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I was just thinking the other day that The City (My The City) needed another church

Been seeing these billboards about town that have in big letters the words Help Fight Religiously Transmitted Diseases. But any info telling me who they are appears in small print or his covered by another sign so I had no idea who they were. Finally got around to googling them up. Looks like it’s a new church that takes issue with the culture of other churches:

People outside of the church have described the top 5 characteristics of the church as: judgemental, anti-homosexual, hypocritical, anti-abortion, too political, and irrelevant.

And if you could get them to stop knocking on my door, that’d be good too.

10 Responses to “I was just thinking the other day that The City (My The City) needed another church”

  1. Ron W Says:

    “People outside of the church have described the top 5 characteristics of the church as: judgemental, anti-homosexual, hypocritical, anti-abortion, too political, and irrelevant.”

    It sounds like “people outside of the church” are also judgemental.

  2. Jeff the Baptist Says:

    Ditto Ron. And political, and hypocritical, and probably irrelevant.

    I also prefer churches that can count to 5 properly. You know, in case they have to use the Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch at some point.

  3. wizardpc Says:

    Ron and Jeff win the internet.

    Ten bucks says this is a UU church. Or it’s a pastor that got kicked from another denomination for doing something against that denomination’s rules.

  4. DirtCrashr Says:

    Apparently they are also into preaching about, “not only recycling, but reducing and reusing.” AND “about how Atlanta is a major hub for international child sex-trafficking.” And ask deeply religious questions in search of social justice, like… “Why do some people have land and others don’t? When humanity started out nobody had control over any of it right?”

    Rilly? I bet they play guitars in Church too.

  5. ericire12 Says:

    Revelation 3:16

  6. JKB Says:

    So are they taking about their church, some other church or is their some all-encompassing church? The statement is very ambiguous.

    Also, “hypocritical”? This church is not critical enough? Is that bad? I know if I go to the doctor and she gives me a choice between an injection with a hypodermic and a hyperdermic needle, I always go hypodermic. The alternative is too big to contemplate although it could be topical.

  7. Ron W Says:

    I don’t worry about churches, because you can ignore them or walk out of them. I’m much more concerned about those, (some of whom are secularists) who are in government and don’t allow us to ignore them or walk away from them….and have hired guns to enforce their controlling agenda.

  8. John Smith. Says:

    Without all those things it sounds like a rock concert rather then a church.

  9. Brigid Says:

    I got this flier in the mail about a new mega church going into the city that’s closest where I live. Among other items of interest, the music, the sound system, was mentioned “clowns”. Yes, clowns for the kids at church.

    At least I think it was for the kids.

  10. Sigivald Says:

    What’s wrong with being judgmental?

    If you’re not, you’re doing it wrong, religion or not.

    (And, while I’m pretty ambivalent about the issue, I’m not sure I see how a church being anti-abortion is a “problem” as such.

    The reasons for them being so, at least in the Christian tradition, are pretty obvious and unavoidable.

    Sounds like these people are complaining that there’s no Church that lets them just do whatever they feel like without pointing out that maybe some of it might be bad.

    Which, well, kinda makes its approval less meaningful; no standards means your non-judgmental judgments don’t have any weight either.)

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