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Goal posts? What goal posts?

In light of all the allegations of goal post moving, I present exactly how they moved (based on a comment I left for Tom):

The left:

First claim: Iraq had no connection to terror. I’m sorry what?

Revised claim: In that case, Iraq had no connection with al Qaeda, they’re secular, ya know. Oh, they do?

Last revision, we promise: Saddam’s regime had no connection with al Qaeda. They met? Are you kidding me?

Ok, here it is for real: Saddam himself had no connection with al Qaeda. Oh, except that one time at band camp, maybe.

Ok really we mean it now, last revision: Saddam himself had no significant connection with al Qaeda.

Yeah, that’s it.

The right:

Assertion one: Saddam and Bin Laden were gay lovers bent on destroying the world together. What do you mean no one will buy that?

Assertion two: Saddam was harboring terrorists.

Assertion three: Iraqi officials met with al Qaeda for some reason.

Assertion four: Saddam wasn’t really harboring them so much as just kind of letting them run willy-nilly through his country, while looking the other way. I think he may have sent them a nice fruit basket once.

Assertion five: We mean it this time, there were numerous contacts between Saddam and al Qaeda.

5 Responses to “Goal posts? What goal posts?”

  1. Thibodeaux Says:

    I think there’s a lot of wanton misuse of terms in this argument at large (not in your post, youre post is good).

    Was Saddam involved in the planning/execution of 9/11? I doubt it, and I’ve never seen anybody seriously claim that.

    Did Saddam have “connections” to Al-Qaeda, such as providing support or training facilities? I think there is some evidence that this might be true, but I’ll admit I don’t know if it’s proof beyond a reasonable doubt.

    Did Saddam support terrorism in general? I think there is no question that he did, since he was paying the families of Palestinian “martyrs.”

    Whether that warrants toppling him or not is obviously a topic of heated debate. As for myself, I think we ought to consider ourselves to be fighting Islamic terrorism in general, and not just specifically Al Qaeda.

  2. tgirsch Says:

    I think that the phrase “moved the goal posts” has officially “jumped the shark.” 🙂

    By the way, not sure if it’s just my computer, but the comments thing looks really ugly right about now. For starters, I’d suggest turning off justification on this text: “The URI to TrackBack this entry is:”

  3. Michael Says:

    Anyone who’s seen South Park: Bigger, Longer and Uncut knows that Sadaam could not be gay lovers with Osaman, since Sadaam and Satan are a couple. That Satan is one jealous you-know-what and would NEVER allow Sadaam to fool around with Osama behind his back.

  4. OUGryphon Says:

    You’ve got it all wrong. If someone is al qaeda, he’s a terrorist; if he is hamas, he’s a “freedom fighter”. Sadam was only aiding “freedom fighters”. Sheesh, try to get it straight so you don’t embarass yourself…

  5. Thibodeaux Says:

    Aw crap….I didn’t get the memo!

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