Archive for June, 2004

June 20, 2004

Early Warning System

Politically Incorrect Dog is amazing at detecting poopy diapers. Sometimes, even before they happen or, rather, as they happen.

Say hi to your cousin

your cousin

I did pretty good.

June 19, 2004

Lesbian Comic Strip

I forgot how I found out about it, but for a few years I’ve been reading a strip called Dykes To Watch Out For. Although lately it’s almost insufferably anti-Bush—I think it was funnier when Clinton was in office—I still find it fairly amusing.

If you’re inclined, check out some of the archives.

Michael Moore Is a Lying Piece of Filth

But we knew that already, didn’t we?

You have a cousin now

Baby girl, Six pounds, nine oz. 18.5 inches long. Perfect health. Couldn’t be happier. Mrs. is doing well. Me, I’m the most tired I’ve ever been and it’s not like a I gave birth or anything.

Updates later, after I sleep some.

June 18, 2004

Speaking of Floyd

I think another Floyd tune comes to mind:

“Have a Cigar!”

A biiiiiig cigar!

June 17, 2004

Light Blogging Warning

Blogging may be light for the next 18 to 22 years.

Update: It will be tomorrow but busy, busy.

Tragedy of errors, indeed

Barry gives us the play by play about what happened and when it happened on 9/11. Yes, I’d say it is chilling.

Goal posts? What goal posts?

In light of all the allegations of goal post moving, I present exactly how they moved (based on a comment I left for Tom):

The left:

First claim: Iraq had no connection to terror. I’m sorry what?

Revised claim: In that case, Iraq had no connection with al Qaeda, they’re secular, ya know. Oh, they do?

Last revision, we promise: Saddam’s regime had no connection with al Qaeda. They met? Are you kidding me?

Ok, here it is for real: Saddam himself had no connection with al Qaeda. Oh, except that one time at band camp, maybe.

Ok really we mean it now, last revision: Saddam himself had no significant connection with al Qaeda.

Yeah, that’s it.

The right:

Assertion one: Saddam and Bin Laden were gay lovers bent on destroying the world together. What do you mean no one will buy that?

Assertion two: Saddam was harboring terrorists.

Assertion three: Iraqi officials met with al Qaeda for some reason.

Assertion four: Saddam wasn’t really harboring them so much as just kind of letting them run willy-nilly through his country, while looking the other way. I think he may have sent them a nice fruit basket once.

Assertion five: We mean it this time, there were numerous contacts between Saddam and al Qaeda.

Rex is back

After getting wiped out in the nonsense, Rex Hammock has returned with spiffier digs. Adjust blogrolls accordingly.

Pentagon Ticket Scandal Update

A while back, I told you about the Pentagon spending $100M on plane tickets it never used. Well, CAGW blog has an update:

According to a recent GAO discovery, the Department of Defense threw away $100 million on partially used, totally unused, and fraudulently purchased airline tickets. This is partially because DoD has a week travel voucher system that some say amounts to an “Honors System” similar to the one at my grade school. A prime example is the really smart DoD employee who purchased about 70 airline tickets costing upwards of $60,000. Lucky for him, this guy did not have anywhere to travel and he did not suffer easily from a guilty conscience so he sold the tickets to friends and family at a discounted value, in essence, selling their tax dollars back to them.

When you set up a system where no one is accountable for anything, you can expect this stuff.


This new UI is pretty slick. Just for kicks, I’m going to post a quiz for our readers. See if you can identify this building:

Just to be clear, I’m not asking for the name. Just tell me where you might have seen it before.

So, this is a joke, right?

The Brady Campaign has issued a press release saying that James and Sarah are personally offended by the NRA’s comments about Reagan. Well, Mr. and Mrs. Brady, I am personally offended that your goal in life is to infringe on the rights of millions of law-abiding Americans.

Today’s Funny

John Kerry–the Man from Mope. I couldn’t read passed that line, it was too funny.

Names & Such

Should have written this sooner for the benefit of Les Jones, but when it comes to baby names my advice is to keep the names you’re pondering to yourself. When you start telling people what you’re thinking about for names, they all have a story. When we came up with names at first and would mention it to people, they would say things like (and I am not making any of this up):

  • That so-and-so’s dog’s name – Huh? You tell someone who has put a lot of thought into a name that your first thought is someone has a dog named that.
  • Hey, that’s that porn starlet’s name – Are you kidding me? That’s probably worse than comparing her to a dog. And that one came from my dad.
  • Oh, that’s your distant cousin’s name whom you never met, you know, the one serving 10 – 15 for armed robbery – Groan
  • Like that girl on that show that nobody can stand? – Yes, I named my child after an annoying sitcom character.

    Take my advice, if you really like a name, keep it to yourself and surprise everyone with it when they can’t offer any advice. They just have to sit there and smile when it’s permanent.

  • Les has more

    Les has his weekly gun links up.

    Note to Bush Senior

    Think you’re tough? Try again in 21 years.

    Gun round up

    Matt smacks the VPC in the pee pee over their various lies, misrepresentations and inconsistencies. Nothing new for the VPC.

    If you thought the media were fear-mongering reactionaries about guns, have you read what they say about swords:

    Buying a potentially deadly samurai sword is no big deal on the streets of New York.

    The razor-sharp swords, some of them as long as 4 feet, can be obtained legally in Chinatown – and all over the Internet, too, no questions asked.

    The Daily News bought one yesterday on Mott St. for $150.

    It was a modestly sharp sword with a dragon design and 2-foot blade that sliced through a watermelon like butter.

    And, to show the effects of the Gun Control Act of 1986 (euphemistically called the Firearm Owners Protection Act – signed into law by Reagan), a 71 year old Thompson will be sold to citizen for between $15 – $18,000. A new one (if they still made them) would probably sell for around $900. The proceeds will be used to equip the police department selling the Thompson several M4s.

    Interstate Cameras

    Looks the Tennessee Department of Transportation is going to install interstate cameras to monitor traffic. They assure is It’s not big brother.

    See, if I hadn’t told you . . .

    You probably wouldn’t have noticed that I switched from Moveable Type to WordPress. I grew tired of the 45 minute rebuilds, the slow speed of posting, and the slow speed of comments. I am very happy with it.

    Thanks to Kathy Kinsley for doing it for me. It was a very smooth transition. She did an excellent job. If you’re thinking about the change, drop her a line.

    June 16, 2004

    BSL On It’s Way Out

    Looks like Maryland lawmakers are debating a bill to get rid of breed specific legislation and replace it with legislation based on dogs actually being dangerous.

    TV Cop Dramas

    Kevin T. Keith asks Where have you gone, Sheriff Taylor?. Aside from the comparison to Bush, it is quite odd compared to cop shows today. Obviously, Andy Griffith was a sitcom.

    Mark Lancaster Update

    Blake alerts us that the government is appealing the downward departure given to Mark Lancaster. In other words, the government is not happy he got a light sentence and they want more.

    So, you found the site

    If you’re here, you found it. Have a look around. It don’t cost nothing. Leave a comment or ping something. Gotta check out the bugs.

    On cool gun toys

    One word: Sweet!


    The VPC, JTO, the Brady Bunch and all these other anti-gun organizations like to drag out their token politician err police chief who says he supports gun control this and that. TriggerFinger tells us that:

    Gun Control: With regard to private citizens owning firearms for sport or self-defense, 94 percent of the respondents supported civilian gun-ownership rights. Ninety-six percent of the police chiefs and sheriffs believe criminals obtain firearms from illegal sources and 91 percent revealed they hadn’t arrested anyone for violation of the so-called “waiting period” laws. When asked if they opposed citizens obtaining concealed-weapons permits, only 34 percent said yes.

    On a roll

    The geek seems to be blogging more lately. I suppose he’s settled after the move. Lots of good stuff, just go there and read.

    Stop saying that

    Seriously, someone inform Michelle Malkin that (at least in the blogosphere) the phrase Jumped the shark has jumped the shark.

    Oh, and since I hadn’t mentioned it, Michelle Malkin has a blog.

    I’m sure it’s all completely unrelated

    The KNS has an article by Georgiana Vines about the recent flurry of emails and releases by both Jamie Hagood and Billy Stokes:

    A recent flurry of e-mails and press releases shows the intensity of the state Senate 6th District campaign between state Rep. Jamie Hagood and lawyer Billy Stokes in their efforts to succeed retiring Ben Atchley.

    The e-mails include one purportedly from County Mayor Mike Ragsdale that he says he did not send.

    The e-mail using his official Knox County address asks to be removed from a list that invited recipients to a reception for Hagood. “I don’t want emails (sic) about jamie (sic),” the e-mail said.

    “We’re trying to check out who sent it,” Ragsdale said.

    Stokes said he didn’t know who sent it either but said a Web site critical of him had messages with Hagood’s name.

    “I’m certain it wasn’t her. Someone knows what they’re doing,” Stokes said.

    Now, I am certain that they are referring to the now defunct Cas Walker weblog. It has been speculated that Cas was shut down due to an injunction or some such. Cas lost a lot of credibility with the local media (I am told) when he started editing and deleting comments that were left at his site by the people he was blogging about.

    You may also recall when I speculated that local politicians were reading local blogs (and why wouldn’t they?). It turns out that in some cases they are but in some cases there are imposters doing these politicians a disservice by making rather asinine claims. For example, someone alerted me via email that a comment supposedly left by Jamie Hagood over at Cas Walker’s place referred to Jamie admitting to engaging in certain sexual activity. Obviously, the real Jamie Hagood would never say something like that.

    Additionally, here at SayUncle, our activity log reveals that in the past couple of weeks there have been a lot of searches using my internal search function for the phrases Jamie Hagood and Billy Stokes. I guess someone in their camps is checking to see if I’m writing about them.

    There’s trouble abrewin’!

    June 15, 2004

    Golly Bob Howdy

    Just when I think I have that whole smarmy thing down, I read from the master of smarminess.


    Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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