Archive for December, 2019

December 12, 2019

They can’t get training at the anti-gun show?

Judge Discovers Gun Safety Groups Dont Offer Gun Safety Classes

Gun “safety” groups care nothing about safety. They care about banning guns. Full stop.

Life in the future

We have missiles that hurl lots of swords at their targets.


Loophole: Laws we don’t like

In another place with strict gun control, there was another shooting. And another case of Sudden Jihad Syndrome. The headline:

FBI warned six months ago about loophole Pensacola shooter used to obtain a gun

The article, of course, is wrong that this is a loophole. It’s the law.


Time Magazine named Greta Thundernag person of the year. Yes, a mentally ill, hypocritical child with no experience at anything and whose only known accomplishment is yelling at people is the person of the year.

I concur that the winner should have been Hong Kong protesters.


Where they have all those gun laws, a couple popped off at the police and then targeted Jewish people. Looking like Tam was right.

Gun Porn

Sexy but needs MOAR GAUGE.

December 10, 2019

The new Glock

Glock teased a big reveal a while back. Speculation is that it is a 22LR.

My sources say that is indeed correct and it is on a G19 frame. We’ll see.

Update: Yep

December 09, 2019

News you can use

A list of how to pronounce gun terms. I’ve been pronouncing Lapua wrong.

Removing SBRs from NFA

There’s a bill to do just that.

How’s that hearing protection act and national reciprocity coming along?

Only the police should have guns

Scene from the recent police shooting in Florida:

Using a family occupied vehicle for cover/concealment. Some firing should occur. But won’t.


So, the Brady Campaign to Remain Relevant has changed its name to Brady United.

Sanctuary county

VA sheriff says hed deputize thousands of citizens to exclude them from state gun bans

Good for him. I mean I don’t think it’s particularly reasonable but unreasonable laws some times require unreasonable solutions.

Surprising no one with a clue

Following legalized campus carry, universities report no increase in violence on their campuses

Why, it’s like the law-abiding aren’t violent or something.

Bloomberg all in on the gun control

Michael Bloomberg rolls out gun control plan, blames politicians for looking ‘the other way’

Bloomberg Fumbles Facts, Laws in Gun-Control Policy Rollout

The Michael Bloomberg Speech He Doesnt Want You To Hear

So, even if you’re pro gun control, will they vote for a boob who regulated the size of sodas and what sorts of oils restaurants can use?

Gun Porn

Pre-Bubbaed AK47

December 05, 2019

Life in the future

A flamethrower for your drone.

Sometimes the future isn’t stupid.

News you can use

Tips for buying your first gun.

I have a much simpler take on it. Buy any Glock (or other black plastic people popper made by Sig, S&W, or H&K) in 9mm that fits you. Buy a case of ammo and a good holster.

Why are anti-gun activists so corrupt?

Another Corrupt Anti-Gun Politician Indicted

This. And also stop dressing like tactical hobos

Dress Around the Gun Needs to Die.

For work, I’m often in T shirts and shorts in the warmer months. In the winter, I wear long sleeve T shirts and jeans. But I’m in construction. And, with the right holster, I can carry a the Zev without issue. I dress a bit nicer for social affairs and can do the same.

Gun Porn

I dunno what those are.

December 04, 2019

The mask slipped

Seems after Bobby Francis went on about taking guns from people who hadn’t misused them, the Democrats are pulling away from the gun control talk. Bobby, you weren’t supposed to say that out loud.

Life in the future

A flying car?

British lesbian couple first to carry baby in both their wombs. Well, OK.

And universal background checks would help

FBI never completes hundreds of thousands of gun checks

Not going quietly

George Zimmerman is suing Trayvon Martin’s family and attorneys for defamation.

But gun ownership is on the decline

The NSSF has some interesting numbers for us:

The estimated total number of firearms in civilian possession from 1986-2018 is 422.9 million, according to data reported in the ATFs Firearms Commerce Report in the United States 2019 report and including the preliminary 2018 Annual Firearms Manufacturing and Exportation Report (AFMER) figures.

17,740,000 Modern Sporting Rifles are in private ownership today. (Those are rookie numbers – Ed.)

More than half (54%) of all rifles produced in 2017 were modern sporting rifles. (much better – Ed.)

I don’t know who this Ed guy is.

Virginia is for gun lovers

A list of second amendment sanctuary counties.

Gun Porn

Girsan MC1911SC Ultimate 2000 Round Challenge

December 03, 2019

Speaking of narwhals

Out of curiosity, I looked it up and those tusks are expensive.

Making the switch (continued)

I avoid public ranges. However, the weather wasn’t cooperating all week and I had to go shoot the Zev. The range was replete with all the stereotypes. To my right, two older fellas sharing a lane and their groups with their 1911s looked like someone was patterning a shot gun. To my left, some guy who had the tactical look was teaching a young lady how to shoot and encouraging her to get the 1911 instead of a black plastic people popper. Sadly, I left my phone in the truck so no pictures. But after my first mag, the lady to the left said “he can shoot”. Seems its a rare tack that a group looks like one hole (though I had a few flyers).

As to the gun, I purchased an additional frame sized like a G19 for carry. Put it on the gun and went shooting:

The gun shoots better than I do, to be sure. I was consistently low by about an inch but the groups were nice. In total, I shot 177 rounds with various ammo that I dumped out of a host of M&P9 mags. So, the ammo was not consistent. In the second to last magazine (a 27 round PMag), I had a failure to eject. This was with rather questionable steel cased ammo and I was intentionally limp-wristing just to see what would happen so I don’t blame the gun.

It’s a fun gun to run.


In VA, there is a bill proposed that, effectively, would ban firearms training:

A person is guilty of unlawful paramilitary activity, punishable as a Class 5 felony if he: 1. Teaches or demonstrates to any other person the use, application, or making of any firearm, explosive, or incendiary device, or technique capable of causing injury or death to persons, knowing or having reason to know or intending that such training will be employed for use in, or in furtherance of, a civil disorder

This goes beyond your average ordinary gun control pipe dreams and is a shot at the culture and education about firearms.

Update: Via Tam and in comments, the third paragraph is new and this seems to target open carry protesters. Here’s the text of the bill.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

Uncle Pays the Bills

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