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Why are anti-gun activists so violent?

Wishing for the death of their political opponents:

My only hope is that these gun nuts will end up shooting themselves–and each other–and we can finally get some sane gun laws on the books.

4 Responses to “Why are anti-gun activists so violent?”

  1. Rivrdog Says:

    Just watched John Stossel, purported Gallant Knight of the gunosphere, waffle and weasel his way though an interview with Megan Kelley on Fox news. Subject was “do more guns equal more crime (or gun deaths, or gun accidents, or gun oil spills, or whatever).

    I was severely disappointed. I have to believe Stossel is great on a rehearsed gig, but as an interviewee, he sucked. He had almost no stats to support any conclusions.

  2. Huck Says:

    These libs want to rid the world of violent people? It seems to me that they could accomplish that best by committing mass suicide.

    Now I aint wishing harm on them, I’m just pointing out a way for them to accomplish their goal.

  3. straightarrow Says:

    I wish harm on them. I am not shy about stating my animosity for people who constantly try to deny my status as a free human.

  4. RSweeney Says:

    The best causal description I have found for American “liberals” is this: Libs are children who have never grown up.

    While they know they are out-of-control and act impulsively on feelings, they still feel like they know it all, much more than others. They are willing and able to lie to back up this delusion.

    They also think that everyone else is as nuts as they are, and need restraining by a kindly parent figure, which for most libs seems to be the government and the backing elite.

    Libs are teens who haven’t yet made it out of the darkness and into the light.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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