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Dems and guns

Sunday, September 21st, 2008

Nothing new but a look at Obama’s anti-gun record. Meanwhile, Biden (with an F from NRA) says: ‘I guarantee you, Barack Obama ain’t taking my shotguns, so don’t buy that malarkey,’ Biden said angrily. ‘They’re going to start peddling that to you.’ ‘I got two, if he tries to fool with my Beretta, he’s got […]

Democrats and Guns

Tuesday, September 16th, 2008

Some say the party is over: Breaking up is so hard to do. Judging from the Democratic Party platform, remarks from presidential nominee Barack Obama and his selection of anti-gun Sen. Joseph Biden as a running mate, the long, transparent courtship of gun owners by Democrats is over and instead of a goodbye kiss, there […]

Hired guns for me

Tuesday, September 9th, 2008

But not for thee: “What!” Obama exclaimed in mock horror, as the audience laughed. “Hold on a sec. Maybe that home-schooling is all right. One reason I have to win here is so that I’ve got Secret Service around my girls at all times. They carry guns.”

Democrats and guns

Tuesday, September 2nd, 2008

Right Democrat: Despite the increasing presence of Democrats such as Brian Schweitzer, Russ Feingold, Jim Webb, and Bill Richardson who are embracing our Second Amendment rights, it seems that gun policy for the Democratic Party is still being dictated by the likes of the Brady Campaign and the Violence Policy Center instead of by Democrats […]

Liberals and guns

Thursday, July 3rd, 2008

In Philly, an anti-gunner thinks Heller is a good thing. The paper of making up the record says of Heller: But his [Barack Slippery When Wet Obama’s] muted response is also the culmination of a long-developing trend in the national Democratic Party: to tiptoe away from a policy discussion that they believe has caused them […]

Hillary on Barack on Guns

Saturday, May 3rd, 2008

Here’s Hillary’s flyer calling Obama a gun grabber. Pot, this is kettle. Come in. Over.

More guns less condescension!

Monday, April 14th, 2008

R. Neal on the guns in bars bill: Yes, that’s just what we need. More yahoos with more guns in more places. Yes, because everyone with a permit to lawfully carry a firearm is a yahoo. Been writing Obama’s stuff? Anyway, most of our neighbor states have such a provision and no increase in violence […]

Sportsmen for Obama

Thursday, April 10th, 2008

When your record on guns can only hurt you in a national race, what do you do? Create a shill group, of course: Today, our campaign announced the membership of our Pennsylvania Sportsmen and Sportswomen for Obama Steering Committee. Avid hunters and anglers from around the state, the committee members lauded Obama for his understanding […]

Democrats and Guns

Wednesday, March 26th, 2008

In Pennsylvania, it will be a sticky issue for them: Guns are an especially potent issue in Pennsylvania, which is home to 300,000 members of the National Rifle Association — the highest per capita NRA membership in the country, according to Chris Cox, executive director of the NRA’s Institute for Legislative Action. A 2002 Quinnipiac […]

Guns and elections

Monday, March 3rd, 2008

Last week, I noted that the Seattle Post Intelligencer (which is still a stupid name for a newspaper) was lamenting the fact that politicians aren’t talking about gun control. Now, the NYT is getting in on the why, oh, why aren’t politicians doing more to make life harder on gun owners truck: The Democrats Get […]

Obama and Bush

Monday, February 18th, 2008

Via Insty, comes a round up of stuff at TalkLeft on the messiah err Obama on guns. The spin is consistently some variation of he supports the right to arms but also supports reasonable restrictions. No, I’m as gun-nutty as gun nuts get and that’s my position. Only difference is that I’m believable. Obama’s position […]

Democrats and guns

Wednesday, January 16th, 2008

Jeff has the transcripts from their debate. Clinton wants a registry of felons and no pre-emption of local laws by the feds (no one tell her about Heller). So, another registry of felons? How many of these laws need passed to get that? We’ve now had three. And she wants to reinstate her husband’s ban […]

Candidates on guns

Wednesday, December 19th, 2007

From the AP’s candidates on the issues: GUN CONTROL: DEMOCRATS: _Clinton: Voted for ban on assault-type weapons and to require background checks at gun shows. Favored leaving gun-makers and dealers open to civil suits. Also, in 2000 supported proposals for a federal requirement for state-issued photo gun licenses, as well as a national registry for […]

Democrats and guns

Thursday, December 13th, 2007

Why, just last week, Hillary was attacking Obama for not showing up to vote for gun control. This week, she’s attacking him for supporting handgun bans. I have to admit I’m unsure why her campaign devotes time attacking Obama. The guy cannot win. I like Sarcastro’s Obama Haiku. Update: Obama disavows the questionnaire. And, from […]

The Pres race and guns

Thursday, March 1st, 2007

Gun control is a big election issue: One-third of voters take issue with a presidential candidate who supports gun control or has been married three times like Rudy Giuliani, a new Time magazine poll shows. The numbers indicate potential potholes for the current Republican front-runner as his bid for president kicks into gear. According to […]

More dems and guns

Monday, October 16th, 2006

When even the Chicago liberal, statist, populist contingent recognized the gun vote, it’s a good thing: But our democracy might work a bit better if we recognized that all of us possess values that are worthy of respect: if liberals at least acknowledged that the recreational hunter feels the same way about his gun as […]

But gun ownership is on the decline, they say

Tuesday, June 19th, 2018

Thanks, Obama: There are more guns than people in the United States

Weaponized government

Wednesday, June 13th, 2018

Barack Obama weaponized the government for use against his political opponents. The IRS, Operation Chokepoint, Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, etc. He was, of course, planning on handing that over to Hillary. Oops. Apparently, weaponizing the government is just what democrats do: Unable to Ban Guns, Lawmakers Want to Weaponize the ATF Against Gun Dealers As […]

Speaking of failing to enforce gun laws

Thursday, November 16th, 2017

Richard Pollock: A June 2016 Justice Department Inspector Generals report revealed that between 2008 and 2015 the U.S. Attorneys office considered prosecuting less than 32 people per year for lying on form 4473, the federal application to buy guns. Seems the lack of enforcement is pretty systemic.

In Fast and Furious News

Thursday, April 13th, 2017

An arrest has been made for the murder of border agent Brian Terry. He was murdered by a gun that the Obama administration let “walk” into Mexico for some reason.

The spoils of fast and furious

Wednesday, March 8th, 2017

Judicial Watch: Obama DOJ Failed to Stop Mexican Cartel Murder of ICE Agent with Smuggled Guns

Will we have two gun salesman of the century?

Tuesday, March 7th, 2017

Obama was first. But if you read the press you’d think liberals were arming themselves in droves because of Trump. Which they may be. Good for them. But I’ve seen this story now about four different times.

Post Trump Gun Slump?

Tuesday, February 7th, 2017

CNN is breathlessly reporting that Trump is bad for the gun industry. The requisite fear that made Obama the gun salesman of the century is no longer there. And a higher up at ATF is coming out against some gun laws and regulations. So, the administration is viewed as pro gun. And, reports CNN, sales […]

The Trumpening

Wednesday, November 9th, 2016

Well, I guess I need a new word for it since it is now past tense. Trumpened? Any way, quite a few reactions I figured I’d comment on. Based on every hippie on facebook and social media, Trump won because everyone is racist, sexist, bigoted, homophobic, and stupid. Well, before the election, they kept saying […]

This is how you government

Thursday, September 29th, 2016

A combination of FBI incompetence, ATF incompetence and state level incompetence lead to people getting guns who should be denied based on background checks: Shortcomings at federal and state agencies allow sales of firearms to people prohibited from buying them, a Justice Department inspector general probe found. The issue became the subject of investigation after […]

Gun salesman of the century

Thursday, June 30th, 2016

You know who makes money off of gun companies? Obama. Indirectly, of course.

Someone needs to fact check the talking points

Monday, June 27th, 2016

A bit back Obama referred to a Glock with “a lot of clips in it”. Now, noted gun expert James Carville: I was in the Marine Corps. I have guns. I grew up rural. Why do I need a 40-clip magazine? A marine would know that’s not how it works.

Gun salesman of the century

Monday, June 27th, 2016

Just under 53K guns sold per day under Obama. But gun ownership is on the decline, they tell me. And if Obama really wants fewer guns on the street, he should resign.

Then why lie?

Saturday, June 4th, 2016

If your case is so strong. And Obama saying he’s never advocated confiscating guns is a bit funny. He’s just endorsed the idea but never said that.

Why are anti-gun activists so violent?

Thursday, March 17th, 2016

At a Moms Demand Action rally: The presence of a gun rights group at the Texas State Capitol during President Obamas visit to the SxSW festival elicited members of Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense to call for gun violence against the group. Among other incitements to violence, Just shoot them all, and Shoot the […]

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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