Archive for June, 2016

June 15, 2016

Mitch McConnell never fails to not disappoint

Says he may be open to gun control.

Gun Porn

BB Machinegun

3.5 pound AR-15

June 14, 2016

The top some number of reasons to own an AR-15

For whenever someone says “why do you need an AR-15?”:

None of your damned business.

What’s “need” got do with anything?

Because I can.

To shoot totalitarians who think they get to determine what I need.

To annoy people like you.

Because fuck you, that’s why.

Standard snark aside, the reason anyone owns any gun is to put holes in things at a distance. If you have a gun for defense, then you have that gun, as Tom Givens said in his training class, to shoot people. Because sometimes, people need to be shot.

The party of smaller government

The state of Tennessee is providing just south of $9M to the failed TeeVee show Nashville.

Does it matter if the shooter used an AR-15?

Or a Sig Sauer MCX? Well, that depends. To the gun banners, no. They want to ban guns. All of them. So, no, to them it doesn’t.

To me, I think it (like the Glock with a lot of clips in it) illustrates that our opponents are simply ignorant about guns.

Meanwhile, from the administration


It appears that one of those weapons he was able to just carry out of the store, an assault rifle, a handgun, a Glock, which had a lot of clips in it. He was apparently required to wait for three days under Florida law.

Whoa, how do I modify one to do that?

Gun control now part of Homeland Security.

Well, yeah

Chris Cox: Gun laws dont deter terrorists

Speaking of stupid things said about AR-15s

Idiot Alan Grayson claims the AR can fire 700 rounds a minute.

Well, his name is appropriate

Some real pansy went out and fired, arguably, one of the easiest to fire rifles around:

The recoil bruised my shoulder. The brass shell casings disoriented me as they flew past my face. The smell of sulfur and destruction made me sick. The explosions loud like a bomb gave me a temporary case of PTSD. For at least an hour after firing the gun just a few times, I was anxious and irritable.

A few other things of note, the Orlando shooter did not use an AR-15. Did he really fire a full auto gun? He says you can buy one in 7 minutes. A full auto in 7 minutes? Sure, Sparky.

And to top it off, he’s afraid of metal and plastic and booms.

Facing the facts

This: There Really is No Policy Solution to Tragedies Like Orlando, and It Can Hurt to Seek One

Gun Porn

Spanish FR-8: the Cetmeton

June 13, 2016

Like you and me, only better

The other biased Washington paper:

The California state Senate voted 28-8 Wednesday to exempt itself from the pointless gun-control laws that apply to the rest of the populace. Legislators apparently think they alone are worthy to pack heat on the streets for personal protection, and the masses ought to wait until the police arrive.


Gun controllers are arguing over ergonomics.

Pre 2004 AR-15s v. post 2004 AR-15s

Tom Brokaw advocates a ban for a gun that doesn’t exist. I mean, if you can’t bother to learn the name, color me skeptical with regard to your ability to know what one is.

After tragedy, more rush to say to hell with due process

Sen. Bob Casey wants to ban gun sales if you’re maybe, kinda, sorta guilty of hate crimes and misdemeanors.

New media term

Yeah, what exactly is a “suicide vest“?

Moms Demand Logic

France is not a developed country.

Good advice

Being a good witness can get you killed

Orlando Round Up

Not here. Here. It mostly seems to be ZOMG BAN ALL THE AR15S



Hillary Clinton says those under FBI scrutiny shouldn’t be able to buy guns. Aside from her complete disregard for due process and civil liberties, it should be pointed out that she’s under FBI scrutiny.

Gun Porn

3D Printed MP5 Lower

June 12, 2016

Shout out

Apparently, one of you guys met my nephew in Florida a week or two ago. He said to say “Hi”.

And that’s why I went with the M&P

Tam is breaking up with her Crimson Trace Light and Laser guards:

Unfortunately, when I switched to the Glock earlier this year, I discovered that the shape of the Glock Lightguard was not as friendly, especially during extended shooting sessions. By the end of the first day of the Contextual Handgun: Armed Parent/Guardian class in Topeka back in April, I had the worst case of “Glock Knuckle” I’ve ever had. I’m not normally susceptible to the malady, but with the addition of the Lightguard, the second knuckle on my shooting hand was slathered in Liquid Skin and wrapped in Bandaids by the end of the class.

I started carrying M&Ps because I really liked the Lasergrip that I shot at Gun Blogger Summer Camp. I liked the laser as both a sight and a training aid (seriously, trying to hold the laser steady while shooting will change your shooting). The laser just fits the M&P. There’s nothing to add bulk and it comes on when I grip the gun. On the Glock, it adds width to the grip. Someone in the industry told me that the way the Lasergrip fit the Glock, that the laser could pivot and lose zero. Never had any experience with that myself but it seems plausible.

And I see no downside to having a small light on the gun, so I like the Lightguard as well. Sure, it’s not the brightest light but there’s no downside I can see to running one (BUT YOU’ll GIVE AWAY YOUR POSITION!!!!11eleven – Ed.). As a side note regarding all the Lumens, I think I may have put too many lumens on my AR. The Streamlight is rather large.

I had almost exclusively Glock pistols before I got turned on to the lights and lasers. But those just don’t work on the Glock. Yet. If Crimson Trace comes out with a laser that replaces the Gen 4 backstraps, then that’d be something to consider.

Democrats and guns

Hillary won’t say the second amendment means what it says.

The DNC platform committee members says no one should own a gun. Video here.

This and the potential for court picks is exactly why I see a lot of my gunnie friends saying they’re going to hold their nose in November and cast a ballot for Trump.

Life in the future

It was supposed to be all flying cars and laser guns. Instead, it’s pictures of food on the internet and sex robots.

There’s derp. And then there’s herpa derp

An actual patent application to use an ax as an AR-15 stock.

Gun Porn

Gettin’ siggy wit it

Sudden Jihad Syndrome

A democrat walks into a gay bar and kills 50 people. He disregarded the fact it was a gun free zone.

He declared his allegiance to ISIS and had previously been investigated by the FBI.

He was also a licensed security guard. Who, no doubt, passed background checks.

But one more gun law ought to do it.

What she said.

June 11, 2016

More astroturf inbound


Retired U.S. Army Gen. David Petraeus, who has long resisted calls to run for political office, is teaming up with retired NASA astronaut Mark Kelly to create a new group urging greater gun control.

The two announced on Friday that they were launching Veterans Coalition for Common Sense to encourage elected leaders to “do more to prevent gun tragedies.” The group will feature veterans from every branch of the military who are urging lawmakers to toughen gun laws, the organization said in a news release.

Well, OK.

As service members, each of us swore an oath to protect our Constitution and the homeland. Now we’re asking our leaders to do more to protect our rights and save lives,” said Kelly, the husband of former Arizona Rep. Gabrielle Giffords and co-founder of Americans for Responsible Solutions, a group that advocates for tougher gun laws.

Oh, you did? I see what an oath means to you.

9th circus: No right to carry a concealed gun

While I was out, the 9th Circuit ruled on Peruta:

“The right of a member of the general public to carry a concealed firearm in public is not, and never has been, protected by the Second Amendment,” the court said in its summary, which can be seen in full here.

“Therefore, because the Second Amendment does not protect in any degree the right to carry concealed firearms in public, any prohibition or restriction a state may choose to impose on concealed carry including a requirement of ‘good cause,’ however defined is necessarily allowed by the Amendment,” it continued.

“There may or may not be a Second Amendment right for a member of the general public to carry a firearm openly in public, but the Supreme Court has not answered that question.”

As is the case in rulings that go against civil rights, the court had to misrepresent some things.

Deadpool gun error

Amazon Video has a neat feature where if you hover over the computer screen, it will give you little tidbits of info about the movie you’re watching. I decided to use this feature while watching Deadpool (which is one of the greatest movies of all time, btw). And this error came up (click to embiggen):

Spoilers after the jump

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Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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