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Democrats and guns

Right Democrat:

Despite the increasing presence of Democrats such as Brian Schweitzer, Russ Feingold, Jim Webb, and Bill Richardson who are embracing our Second Amendment rights, it seems that gun policy for the Democratic Party is still being dictated by the likes of the Brady Campaign and the Violence Policy Center instead of by Democrats themselves.

Isn’t it time our party found its own voice on gun legislation?

Doesn’t our party deserve better than to be snared by the pitfalls of the past?

I’ve been pointing that out to you guys for years. But you never learn the lesson and that is apparent when you nominate Mr. HopeyChangey and his equally anti-gun VP pick Biden. They like to tell me that Obama isn’t a threat to gun owners but Obama’s recent statements and past actions indicate he’s quite a threat. He was on the board of the Joyce Foundation. You don’t get more anti-gun than that. I wish they’d learn. Like Joe says:

I wish the Democrats would see the light and stop being so divisive on this issue so I could move on to other issues.

One Response to “Democrats and guns”

  1. anon Says:

    “I wish they’d learn.”

    I don’t. If their stupidity on the guns issue keeps them out of office? All the better. Why? Because frankly, they’re just as wrong on damn near everything else. The lack of common sense, and surfeit of victim empathy that guides them in the wrong direction on guns guides them in the wrong direction all across the political battle lines. If the guns issue is what keeps leftists out of power, then all the better for everyone. When nearly half the country will embrace socialist policy simply because it comes wrapped in Obamas feel good empty promises, if the Dems being wrong on one issue, and America waking up and noticing just that one issue keeps them out of office, then I hope they never wake up.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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