Archive for February, 2014

February 19, 2014

Skill or luck?


The Supreme Court may decide whether it’s a federal crime to host a poker game. The legal argument will be that poker is a game of skill and not a game of luck.

Poker is both, honestly. There’s a quite a bit of skill involved in being successful at it. And there’s some luck to it. Ask any one who has ever lost to an unfortunate, low odds draw out. Or a, at the time, unskilled amateur who won the WSOP.

Be interesting to see how the court rules on luck v. skill.

How to hide your tactical sniper rifle


Liberal Gun Club

Interesting organization. A lot of pro-gun folks could turn away lefty gun owners. But the Liberal Gun Club needs to come up with a way or a why to how democrats and their other liberals can further gun rights. And, you know, also to get them to not be openly hostile to those rights.

Painting an AR-15

Tips and a how to. Cool.

Gun Porn

Suppressed Hunter

Cool wooden replicas

February 18, 2014

Kids show Sam and Cat rejects nanny state

My kids watch this horrible show called Sam and Cat. But it had a good moment that made me kind of smile. Some nanny had banned some sort of soda so the kids started making that soda. Then, some nanny finds them making the soda and says they want it banned because people drink to much of it. And it’s not healthy. And they ask the perfectly reasonable question of whether to ban sandwiches because people eat too many of them. Ban sleeping, roller coasters and hugs! And everything.

Not fair to punish everybody because some people can’t control themselves.

You can watch the exchange here (or scroll to 19:04 below):


No true scotswoman

In Scotland, a suit has been won claiming that the police issued Glocks are too big for female officers’ hands and that is sexual discrimination. I shit you not. Why, it’s as though men and women might be differently sized.

And from the layers of editorial oversight department, that’s one interesting looking “Glock” as a stock photo.

TacCon 3MR Trigger Review

From the Military Arms Channel:


Chart showing the percentage of Americans who live in areas where carry is allowed over time.

“Men are failing us”

Well, sure. You’ve been told your whole life you don’t need them. And if I may go on a politically incorrect tear here, I’m guessing that the person in the article is this same person since it’s not exactly a common name. And the suggested links go on about baby daddy and mama drama and so forth. The men may be failing you. But the system, to paraphrase the cap, definitely is.


I did not know that stun guns recorded data. So, what data are they storing?


A while back, I had someone who would know tell me that NRA avoided SBR and suppressor issues because, he said, if your average congressmonkey knew that they weren’t illegal they would work to make them illegal. So, I was surprised and glad to see NRA say this: Michigan: House Committee to Hear Bill to Repeal Ban on Short Barreled Rifles and Shotguns on Thursday


No thanks

Government mandated kill switch on smart phones.

People don’t comply with gun registration

Not just in CT, it’s apparently a trend.

Northern Rockies Machinegun and Cannon Shoot

Looks like fun:

Too late

71% regret voting for Obama.

Gun Porn

Colt Woodsman

AKU-94 Bullpup AK Conversion

Updating the light rifle


February 17, 2014

There is nothing more annoying, nor more pathetic, than a jealous Boston terrier

You may have noticed but the Uncle clan adopted a new doggie. She is part politically incorrect dog and something else. We think. We’re not sure. She’s great. Well-behaved, basic obedience down, crate trained, good with kids and good with other non-snappy animals. Also, she stays off furniture. The only con so far is that she’s not been on a leash much and it shows. It was a constant tug fest, until we got a head collar. I’ve always been a choker fan but those seem to not discourage terriers at all. The head collar avoids the anxiety of tugging on a leash and just turns their head sideways. The other slight issue is that she’s not instantly responsive to commands if distracted by a toy.

Anyway, having gotten a new and very well behaved dog, I’ve realized how badly behaved the Boston his. He jumps on people but not me because I raise my knee up and put him on the ground. But no one else does that. He climbs furniture. He constantly stares at the new dog whenever she’s eating. She puts him in his place when he gets out of line so he’s good for her.

But the other thing he does is sad. He’s insanely jealous. If someone in the family pets the other dog, he shows up. If you call her name, he shows up. If you give her any attention at all, he shows up. I swear, he could be in Indochina and once you said “good girl”, he’s in your lap.

This morning, my alarm went off and I hit snooze. About 5 minutes later I am awakened to something gently stroking my face. I look up and it’s the new dog with her front paws barely on the bed licking my face to wake me. I reach over and pet her and say “hey girl” and instantly there’s a Boston terrier butt in my face. And, as instantly, there is a Boston terrier butt swatted out of my face.

But they get along and his constant jealousy seems to only bother me.

Also, they play constantly which is good for both:

Also, that whole thing about being distracted by toys is seen at the end there.

Quote of the day: Stay in Chicago edition

So, a robber (maybe two, story kind of shifts from one to two) from Chicago decided to go to Gary, Indiana and rob people at a social club. Except that members of the club fired on him. To wit, a local says: We’re in Indiana, they [are] from Illinois, they don’t know people got permits to carry guns, so bang bang, that is what happened

NY is open for business

Roll Tide

I caught that ad while watching TV one day and thought “how about gun makers?” After all, Governor Cuomo told them and anyone who was not a liberal to get out of NY. Anyway, I’m late to the party but Remington is opening up operations in Alabama and with it adding 1,600+ jobs. Cuomo is saying NY is not losing those jobs. I’m betting they will.

I was a bit disappointed since I heard through someone who would know that Remington was considering Tennessee for a long time. Guess that didn’t pan out.

But gun ownership is on the decline – they lied

So, Bloomberg’s rag is running a bit saying that we’ve had enough of guns, going by sales records. CNN goes a bit further with the stupidity saying GUN SALES ARE PLUNGING!

Well, they are leveling off* after record highs since Obama got elected and since Obama danced in the blood of Newtown to call for gun control.

*It’s funny because that chart looks like a middle finger.

Junk science

A coming article in some journal I’ve never heard of purports to show that a repeal of requiring handgun licenses resulted in an immediate spike in gun violence and murders. But wait, there’s more:

The study links the abandonment of the background check to an additional 60 or so murders occurring per year in Missouri between 2008 and 2012.

Well, in MO, there was no abandonment of background checks. Those are still required by federal law. Presumption is flawed. Results useless.

Apparently, this is a thing

Mentioned the policeman who detained and cuffed a firefighter for not moving his truck and instead helping victims. This same thing happened in Knoxville a couple years or so ago:

A Knox County sheriff’s deputy cited the driver of a Rural/Metro firetruck after the firefighter allegedly wouldn’t move his engine out of a lane of traffic at a crash scene on Interstate 75.

Administrators of both agencies contend the incident is isolated, rare and doesn’t reflect the kind of relationship that has developed between its members.

Knox County Sheriff’s Office Patrolman Terry Wright cited Rural/Metro employee Matthew Clift on Tuesday on a charge of failure to obey a lawful order. The disagreement between the men occurred on the southbound lanes of I-75 near the 113 mile marker, which is north of the Emory Road interchange.


Second verse, same as the first

With an election year on the horizon, the democrats need to come up with a fake pro-gun group to con otherwise pro-gun democrats into voting for them. This time, it’s evolve.

The nail gun loophole

We must close it and mandate background checks on them. If it saves one life!

CT paper wants to jail gun owners

Off to the gulags!

The Hartford Piss-ant wants the state police to go through their supposed database of background checks and find anyone who bought a weapon that looks like an assault weapon and go round them up.

Another illegal mayor

Ray Nagin convicted for corruption.

Dunn deal

Just like the Zimmerman case, Stand Your Ground had nothing to do with the Dunn verdict in Florida.

I’m guessing the verdict had a lot more to do with the guy leaving the scene and going home and ordering a pizza instead of calling the police straight away.

Mass Ayoob: The Dunn verdict gives me no heartburn.

Gun Porn

KSG 12-Gauge Suppressor

Winchester 1894

Biathlon Rifles

February 15, 2014

30 magazine clip

Miculek tries to dump one in half a second:

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

Uncle Pays the Bills

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