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There’s a test for that?

Translation: She’s got a wee wee.

Random crap below the fold. Those of you who may be offended by, err, pornographic language, look away.

I don’t think I’ve ever mentioned my friend the hippie before. But, I have a friend who is a hippie. Only, he’s an odd blend of hippie in that he is quite religious and smokes dope for Jesus. He can quote chapter and verse on why God wants you to smoke up. Don’t ask me, I always tuned him out when he started. I’ve not been in touch with him for a while because he bought some land (no house, mind you, just land) to go live on out of state. Since he sold his North Knox home and disappeared, I lost touch because he doesn’t have a phone or email or a toilet probably. Any way, he told of how once a week, he and his wife would head to the video store and rent some movies. They’d always rent one porn movie. The particular video store had a section for, err, odd gendered movies. He said he and his wife saw a movie there entitled Chicks with Dicks and Tiny Tits. At which point his wife looked at him and said: Why don’t they just call it Dudes?

9 Responses to “There’s a test for that?”

  1. Sebastian Says:

    I also have a hippy friend. Or rather, hippie ex girlfriend who for some reason, that I don’t really quite understand, I still associate with. Strangely enough she’s relatlively accepting of me having guns around her. But get us started on politics, particularly Iraq, and it’s like oil and water. It’s just best to avoid those topics. As far as I know she isn’t renting pornos though. I think being a hippy takes a lot out of you.

  2. nk Says:

    When I read the story I assumed that it was a case of what is called testicular feminization. Some unfortunate XY babies are born with vaginas, with a vestigial penis where the clitoris would be and atrophied testicles inside the abdomen which need to be removed because they turn cancerous. There’s a rumor floating around for a long time that Jamie Lee Curtis, the actress, is one such instance.

  3. nobody Says:

    nk, you may be talking about “androgen insensitivity syndrome”. it’s one of the more common causes of the (fairly uncommon) set of problems that get grouped under the “intersex” umbrella name. just in case anyone’s perverted interested enough to go googling, those terms may be handy for searching on…

  4. Brutal Hugger Says:

    I have a ton of hippie friends. I’m not sure who started the meme that hippies hate guns, but I can tell you it’s just not true. Sure, some of them don’t like it when we start shooting, but others are fine and enthusiastic shots.

  5. SayUncle Says:

    BH, i concur. My hippie friend had quite the arsenal himself.

  6. nk Says:


    We may be talking about the same thing. I’m an old guy, I only know the old name. What I’m talking about is a birth defect and not a voluntary sex change operation. Parents have no choice but to either raise “little girls” or disformed little boys.

  7. Sebastian Says:

    I offered to take my hippy friend shooting once, but she backed away once I drug the AR-15 out of the safe and said “This is the easiest thing I have to shoot”. It occured to me after that I should get a smaller, non threatning 22, but every woman I’ve taken shooting since then has been eagar to shoot the AR-15 🙂

  8. Captain Holly Says:

    I work with an old hippie, and although he doesn’t own guns, he says he intends to follow a saying of Edward Abbey:

    “When guns are outlawed, only outlaws will own guns. I intend to be one of the outlaws.”

  9. Michael Says:

    UH yeah for the Russians ladies Oylmpic teams from the 1960′ thgough 90’s. You had to know that they were really men commrad. As far as your other part of post really did not need to know that thank you…lol.

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