Archive for September, 2010

September 23, 2010

Gun owners

They vote. Gillibrand could probably use them about now.

lawsuit against Taurus

Over the new Mare’s leg designs.

September 22, 2010

Gun Porn

PawPaw’s carry rig

Fuz’s carry rig

RONI Carbine Kit

Obviously compensating for the size of her penis

Woman kills home invader.

Buy my brother’s smart car



Old machine gun ads.

More GOP and social issues

Can’t stop stimulus or Obamacare but you can sure step up to the plate when someone wants to repeal Don’t Ask Don’t Tell.

Daily Show on Unions

Brutal. Paid astroturf that makes minimum wage and gets no benefits.

in NV

Laurel: an injunction has been granted in the NV state parks gun ban case.

In Canada

Near half would abolish long gun registry.

September 21, 2010

Speaking of the GOP and Social Issues

As much as I prefer Christine O’Donnell’s stances on, say, economic issues and the role of government; her stances that masturbation is adultery because God says so* and that you can pray the gay away are a bit disturbing.

* what about those times I wasn’t married?

ATF Misfires


A major Justice Department program aimed at intercepting the flow of U.S. weapons to Mexico’s drug cartels is misfiring due to bureaucratic turf battles and a failure to share critical intelligence about illegal firearms purchases, according to an internal department report.

But it was a success, they said so. Unless you do the math:

A quick punch-up of the old calculator says that for $37,000,000 the atf managed to get 1300 “illegal” firearms. I make that to be $28,000/firearm.

Only a .gov agency would brag on that as a success.


A good read:

It is now a about fourteen months since, after receiving my second death threat, I started carrying a firearm almost constantly. This experience has taught me a few truths, some merely amusing but others with larger implications.

Gun Free Dining Tennessee

Turns out a few of the featured restaurants and businesses involved in this ridiculous website don’t actually post signs on their property. Heh.

The GOP and social issues

Good question:

Is The Christine O’Donnell Win a Sign That The GOP Will No Longer Tolerate “Moderates” or a Sign That The GOP Has to Shut Up About Social Issues?

And, of course, it’s funny how moderate means votes with democrats, but I digress. The GOP’s stances on many social issues are not popular and a real turn off for a lot of people.

ETA: And Huckabee again? Really?

Idiot drivers may make idiot judges

I like my traffic camera.

If you’re going to drive like a moron, it’s probably not a good idea to be in such an identifiable car. Below is a Chevy with Judiciary plates that say J5. The driver of this car cut across two lanes of traffic to cut me off and then (as seen here) drove illegally in the emergency lane because the trailer in front was going too slow:

From Drop Box

Get off the road before you hurt someone. Other than yourself.

If you know you’re turning right in a few miles, go ahead and get over.

Wonder if it was a traffic court judge?

New Gun Blog

Bob Owens of PJM and Confederate Yankee fame has started a gun blog.

A guide to the technology for keeping government accountable

Radley Balko on recording cops.


Mini-gun in Oak Ridge malfunctions and injures instructor. No serious injuries and, unlike most of the time when it’s a rule #3 problem, this looks like an actual firearm malfunction.

It’s not a secret if you put it on the internet

Another recipe for hot wings.

all would exist at the grace of the state dispensations.

That’s Billy Beck on the UK proposal that all paychecks go to the .gov first. But you’re crazy if you call them commies.

The new president smell is wearing off

Hope and change:

“I’m one of your middle class Americans. And quite frankly, I’m exhausted. Exhausted of defending you, defending your administration, defending the mantle of change that I voted for,” a woman told President Obama at a town hall.

Cleavage Holster

This time, with pics.

tactical solutions pac-lite

Pics and a review

Gun Porn

IBM Carbine

I dunno what the Hell that is.

Portable coil gun.

THOR XM408 ASA .408 Chey Tac rifle

Chicks and guns

Tactical Flintlock

But guns cause crime

You don’t say: Gun Ownership Rises to All-Time High, Violent Crime Falls to 35-Year Low

Via NewsAlert

September 20, 2010

Mapping propaganda

Signs, signs, every where a sign. Cool project.

I was just thinking the other day that The City (My The City) needed another church

Been seeing these billboards about town that have in big letters the words Help Fight Religiously Transmitted Diseases. But any info telling me who they are appears in small print or his covered by another sign so I had no idea who they were. Finally got around to googling them up. Looks like it’s a new church that takes issue with the culture of other churches:

People outside of the church have described the top 5 characteristics of the church as: judgemental, anti-homosexual, hypocritical, anti-abortion, too political, and irrelevant.

And if you could get them to stop knocking on my door, that’d be good too.

Tula Ammo

Looks like a decent price. Anyone ever use it?

Update: Apparently, it’s pretty much Wolf ammo. Which is fine because my ARs run it.

Million Moderate March

No, not really a million. And probably not really moderate.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

Uncle Pays the Bills

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