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Speaking of parks

Remember the idiot who chased a bear with a camera causing the bear to act like a bear and bite? Then the bear was put down for aggression? Yeah, that idiot? He faces a petty charge of “disturbing an animal”. On one hand, good. That guy’s and idiot and should be reminded of it often. On the other, “disturbing an animal” is really a crime?

10 Responses to “Speaking of parks”

  1. SebastianWho'llGetHisBlogRunningEventually Says:

    Irritating and encouraging aggressive behavior in predators in the wild is a hazard to others. So, yes. Good.

  2. Captain Holly Says:

    Federal regulations for National Parks. You can’t hunt, harass, chase, disturb an animal without a permit.

    Sounds kinda silly, but most state game laws have the same verbage. You can’t intentionally bother game animals without a proper license, and if you end up killing one like this guy did the State of Tennessee would probably charge you, too.

  3. ericire12 Says:

    Now if you were a future employer and saw a charge of “disturbing an animal” what conclusion would you jump to? đŸ˜‰


  4. ACS Says:

    It makes sense in a protected environment like a park. Too many people getting too close to wild animals over extended periods actually harms them through stress reactions. It interferes with mating, foraging, sleep patterns, etc. Harassing wildlife in its natural environment is an aggressive act.

  5. Rustmeister Says:

    Well, they can’t make a law saying “don’t be stupid”, so….

  6. bwm Says:

    Dude, didn’t you get the memo?

  7. bwm Says:

    Everything is a law now

  8. Jerry Says:

    The Great Smoky Mountain National Park is just that, a National Park. Those things have rules, and those rules are there to protect the people who visit said parks. These rules also protect the flora/fauna that you see when you visit. That way, if you treat the park with the respect it asks for, you might get to return, and see this stuff again. If you chase a bear(i.e. fauna, as in wild animal), with anything, said fauna might get tired of being chased. What will it do? Your guess is as good as mine. It’s guess will probably be better.


  9. comatus Says:

    ACS, twoo. But, I’m a kind of a half-assed farmer here(the old word for that was “rump,” but you won’t get me to bite on “rump farmer”), and you know, too many wild animals getting too close to me has been known to interfere with my own mating, foraging and sleep patterns. So, on my own little national park, I’ve been known to go right after ’em. Not with a camera though: that would be just mean.

  10. straightarrow Says:

    Well, they better stakeout my place, because i have an animal killing spree all planned. Not hunting, not sport, killing. I have reasons that are sufficient to me.

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