Archive for October, 2015

October 05, 2015


Via the captain, comes this. A woman identifies as blind. So, her psychologist helps her pour drain cleaner in her eyes to blind her. Look, I understand some people are crazy. But a psychologist confirming that crazy and then blinding that woman is absolutely disgusting.

Gun Control is racist

Even more so than the drug war

Seems to be a tenant of the administration as a whole

Is Barack Obama correct that mass killings don’t happen in other countries? Mostly false

Having solved all of the county’s problems

Let’s pass a law that, well, I’ll just quote the local news rag:

Miller, who represents District 4, is sponsoring a resolution asking that the Supreme Being pass us by in His coming wrath and not destroy our county as he did Sodom and Gomorrah and the neighboring cities because of the June 26 opinion by the U.S. Supreme Court that legalized same-sex marriage throughout the nation.

Mass murderers v. armed citizens

Do civilians with guns ever stop mass shootings? Yes.

I’ve been compiling a list as well.

More Oregon shooting stuff

PDB remembers he has a blog:

I dont have any real answers or policy suggestions except to note that where were heading doesnt appear to offer much of a solution either. Carry your guns.


I am no longer interested in debating jackasses, whores and liars. I am tired of people threatening the lives of my friends, my family and myself, as we saw on Twitter yesterday, hoping to chum up another psychopath.

Clinton to unveil gun controls:

Clinton proposed a repeal of legislation that shields gun manufacturers, distributors and dealers from most liability suits, even in the case of mass shootings like the one that killed nine people at a community college on Thursday.

So, then we could sue car makers whenever someone drunk takes out a family of four?

Also, someone is circulating this photo showing CNN made the shooter look white. Given the source, unless I see the actual CNN piece, it’s hooey.

Gun Porn


19ByGod11 report and pics.

.458 Socom Full-Auto Expensive & Awesome

October 02, 2015

Listen to the experts

Truth. Sadly, real experts rarely get their own TeeVee show.


27 ways to be a modern man:

25. The modern man has no use for a gun. He doesnt own one, and he never will.

26. The modern man cries. He cries often.

Anyone taking advice on being a man from that piece, egad.

Well, when you take poor legal advice from charlatans

You kind of have it coming: We Lost Our Daughter to a Mass Shooter and Now Owe $203,000 to His Ammo Dealer

Oregon shooting stuff

Having just passed all that gun control, there was still a school shooting. He was targeting Christians. Reports came in saying he was a conservative, a Nazi, racist, and had ties to some sort of Muslim group. I’ve yet to see any of those confirmed.

Obama says mass shootings are something we should politicize. While surrounding himself with armed guards, he says we could use some simple laws to prevent that type of shooting but doesn’t name any.

A carry permit holder was prevented from intervening.

And a hero was shot trying to tackle the killer. Good on you, sir.

Never built one, been meaning to try

Building an AR Upper the first and the second.

Gun Porn

Shoot 1,000 yards for $1,000

AR-15 Hammer Bottle Opener

October 01, 2015


Looks like they deck out S&W M&Ps. Neat looking.

Bear Spray

Woman thanks bear for not eating kayak. Bear approaches, she hits it with bear spray. Bear then eats kayak:

That’s why I use the Smith and Wesson brand of bear spray.

Good for Chris Christie

He pardoned people who made the mistake of thinking they were still in America. If you’re going to pardon so many for ridiculous gun law violations, maybe you could work to just get rid of those stupid laws?

ATF agent faces charges

Seems he drew his gun on crowd of people at a football game, after beating a man.

Blaser News

Blaser is getting their social media on.


The AP: Lax laws prevented the agency from effectively targeting the flow guns across the border. Then, they mention fast and furious. Are they that clueless?

Democrat staffers planted 60 Minutes with questions.

This report is not for white men.

The endarkenment

It’s a good reason to own guns.

Another school shooting

This time, in Oregon. In another gun free zone. And he may have posted about it on 4chan.

As with any incident like this, I’m guessing most things that have come out so far are substantially wrong. We’ll see.

Gun Porn

Fetish edition.

Malyuk bullpup


Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

Uncle Pays the Bills

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