Archive for June, 2010

June 28, 2010

It’s really no longer sporting

Debunking the Violence Policy Center.

1911 in 357

Coonan announces the return of the Coonan Classic .357 Magnum Automatic Pistol

Every promise has an expiration date

Gitmo staying open indefinitely.


Taxes: Bad for the environment.


Preparation and recipes for tree rat.

Welcome Back

Heartless Libertarian is back from Afghanistan.

No shoot permits

Using Utah’s permit system in Texas. That way, there’s no requirement to qualify.

Gun Porn

All sorts of gun pics

Video: Boberg Arms XR-9S

Weekend Shooty Fun

June 26, 2010

A celebration of civil rights

Happy Heller Day!

June 25, 2010

Security Theater

TSA treating amputees like criminals. TSA treats everyone like criminals. Amputees, more-so it seems.


This is not a real post. If this had been a real post . . .

Lunch Time Jaunt

Went to the Lemongrass in Knoxville a bit ago for some lunch. They have one those fish bowls where you drop in a business card and win dinner for a month or some such. Look whose card was on top:

From Drop Box

You’ll recall her of the ‘racy’ photo non-controversy. I guess I just missed her. Which is probably good, since I don’t know that I could have refrained from making a cowgirl joke. And the Lemongrass has great food and excellent service. It’s a pity I’ll never go there again:

From Drop Box

I’ve never noticed a sign at the Lemongrass in the city (my the city). But I don’t know know if they’re the same owners or not.

CavArms update: sentencing

From arfcom. Looks like fines and probation.

Quote of the Day

Seen at Joe’s:

Conservative: One who admires radicals centuries after they’re dead.

World Cup Haiku

We’re not watching it
Americans hate soccer
Because it’s boring

The nanny state

Ya know what’s going to get people to quit smoking? Banning words on labels. And banning candy cigarettes.

Full faith and credit and gay cooties

Same sex couple gets married out of state. They come to TN. One of them heads to the DMV to get her last name changed*. No problem. They give her the license. Then:

But after she walked out of the building, she says one of the DMV staff members came out to find her. Turpin was already in her car.

Turpin says the lady asked her to return her driver’s license. “She said I had to give that license back. She said they don’t recognize same sex marriages in the state of Tennessee.”

Turpin says when she refused to return her license, state troopers were called. Eventually her license was taken and she was given one with her former name on it.

I’m thinking maybe the employee should have reached that conclusion before issuing the license?

* How do you decide whose name you’re keeping? Just curious. The woman going to the DMV is referred to as a wife. How do you decide that too?

Why are anti-gun activists so violent?

Wishing for the death of their political opponents:

My only hope is that these gun nuts will end up shooting themselves–and each other–and we can finally get some sane gun laws on the books.

Ron Ramsey on Guns


Six hundred thousand people are expected to vote in Tennessee’s Republican primary Aug. 5. There are 317,000 gun carry permit holders in the state. If I get 300,000 of those, I win.

Also, a bit back, I tried to meet Ramsey but he was busy doing the family thing. I blogged about it and he left a comment at the site noting he is the only gubernatorial candidate with a handgun carry permit.

In Memphis

Police chief wants AR-15s. Good. I see the press there didn’t get the memo that when police have ARs, they are no longer “high powered assault rifles” but instead transform into “patrol rifles”.


In Houston.

Like a good neighbor

Neighbors glad homeowner used self defense.

We’re winning

Chicks and guns meme hits a newspaper.

Gun Porn

A brief review and pic of the Comp-Tac Deluxe Pro Competition Kit

Quad stack 5.45 x39 mags

My Shocked Face

Taking medical advice from former Playboy Playmates goes like you think it would?

Via guav

Kagan on Guns

Some senators have concerns.

Photography is not a crime

Especially in your own home:

A homeowner says he was arrested for “illegal photography” when a police sergeant followed him into his own home, and he objected and took the cop’s photo with his cell phone.

Speaking of parks

Remember the idiot who chased a bear with a camera causing the bear to act like a bear and bite? Then the bear was put down for aggression? Yeah, that idiot? He faces a petty charge of “disturbing an animal”. On one hand, good. That guy’s and idiot and should be reminded of it often. On the other, “disturbing an animal” is really a crime?

I prefer Mr. Blasty

The best gun names?

Another park gun discharge

Woman uses gun to scare off deer.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

Uncle Pays the Bills

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