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30 magazine clip

Miculek tries to dump one in half a second:

5 Responses to “30 magazine clip”

  1. Lyle Says:

    Taking it word for word, I figure a 30 magazine clip is a clip that holds 30 magazines. That’s a lot of magazines, and so it wouldn’t be at all convenient.

    In any a case, firing rates are none of any politician’s business whatsoever.. If want the fastest Minigun in the world it’s my business and no one else’s. Same goes with guns made of exotic materials. Whether or not my guns can be detected by electronic devices is also none of any politician’s business whatsoever.

    So the point is; we have to peel back layer after layer of bull crap, and then hold the bull crapper accountable for his anti-liberty, anti U.S. Constitution bull crap. If a political is arguing from a false premise, as almost all of them do (in this case the false premise was that firing rates are ever any of his legitimate business) then nothing he says is worthy of serious consideration, except at his impeachment hearings.

  2. Mr Evilwrench Says:

    Would a minigun even be an NFA item? It’s not an automatic, after all.

    I know I sure wouldn’t want to be blowing off 300BLK 30 rounds per half second with the thirty caliber magazine clip in my ghost gun, whatever the heck all that is. That shit’s expensive.

  3. nk Says:

    A hand-cranked Gatling gun should not be NFA. A mechanized one would be. As I understand the one-pull-of-the trigger criterion.

  4. B Dubya Says:

    I have heard the fire from the only gun that I know of that will fire over 3000 30mm rounds per minute. It sounds like the hounds of hell. It also has a twin engine jet aircraft built around it; the venerable A-10 Warthog.

  5. mikee Says:

    I’ve never used a shot timer like G.M. does in the video, but I wonder if they are accurate to hundredths of a second, because his exactly equal splits of 0.16, 0.16, 0.16 and 0.16 second made the scientist in me go, “Hmmmmmmm, maybe he really is that damn good at reproducing fast shots, maybe the timer is working at its limits of detection.”

    Looking fro a more experienced shooter to tell me.

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