to air our grievances. Tommy wants someone to start so I’ll start with a list of shit I hate:

People who use non-standard, colorful fonts in their email

People who don’t flush toilets

People who don’t realize that in email there are separate buttons for Reply and Reply To All

Gum on sidewalks

When people make weak coffee. Here’s a newsflash, if you like weak coffee, you can add water to strong coffee. Those of us that like it strong can’t make weak coffee stronger, unless we use instant coffee which happens to taste like ass.

People who can’t walk with either a distinct sense of purpose or in a straight line. Walk through the mall and there will eventually be a dumbass in front of you who you’ll try to get around. They will zig to the left and zag to the right getting in your way both times without a clue they’re doing it. Those are the morons I mean. If you’ve never seen these people, you are these people. Walk like you have a sense of purpose or, at least, like you know where you’re going.

Hidden songs on CDs. Hey, dumbass, how am I supposed to get to the song when it’s after the 10 minutes of silence after the last song.

The 20 minute feedback/wall of noise/jam session at the end of recorded songs. No one wants to hear that unless they’re at a show and had a beer or 6. Save that shit for concerts.

People who drive in the left lane who are not passing or turning.

Knoxville traffic.

When I’m checking out the donut spread and I grab what I think is a custard filled donut but it turns out to be lemon. Lemon donuts? What the Hell?

Computer applications, particularly GMail, that set focus or whatever the Hell it is that causes them to think they’re the most important application I’m running on the computer. Apparently, it has decided it’s so important that it should be the top window.

Coffee stir sticks/straws. Seriously, these things are so thin they cannot adequately stir coffee (which SayUncle happens to take with a little sugar and he likes it strong). I always wind up using three of them to get an adequate level of stirriness*. Why not just make the damn things three times thicker?

* People who make up words.

People who insist that I call them Mr., Mrs., Ms. or Doctor [their last name].

People who think turn signals are completely optional.

Websites whose main page (i.e., the one that ends in .com, .net, etc.) has a Click To Enter link. Obviously, I want to enter or I wouldn’t be there.

Sweaters. Can’t stand them yet every year the wife buys me one.

When people post lists of stuff they hate.

Crappy TeeVee shows turned into crappy movies.

And a Meppy Chrisamadkwanzakuh to you, unless you’re an overly sensitive shit stirrer. In which case, piss off.

December 17, 2006

First time on the swing

Here in UncleLand, it’s about 70 degrees out. So, outside with us all. The second gives a class on swinging. Start out in the back:

Then move to the front:

Repeat for minutes of fun.

December 15, 2006

Note to advertisers

More chicks in tanktops and revealing clothing please. As illustrated at right. I don’t care what you’re selling but eye-candy is good. Heck, I might even give a hot chick discount. That is all.

Year in review

At jib jab.

They’re looking

I’d like to give a shout-out to my homie Ray-ray from the U.S. Dept. of Commerce Implementation Center.

Given the ATF’s recent ruling that the Akins Accelerator is a machine gun after having ruled it wasn’t (be wary of fickle bureaucrats), there have been quite a few searches for Akins Accelerator landing at this site from various .gov agencies, including:

U.S. Dept. of Commerce Implementation Center
Dept. of Treasury
Office of asset forfeiture

And they’ve been hanging out for a while when reading. I never bought one but was going to after I got my Christmas shopping done. Guess that’s out of the question now.

Just a warning that they’re looking. Careful out there and don’t do anything stupid. My advice if you have one is disassemble the unit now and keep checking the AA website for updates. And avoid speculation and that crazy-ass gun-nut talk we sometimes engage in.

Update: And I’m fully aware that there are a few friendlies out there that read the site and this is not an attack on you (hi, guys!). And don’t take it as such.

Update: First report of confiscation:

My AA was confiscated today

Are customer lists being provided to the BATFE? I had two agents come to my house today and request that I turn over my “machine gun”. I complied.

Update and bump: Advice from a subgunner:

Don’t fill out an abandonment form if they come for it because you will never get it back. Not sure if you have a choice but ask to get recipt that they have it so if the outcome is reversed you can get it back.

The Akins folks are challenging the law. Get a reciept so that if they win, you get yours back.

Oh, and call your lawyer if you own an AA. Now.

Update: link to confiscation is gone. Someone at subguns yanked it.

Update: Statement from the Akins folks:

Allegations are being posted on the Web about ATF Agents showing up on customer doorsteps and confiscating product. This is not happening. Please consult the company webpage regularly and treat it as your only reliable source of information. All updates will be made to this page first.

Attorneys for Akins Group Inc. have submitted a written Compliance Plan which is under review by ATF. Upon agreement on the details by all parties, those instructions will be posted here.

If accepted by ATF, that Compliance Plan will contain instructions which, if followed by consumers, will eliminate the need for any face-to-face interaction with any law enforcement people from any agency.

And what is said plan?

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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