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The GOP’s Donald Trump Problem

Over at, a discussion of their plans against him.

My own theory of why they fear him is, maybe, a bit more convoluted. The last two elections, McCain and Romney proved that without the base, you can’t win the election. If Trump were to win, it would prove that you could win without the establishment. And that’s the real fear there.

32 Responses to “The GOP’s Donald Trump Problem”

  1. Roger Says:

    How about the simple fact that the “people” are totally disgusted, pissed off, tired of excuses and did I mention, totally pissed off at the know nothing, do nothing,”establishment” GOP.
    The appearance of the “establishment GOP is naught but dimocrat light. Cave in as soon as Obumbler says “shut down the govt.
    The GOP needs a HUGE HUGE infusion of testosterone, backbone, and basic courage.
    Donald Trump appears to have all of the above in far superior quantities than most of the wishy washy limp d-ck candidates.

  2. Sebastian Says:

    Except that Donald Trump is playing you. He doesn’t really believe any of the shit he’s saying. Granted, this is true of most politicians, it’s just that the more talent bullshit peddlers are the ones who are most successful.

  3. SayUncle Says:

    I’ve realized that politics has nothing to do with having principles. The only two principled men are being run out of the race. I’m just commenting on the horse race.

  4. JTC Says:

    Is this the same GOP that required the candidates to sign a pledge of fealty to the nominee, whomever it may be? Is recognition of irony a lost art?

    More of it here: If “The only two principled men are being run out of the race.” by the base, and the least principled man is being run out by the elites, which are you?

  5. SayUncle Says:

    One of those principled men is a democrat. But not for long

  6. mariner Says:

    Bernie Sanders is principled and forthright. The problem is, his principle is Socialism.

    I once thought Webb was principled, but seeing his behavior as one of Virginia’s U.S. Senators cured me of that. Remember when he let a staffer take the fall for carrying one of his pistols [don’t remember where]?

  7. Metulj Says:

    Wait til HRC doxxes Trump with his ties to the Genoveses and how he sold Fat Tony Salerno to Rudy Giuliani to keep his own ass out of prison over fraud allegations. You can’t shake a stick in New Jersey and not hit someone who doesn’t want to personally kill Donald Trump.

  8. JTC Says:

    So you think BS will go 3P. How about RP?

    Can one sign a pledge, renege, and still be principled?

  9. Heath J Says:

    Enjoy the decline.

    If Trump is the instrument of the RNC’s destruction, why not enjoy the show?

    The Establishment can go do something obscene with itself.

  10. JTC Says:

    And perfesser, is Unc right about BS? I mean, the dem base is to him as the pub base is to The Donald, so why split? I mean, is it the party of the people or of the prog elite?

  11. qmony Says:

    Roger, the first comment has it right.

    If Trump succeeds at 25% of what he has promised so far, that is 100% more than the RINO GOP establishment has done so far.

    BTW Trump is not my first choice Rand is, but he needs to get his sh*t together because he is about to fall out the bottom

  12. rd Says:

    Someone smarter than I explained it to me.

    If the GOP establishment (GOPe) wins, that is good for the GOPe. If the Democrats win, things so on the same, and that is good for the GOPe. If Conservative Republicans win, then things will not go on the same for the GOPe, and that is bad for the GOPe. IOW, If Conservatives win, it is worse for the GOPe than if the Democrats win.

    If Trump wins, it could be a disaster for the GOPe. They will do anything to prevent that, including throwing the election and electing Hillary! or Joe-Joe Biden.

  13. Huck Says:

    “One of those principled men is a democrat.”

    Whoa, wait! A DEMOCRAT with principles? Aint no such thing. For that matter there’s no such thing as ANY politician with principles.

  14. Ron W Says:

    rd, sounds like some of the reasons George Washington warned against “party spirit”.

  15. Metulj Says:

    He’s not right about Bernie Sanders. Most Democrats are going to vote for Clinton. Sanders, while a great guy who actually believes the things he says, unlike Clinton, is more than a novelty act, but is still unelectable. Clinton hasn’t even gotten nasty with Sanders yet and Sanders, true to his word, is not going to play dirty. I met him at an event and he’s 1. not crazy (he’s probably the only sane major politician I have ever met) and 2. not the kind of person who goes back on his word. Sanders will no run a third party candidacy, although, I would like that.

    I despise Hilary Clinton and, when she is nominated, I will actively support any leftist efforts to derail her campaign. I’d rather have a GOP presidency with the moron fest that is the GOP controlled congress dragging us toward civil war than a Clinton fuck fest with global capital.

  16. mike Says:

    The Republicans are running against an unprincipled, disciplined, corrupt, totalitarian revenge machine named Hillary. She makes the mother in The Manchurian Candidate look like a Girl Scout.

    There is nobody running on the Republican side who even appears to want to stop her march to the White House, supported as she is by the entire media, Wall Street, Hollywood, feminists, abused wives and leftists worldwide.

    She will be the nominee of the Democrats, even if she killed babies and ate them raw on-air at the next debate.

    So talk all you want about the Republican primary. It doesn’t matter a hill of beans if Trump, or Carson, or Bush, or Rubio, or Reagan’s ghost is nominated. Hillary is our next president, and the US is doomed.

  17. JTC Says:

    Biden is out, so it’s Hillary. A shame, because the potential for a Sanders nom due to a Clinton/Biden vote split would have been the easy route to an R win; even the party machine PR lackey groups that mike rightly enumerated above and are pure socialist at heart, would be afraid to promote an avowed one as presumptive leader of the world. So the only question now is Hillz v. who?

    So the only question now is Hillz v. who? If she gets in it’s all over including the fat lady singing, and there’s only one way now to avoid insurrection and anarchy (which has its own appeal to some, but most would not really choose that), and that is Trump/Cruz.

    So swallow hard and go for The Donald ya’ll, and just as important, push for Cruz as veep. I like the Doc, he’s polling higher, and he would draw some minority support. But Trump will bail after four and Cruz can and will do the job that I don’t think Carson has the balls for…but maybe Cruz/Carson in 2020? Strong conservatives, and a double draw for some Hispanics and blacks.

    I’ve wished this out loud a few times…could a short Trump reign give Cruz the time to organize and overcome his lack of charisma, and a Cruz/Carson ticket in 2020 give our kids the decade of the 20’s to rival the one we had in the 80’s?

    God, let it be so. And let us all do what we can to help, perchance to give this old Republic one more chance.

  18. Crawler Says:

    Trump reminds me of a line from “The Matrix Reloaded”: “What do men with power [and money] want?” “More Power [and money]!”

    That’s okay with me. If he is anything close to being the anti-Barry/Democrat party GOP politician/outsider, that would be fine with me.

    With Trump enjoying a 32% approval level today, I’d say I’m not alone in my yearning.

  19. Metulj Says:

    He’s not what you think. You are being tricked. He’s so dirty he makes Chris Christie look downright bleached and starched and Christie protected mob bosses. Anybody lusting for Cruz and Carson is nuts as well. The former can’t win outside of the South and the latter is a dip shit who is probably doing the Amen Corner with Bibi Netanyahu’s remarks today. Who would have thought that a sitting Israeli Prime Minister would be a Holocaust denier.

  20. Crawler Says:

    Any candidate that gives the socialist Democrats and the establishment Republicans the “willies” is alright by me.

    With over 94-million Americans not working, record welfare payments, yadda, yadda, yadda,…what’s the worse that can happen if Trump “trumpets” his way into the Oval Office?

    I’m not a Trump fan boy, but what he says definitely resonates with me and apparently many other Americans.

  21. JTC Says:

    The above comment demonstrates better than any of his supporters could one of his Trump’s finest attributes. Not only is he a “problem” for the RINO establishment who have orchestrated spectacular losses and wasted valuable political capital for nearly a decade, but he scares the living piss out of prog/commie/muzzie sympathizers who hate America, capitalism, and individual freedom/responsibility.

    That was a mouthful, and yet I would throw Donnie overboard if it were possible to have a POTUS who is not eligible for the office…Netanyahu. But at least Bibi has done what he can to encourage another heretofore gimmee contingent for the leftist cause, The People of Israel, a very large and very influential bloc indeed.

  22. Metulj Says:

    He denied the Holocaust.

  23. JTC Says:

    Heard you the first time; still a lie. Try an actual quote instead of your muzzie spin.

    Netanyahu said “no-one should deny that Hitler was responsible for the Holocaust”.

    But he spread the blame where the burning desire for the annihilation of all jews did -and does- belong:

    “Hitler didn’t want to exterminate the Jews at the time – he wanted to expel the Jews,” he told the congress.

    “And Haj Amin al-Husseini went to Hitler and said: ‘If you expel them, they’ll all come here.’

    “‘So what should I do with them?’ he [Hitler] asked. He [Husseini] said: ‘Burn them.'”

    Hitler and Nazi perpetrators are dead, gone, defeated. The Muslim Brotherhood in its many guises and its myriad sympathizers everywhere including right here, live and breathe for one goal…kill the jews.

    Netanyahu knows that; so does Trump. And more jews every day wake up from a past that haunts them and rise up against the future that would destroy them, if not by fire this time, then by bombs and knives and poisoning the souls and minds of the true deniers of not the Holocaust of the past, but the one of the future, if they do not recognize and defend and destroy its true architects.

  24. Linoge Says:

    He denied the Holocaust.

    It’s so cute watching a drone repeat a pre-packaged lie on autopilot, as if the more he says it, the less false it becomes.

  25. Metulj Says:

    Not prepackaged. Refuted by conservative Jewish holocaust historians. Signed, Genocide Scholar.

  26. JTC Says:

    No doubt the same holocaust historians who refuted Carson’s statement of fact that some armed jews could have saved themselves just as contemporary ones are doing right now on the streets of Jerusalem.

    You and he are both in fact deniers of historical lessons that are saving modern lives, and more interested in the job security of reciting history than in teaching the lessons of it.

  27. Ron W Says:

    Excerpt from interview of Holocaustand Dachau Survivor, Theodore Haas:

    Q.) Did the camp inmates ever bring up the topic, “If only we were armed before, we would not be here now”?
    A.) “Many, many times. Before Adolph Hitler came to power, there was a black market in firearms, but the German people had been so conditioned to be law abiding, that they would never consider buying an unregistered gun. The German people really believed that only hoodlums own such guns. What fools we were. It truly frightens me to see how the government, media, and some police groups in America are pushing for the same mindset. In my opinion, the people of America had better start asking and demanding answers to some hard questions about firearms ownership, especially if the government does not trust me to own firearms, why or how can the people be expected to trust the government?
    There is no doubt in my mind that millions of lives could have been saved if the people were not “brainwashed” about gun ownership and had been well armed. Hitler’s thugs and goons were not very brave when confronted by a gun. Gun haters always want to forget the Warsaw Ghetto uprising, which is a perfect example of how a ragtag, half starved group of Jews took up 10 handguns and made asses out of the Nazis.”

  28. Linoge Says:


    Then kindly link to exactly where Carson said the Holocaust didn’t happen, Metulj.

    … Of course, you didn’t dispute that it was a lie, just that it was prepackaged. I guess I’ll take that for what it appears.

  29. JTC Says:

    He was referring to the other Ben. Either way, a lie. My included quotes of Ben N. at 23. provide proof of that lie, and I’m sure some exist of Ben C. that would do likewise. I’m also sure that Butterfly won’t provide them.

  30. countertop Says:


    Remember when he let a staffer take the fall for carrying one of his pistols [don’t remember where]?

    He didn’t let his staffer take the fall. It happened in the Senate parking lot as his staffer was walking back into (I believe) the Russell Senate Office building. Webb came out immediately and said the gun was his. Which is why his staffer (who was his chief of staff) got off and the story disappeared after a day.

  31. Phelps Says:

    My view is much, much more cynical. All of the GOPe are in office because they were allowed to hold office. They were allowed, because they are all blackmailable. They’re all lechers, diddlers, closet-cases, alcoholics, junkies, murderers, and multiple combinations of the above.

    Trump, with all his corruption and faults, is not blackmailable. That is why they are terrified of him winning. He’ll be in a spot that lets him see all the blackmail material without being subject to it himself.

  32. Ron W Says:

    Trump is also a nationalist as opposed to the last several globalist administrations who promoted and passed so called ” free trade” agreements to augment globalism, presided over open borders and used and abused our military as the enforcer of the New World Order in illegal, undeclared, unconstitutional wars. It’s all a treasonous agenda. Trump seems to be all in on the 2nd Amendment which also scares the ruling elites since ONLY YOUR ENEMY WANTS YOU DISARMED.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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