Archive for November, 2015

November 11, 2015

Gun Porn



November 10, 2015

Sloppy seconds

The Brady Campaign to Stay Relevant is happy to get support from mayors. And that worked out so well for the last guy that tried it:

There was a reason Bloomberg deemphasized that effort. Its because Mayors tend to be corrupt, narcissistic, borderline sociopaths who often find themselves in trouble with the law.

This should end well

A city in Michigan has elected the first Muslim majority city council. And it starts with one of the majority saying: Today we show the Polish and everybody else.

That transcript left off what they showed them, which is that we are united.

Ignorance of the law is no excuse to not opine on it

We should keep suppressors banned because James Bond. No, really.

Could have gotten a plastic gun and $2K worth of ammo

The price of a custom 1911

Local news tells you how to get your handgun carry permit

A little hysteria and sensationalism aside, not bad.

The party of smaller government

Haslam pushing for increasing the Tennessee gas tax. Corker has been pushing one at the federal level too.

And TN will have another registry, this time of animal abusers.

Gun Porn

Sunngrd 1909 Pistol

Another 93R

November 09, 2015

Thankful for good range officers

At a local shoot, standing behind the line to watch, when some kid vaguely aware of his surroundings turns around and points his gun right at me and my friend. We both hastily got out of the way of the muzzle. Then, he did it again. I looked at my friend and said, paraphrasing Tam, I guess to get him to stop pointing a gun at me, I might have to point mine at him. Then, a range officer (wearing a TACSOG shirt), and probably noticing me and my friend hitting the deck, stepped up and had words with the young man. The young man then proceeded to do it again. And the RO stepped in and had some more words for him.

I thanked the RO. He did good work.

It was doomed from the start because it was stupid

Maryland scraps ballistic fingerprint program because, after 15 years and millions, it hasn’t had a single success. Ah, government. Keep doing it for 15 years without results because reasons.


Glenn Reynolds: If you care about civil rights for minorities, gun control is not the answer.

Well, OK

What’s wrong with this picture?

Where guns are banned

In socialist utopia, they steal them from the police:

Not even the police are safe in Venezuela. In a country which saw 24,000 murders recorded in 2013 and whose capital city Caracas was runner-up for murder capital of the world, 252 security officers have been killed in the country from January until October this year, in most cases simply because they were carrying something valuable a gun.

Guilty of wrongthink

Bill Ayers wants to indict the NRA

Glock 22LR conversion

Michael Bane has a bit on the Tactical Solutions rig.

Capitalism: an idea so good even socialists like it

So, Bernie Sanders likes to bash uber because they don’t give money to unions and, subsequently, democrats err are unregulated. But he uses them for all of his taxi rides.

Gun Porn

Sweet 93R

Upgraded 22/45 Lite

Franchi SPAS-12

November 06, 2015

Your gun sucks and you’re holding it wrong

Seen on facebook:


Given the hilarity of caliber wars, it made me chuckle.

Well, that would explain why Bill sticks around



This week in derp

Keep the saws away from the trigger guards.

Not sure if trolling or derp:

M1 Carbine Pistol

Coming soon from Inland

Gun Porn

And I got to shoot them:


November 05, 2015

Gun Porn: what the media thinks it is

Some real pants-shitting hysterics:

The next time you are in a grocery or convenience store, check out the magazine aisle. As CBS46 investigative reporter Karyn Greer found out, gun porn appears to be more popular than travel and cooking magazines and in plain sight of impressionable children.

Sexually explicit and tabloid magazines are kept on the top shelves of stores to keep them out of sight of precious young children, but gun magazines are in plain sight and easy reach for anyone to grab and take a peek.

“It just proliferates the spread of guns and glamourizes guns and everything that goes along with it,” said Glenn Sutton.

Gun porn is described as photos of guns that display them in the same carefully posed and lighted manner as the models in traditional pornography. The magazines include glossy covers with sexy young women armed and ready to shoot.

The SJW bringing this up and the reporter treating it as though it’s actually a serious position should be tarred and feathered. But that’s just me. Hell, I’ve been posting “gun porn” several times per week for about 13 years. I think I may have even invented the term. It’s just pictures of guns, idiots.

ETA: A quick count shows just shy of 2,000 posts containing the words gun and porn.

Well, if you educate children on actual gun safety, there will be less blood to dance in

On a school teaching kids the tried and true “stop, don’t touch, tell an adult”, a bedwetter from Moms Demand You Pay Attention to Them:

Its atrocious to put the onus of gun safety onto children this is an adult problem, Hoppe tells Yahoo Parenting. Every gun thats gotten into the hands of a child has first been under the control of an adult. A program that tries to dodge that is disingenuous.

Jennifer Hoppe is a grade A moron. Sure, maybe the guns have been under the control of an adult but that means fuck all to a kid who happens to come across one.

Flash Thunderworks G-19L

The first 1,000 rounds. Glad to see him writing again. Also, I know the guy who worked on the gun. Do recommend.

Here comes the 800lb gorilla

The NRA is stepping in in Tennessee over gun shows at fairgrounds.

The equality argument for gun control

is complete bullshit

Buy the bias

Glenn Reynolds advice to the Koch’s: Buy newspapers.

Well, that’s not an investment with much future return given that, soon, there probably won’t be newspapers. Buy media instead.

Gun Porn

Not sure what it was but it was suppressed and full auto. Never got around to shooting it.


November 04, 2015

Bleg: AIWB and sitting

Been carrying an shield AIWB a bit lately. But driving with it sucks. It’s uncomfortable. Anyway to make it less stabby in the groin? And I figure if I’m in an accident, this combined with the seat belt means broken hip.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

Uncle Pays the Bills

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