Archive for September, 2007

September 24, 2007

Quote of the day

Tam: Don’t get me started on what the Feds can do to you for misreading a ruler by 1/8″

Folks in their jammies get results

Michael Silence notes that the KPD’s apology to Colt CCO was the biggest story at

Like a forcefield of stupid

Seems there are two places where individual IQs drop by at least 50% and the collective IQ drops by much more: Parking lots and grocery stores. Yes, I went Krogering.

And what if I’m wrong about Giuliani?

Giuliani has stated his recent support for gun rights was due to 9-11. I, and others, have stated they don’t believe his change of heart is real or sincere. What if we’re wrong? What if he really had a legitimate change of heart? It could happen. And it’s a double-edged sword. Sure, we could buy it and he may be full of it and that could damage us. Or, he could be sincere and we’re not buying it. We have to be open to the concept that folks do change their mind and welcome them. Assuming we believe them. Just sayin’.

Rudy does support the Tiahrt amendment.

Assault Weapons Ban Push Returns

The headline reads: Police Chiefs Call For Assault Weapons Ban. The headline should read: Anti-Gun Group Calls For Assault Weapons Ban.

And from a Florida Idiotorial:

More assault weapons are being used in crimes in South Florida, and police are being outgunned by the bad guys.

How many? One or one thousand? Since these weapons that look like assault weapons have historically been used in a fraction of a percent of crimes.

And with each shooting, there is one unmistakable truth — the average person has absolutely no need for an assault rifle.

What’s need got to do with it? The average person doesn’t need a newspaper.

All follows is more PSH and misleading info about politically incorrect self-loading rifles.


Because we all need a turret mounted mini-gun on our cars.

Gun Blogger Rendezvous Update

More stuff for the Rondy. Speaking of, I need to send Mr. C. a check.


Sailorcourt reviews Tales Of The Gun for A&E.

Why are anti-gun activists so violent?

Remember folks, it’s us crazy-assed gun nuts who are all violent and stuff:

It would be pretty difficult to do the kind of damage that was done on Monday at Virginia Tech with a single-engine Cessna. That’s even if I filled the tanks and flew it into a building — say, the one where 60,000 NRA members are gathering in St. Louis for their annual meetings.

Don’t tempt me.

I guess it’s OK since he didn’t advocate shooting them. I suppose if I were violent and did not trust myself, I might be anti-gun too.

September 23, 2007

Objectives of the gun control lobby

Kopel has a look.

September 22, 2007

It’s Giuliani day

He starts to get the second amendment wrong and is saved by the bell.

Oh, that liberal media

What media bias? Oh, that media bias.

More Rudy

metulj: Giuliani says something that corresponds to whatever the group he is talking to wants to hear.

Ayup. Me and metulj don’t agree on much other than bourbon and that Giuliani would be awful. On guns, he says:

I say a Kalashnikov (with proper training) for every man, woman and child no matter their race, creed, ethnicity or class. Let’s see how that shakes out.

Nah, no commie guns please. I’m more an AR kinda guy.

And I’m with Tam. On issues that matter to me, there simply is no difference between a Giuliani and a Hillary or an Obama.

Gun Porn

Here. Because this thread is worthless without pics.

Speaking of training

A police sergeant whose berating of a driver was captured on videotape has been fired.

Aldermen in the town of St. George, a St. Louis suburb, voted 5-0 in a closed meeting Monday to fire Sgt. James Kuehnlein. Notice of the firing was posted Wednesday at City Hall.

Kuehnlein’s attorney, Travis L. Noble, said the officer received a letter Thursday detailing the reasons for his firing. Noble said he would review the letter with Kuehnlein before deciding on a course of action.

KPD has serious training issues

As I wrote in a comment in this post the Knoxville Police Department needs more and better training for its police officers. We expect them to not only enforce the law but to understand the law.

Does this seem like KPD understands the law?

Gun owner receives apology from police chief

Chief’s letter, more training follow officer’s confusion, threat of arrest

Trevor Putnam knew the gun laws. The officer who stopped him didn’t.

“When I told him that I hadn’t done anything, he said he’d find a reason to put me in jail,” said Putnam, 24, who works with guns every day as vice president of Coal Creek Armory in West Knoxville.

“It’s not that I have a problem with police officers. I deal with police officers nationwide from Arizona to Maine every day. But I lost my confidence in a legal right that I knew I had.”

Knoxville police officers will get a refresher course on the state’s gun permit laws after an officer who didn’t know the law stopped, frisked and threatened to arrest Putnam for legally carrying a gun inside a Wal-Mart this summer.

This keeps happening. The question is why?

September 21, 2007

Good question


Even more Giuliani and the NRA

9/11 changed everything.

Speaking of Giuliani

McCain gets some ribbing of him on gun issues:

Republican presidential candidate John McCain lobbed a thinly veiled attack at fellow rival Rudy Giuliani, describing the former mayor’s “devious” attempt with a lawsuit “to bankrupt our great gun manufacturers.”

Giuliani said he preferred to focus on the lion’s share of issues on which he and the National Rifle Association agree.

Sen. McCain, R-Ariz., and the former New York mayor are among several officials speaking Friday at a National Rifle Association conference.

In his prepared speech, McCain refers to a lawsuit by Giuliani and other mayors against the gun industry, to Giuliani’s shifting Second Amendment position and to Giuliani’s use of the term “extremists” in relation to the NRA.

“My friends, gun owners are not extremists; you are the core of modern America,” McCain said in the prepared remarks. “The Second Amendment is unique in the world and at the core of our constitutional freedoms. It guarantees an individual right to keep and bear arms. To argue anything else is to reject the clear meaning of our founding fathers.

“But the clear meaning of the Second Amendment has not stopped those who want to punish firearms owners – and those who make and sell firearms – for the actions of criminals,” McCain said.

He mentioned “a particularly devious effort to use lawsuits to bankrupt our great gun manufacturers.”

“A number of big-city mayors decided it was more important to blame the manufacturers of a legal product than it was to control crime in their own cities,” McCain said.

Meanwhile, McCain on guns.

Update: Talk is cheap.

Don’t Taze Me, Bro!™ Part 2

Yikes. Why do people that are handcuffed try to kick out the window of the cop cruiser? That seems to really piss off the cops.

Am I wrong in thinking this policeman could use a Dale Carnegie course? Ditto for the drunk suspect.

So was this policeman a little trigger happy with the tazer? Or should police have the right to taze suspects multiple times if they do not comply with instructions?

Still more gun porn

Evil Black Rifle Disease.

Update: In other news, the guy that runs that journal was originally thought to be the VT shooter. You know, ’cause he’s Asian and likes guns.

Great moments in pagination


More gun porn

Pocket rifle pics here and here.

H.R. 2640

How ineffectual is the Democrat majority? So ineffectual that they can’t pass a gun bill they want even when the bill has the support of the NRA and the Republicans.

Via Ahab, who notes:

The biggest problem is that Leahy’s amendments to the bill are (in my opinion) a good thing, as they expand on the existing law that allows retired police officers to carry concealed all across the country. The amendments have the full support of the Fraternal Order of Police.



Counter point.

Update: Bitter says no pass for Giuliani:

I was talking to Cam Edwards last night, and we discussed the fact that Giuliani would be trying to win over NRA on the same day that the lawsuit he filed would be in court.

Gun Porn

Marlin Golden 39-A lever action rifle

Results – follow up

Colt CCO reports:

And then upon, reading it, discovered that they failed to address two of the four items made in my complaint, the immediate physical handling of myself by the officer, and his subsequent claim that he would find a reason for me to go to jail that night, even though the letter states that they have both the audio and visual recordings of the incident. So, I decided that since they had utterly failed to address these issues, it was a screened, partial, obscured resolution.

He also notes:

My girlfriend and I gave an interview to the Knox News Sentinel today, regarding the incomplete nature of the KPD’s response, and the reporter heading the story will be examining the file and the tapes for himself tomorrow(Friday).

New Blog

I’ve been alerted that the WKRN General Manager Gwen Kinsey has a blog. I wonder if this means that AC will get his dudes back?

The Series Continues

Ten things to know about Concealed Carry Permitholders (#4)

Ten things to know about Concealed Carry Permitholders (#5)

See what I mean about liberals and guns?

Via jon.

More Triangle Of Death


Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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