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Nonconformists of the world

Unite. Or something. Trouble is, people who share the same views unite behind each other. Diverse groups with varying points of view tend not to. For example, I’d just as soon kick an anti-gunner in the balls as look at them. You know, little differences. Smarminess aside, moderates and libertarians don’t jive. Because moderate tends to mean popular with a hint of nanny thrown in (or if you’re John McCain – who people say is a moderate – a whole bunch of nanny is thrown in). And libertarians don’t like that.

2 Responses to “Nonconformists of the world”

  1. Gun Toting Liberal ™ » Blog Archive » Why must the ‘Mighty Middle’ detest each other in the political bloggosphere? Says:

    […] ***** Say Uncle has linked to this post with Nonconformists of the world Technorati Tags:  2006, 2006 Weblog Awards, 2008, Best Centrist Blog, Centrists, Democrats, Elections, Gun Toting Liberal, Independents, Libertarians, Mighty Middle, Moderates, News and Politics, Political Bloggosphere, Politics, Republicans, The Moderate Voice, Third Parties […]

  2. Gun Toting Liberal Says:

    Unc, I think you NAILED it, and thank you so kindly for the link, Sir.

    As for the “Nanny Staters”; agreed. I’ve been saying this and saying this — both the Dems and the Reps are authoritarian, “Nanny Stater” organizations, and the only way we will ever rid our country of “we know what’s best for you” rulers would be for all libertarian leaners of both the economic left and right to stop arguing about the distribution/redistribution of wealth long enough to organize in the name of liberty, THEN resume the econonomical arguments.

    When you can unite the “Bill Mahr” libertarians and the “Neal Boortz” libertarians, you’ve got a viable third party challenger to the authoritarian staples. Would it fall apart? Sure; just keep it together long enough to take Washington back, but AT LEAST the people arguing about the money would be lovers and respecters of freedom, liberty, and most importantly; CIVIL liberties.

    Just my 2 cents…. thanks again 🙂

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