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A plan

Bitter has one:

Now, I’ve seen several of you blogging about Wayne LaPierre’s official call to call the ATF out on why Mike Bloomberg is getting a pass on illegal staw purchases. He wants people to call 1-800-ATF-GUNS and ask them to investigate. Now, aside from being a nice little personal “up yours” to Bloomberg, with enough phone calls and follow up from citizen media, they will have to start giving us answers. They will eventually have to either admit that there’s a need for evidence because a crime may have been committed or that no crimes were committed and Bloomberg has been targeting innocent businessmen without evidence.

However, this needs to be a campaign. I don’t know what the NRA’s plans are with this move, and I won’t pretend to speculate. However, I do know some things that we can do which may get things stirring just a little. All we need is a little stir to get our answer. Remember, ATF guys are government workers. Eventually, they will get us an answer. If anything, they’ll do it so we’ll leave them alone and let them nap in peace.

So that said, I want to cut a deal with you. I want you to forward the information about this effort on to your local paper or television news stations.

She even has a way to make it easy for you and a sample letter. It’s a good idea. So, get over there and get to work.

One Response to “A plan”

  1. Billll Says:

    I reworked their letter slightly and sent it to my senator, basically asking him to ask the ATF to do their job or be defunded. If a Senator or rep puts it that way, it’ll get their attention quicker.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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