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Gun Sales

Tuesday, January 27th, 2009

Hunting licenses up in Arkansas. Carry permits up in Colorado.

On Gun Sales

Thursday, January 22nd, 2009

The anti-gunners and the press (but I repeat myself) would have you believe that this increase in gun sales is because gun nuts who already own guns are stocking up on more guns. I have to confess that I actually have not bought a gun since the election but that’s anecdotal. Turns out there’s quite […]

More gun sales

Monday, January 19th, 2009

From Joe’s visit to a gun shop: One has to wonder if we had put that much money and effort into defeating Obama in November would we have succeeded?

Still more on gun sales

Wednesday, January 14th, 2009

Up in Florida. And not just in gun friendly states.

More gun sales

Monday, January 12th, 2009

Tam goes to the gun show: By 9AM there was a 45 minute wait to get in

Even more on gun sales

Thursday, January 8th, 2009

ATF issues a press release noting that the inventory of Form 4473 (the NICS check form you fill out every time you buy a firearm from an FFL dealer) is running low due to “unprecedented demand.” They’ve even said it’s OK to make photocopies since demand is so high. Past info on gun sales here. […]

Gun Sales Up

Thursday, January 8th, 2009

A recurring theme. In Knoxville: Area gun sales increasing, cops on board with carry permits Firearms manufacturing up, specifically handguns and rifles. NSSF says: Despite a weak economy, gun sales are continuing to increase amid concerns that incoming lawmakers will institute a new gun ban on law-abiding Americans. Data derived from the FBI’s National Instant […]

Gun sales

Monday, January 5th, 2009

Buy, buy, buy.

More gun sales

Monday, December 29th, 2008

Took The Second to the pet store yesterday. Then we stopped by Dick’s Sporting Goods to check out ammo prices. Trouble was, the ammo shelf was bare: From Misc

Gun sales

Wednesday, December 24th, 2008

2008 NICS figures.

Even more on gun sales

Thursday, December 18th, 2008

Anecdotal but I was talking to a friend of mine this morning. He went to Wal-Mart this weekend to get some ammo. Trouble was that they were completely out of stock. He asked the guy at the counter if they were going to stop carrying it or something. The guy said they were still selling […]

Speaking of gun sales

Thursday, December 18th, 2008

Seen at David’s: “People who have come in here before and never even looked at guns are now buying them.” As David says, this isn’t consistent with what the anti-gunners are saying. They’re saying it’s we gun owners continuing to stock up.

More on gun sales

Monday, December 15th, 2008

In Australia: Interesting that gun registration amongst the law abiding there has increased by 10,000 each year since 2004. Registrations by the criminal element remains at zero.

Still more on gun sales

Friday, December 12th, 2008

Larry: But I do have some news for the people that take issue with me. I’m not just selling guns to racist stormtrooper hillbillies. I’m selling guns to everybody. My customer base looks more like America than Barack Obama’s cabinet. I’ve sold guns to people who don’t speak English. I’ve sold guns to Asians, Blacks, […]

More gun sales

Friday, December 12th, 2008

More Sold On Black Friday Than Any Day In Tenn. History: The Tennessee Bureau of Investigation runs a background check every time a gun is sold across the state. It has been bombarded with work: More than 38,000 checks this November as compared to just 24,000 in November of last year. Julie Carter said she […]

First gun sales, now CCW permits

Wednesday, December 10th, 2008

In Florida, more folks getting carry permits. In Oregon, number of permits may set a record.

Obama on gun sales

Monday, December 8th, 2008

AFP: President-elect Barack Obama said Sunday that lawful gun owners have “nothing to fear” from his incoming administration so there is no reason for Americans to stock up on guns. Gun shops across the country have reported increased sales amid fears that Obama intends to restrict gun sales after taking office on January 20. While […]

did NRA conspire to stimulate gun sales

Wednesday, December 3rd, 2008

Jim L. Cunningham thinks so. He closes with: The NRA must think I’m stupid! Well, based on your article, I sure do.

More on gun sales

Tuesday, December 2nd, 2008

Jay (who could use some help) notes how the press continues to treat the great gun buy of 2008 as hysteria. Since the press pretty much earns its living by peddling hysteria, you’d think they wouldn’t be constantly trying to downplay this.

Gun sales

Monday, December 1st, 2008

Sporting rifles and regular capacity magazine sales are up. Meanwhile, MdwayUSA has dirt cheap AR magazines. JR gives a shout out to Model 1 Sales for not jacking up prices.

Gun sales and Black Friday

Sunday, November 30th, 2008

A review: it was literally standing room only.

More on gun sales

Thursday, November 20th, 2008

Les loads up on Glock and AR mags. I dunno that I’ve ever seen Les with a Glock or an AR.

Still more gun sales

Wednesday, November 19th, 2008

Tromix Saiga 12s double in price. Michael Bane says keep buying. And, while you’re at it, today is National Ammo Day. So, buy some ammo too.

Gun sales in various states

Monday, November 17th, 2008

Its Like When Your Dog Senses An Earthquake Coming. Heh.

More gun sales

Monday, November 17th, 2008

Up 82% in Wisconsin.

Still more gun sales

Monday, November 17th, 2008

Economic stimulus in South Carolina: Beginning the day after Thanksgiving, South Carolina residents will have a 48-hour period when they can purchase guns, shotguns, and rifles tax-free. In Memphis, reports of sales increases and use of scary buzzwords like assault rifles and armor piercing ammo. In Boulder, Colorado there is a spike in handgun carry […]

More on gun sales

Friday, November 14th, 2008

Slate’s Jack Shafer on gun sales: If all 8.6 million background checks in 2008 were for first-time buyers, one could make the potentially chilling case that growing numbers of citizens are bearing arms. But that’s not very likely based on established survey data. Ownership of most of the nation’s estimated 200 million guns is concentrated […]

More on gun sales

Friday, November 14th, 2008

I guess they’re expecting us dumb, cousin-humping rednecks who are buying assault weapons for the coming race war to be busy on the biggest shopping day of the year: On Friday, November 28, the hours of operation for the FBI’s National Instant Check System will be extended to begin at 6:00am EST and run through […]

Still more on gun sales

Thursday, November 13th, 2008

US Citizen says business is booming.

Still more on gun sales

Wednesday, November 12th, 2008

Denise celebrates more guns in American hands. Ya know, it’s like gun owners are sending a message to Obama and the Democrats or something.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

Uncle Pays the Bills

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